ClrMamePro v3.133 - 模擬器

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-04-08T11:56

Table of Contents

ClrMamePro v3.133 is released.ClrMamePro is a so-called ROM-manager. With
every new release of MAME a lot has been changed. New gamesets have been
added, some have been removed, etc.

ClrMamePro v3.133 changelog:
* added: introducing 'DIFF SCAN'. A new scan functionality which knows which
sets did change from a previous datfile to the current one and with this
option you will only scan the sets which did change. 'Change' in terms of
important changes which makes a rescan necessary (e.g. a checksum or rom name
change, NOT a description change). When e.g. MAME updates, 99% of all sets
stay the same, there is not really a need to rescan them (unless you changed
them manually). You can now use the diff scan option. It's only selectable if
at least one set differs and not all do differ. This function is robust
against cache-clearing. In the set information window you can use the popup
menu in the tree to show only the changed sets if you're interested in them.
* added: archives in archives ( archives...) are supported now for the
rebuilder. Removing rebuilt files is limited to the root level though.
* added: writing profiler.xml file when you leave cmpro, you can use this xml
for any of your own xslt/html building usage
* misc: updated unrar dlls
* misc: disabled systems are shown in title line set count and stats
* misc: renamed rebuilder logfile reason for skipped files
* misc: standard listinfo and xml dats don't necessarily require a
description tag. In this case, the setname is used as description, too.
* fixed: some line limit detection fixes on xml dat parser (MESS > .137 issue)
* fixed: some wrong stats when using fastscan
* fixed: wrong warning about a not recommmended scan appears rarely for
* fixed: forgot to remove old cache files after dat update


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最近破的FDS GAME--風雲少林拳

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-04-08T01:28
FDS就是紅白機的磁碟機系統, 這是任天堂自己出的, 有些比較年輕的玩家 似乎誤會超任的磁碟機也跟前者一樣是本家出的, 其實那不是...離題了. 這款 遊戲當年幾乎沒什麼印象, 是前幾年Ogi大介紹才知道的, 不過也擺了很久到最 近才破. 骨灰也有一點介紹.. 骨灰: http://boneash. ...

Dolphin 玩隴村正會當

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-04-08T00:10
r5285-x86 版本 作業系統XP SP3 顯卡9800GT 雙核2.93 基本上運行都沒問題 音效OK 記錄OK 搖桿抓得到 玩起來也很順 張數幾乎都是滿的 但就是and#34;偶爾and#34;會當機 當機狀況的話 畫面還在但是完全不動 也不會有什麼error資訊跳出來 就只是卡死 神奇的是模擬 ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-04-08T00:03
補完習,小聊一下XD 「真‧女神轉生」系列遊戲的世界觀設定很有趣、也挺發人省思,雖然每代的時空背景 、發展條件或登場角色都不同,但都有一個共通的地方,就是把整個世界的秩序分為三 個基本原則(混沌、中立與秩序),另外加上「光」與「闇」的分界來歸納所有的人、 事、物。這三個原則與兩個極端屬性基本上沒有所 ...

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