Cinoth Ciano's iDeaS Plugin - 模擬器

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-05-05T23:18

Table of Contents

Cinoth Ciano's iDeaS Plugin is released. It is a audio plugin for Linux and
Windows, Syncro. It is the first release but it works well. Sometimes you
need enable it by the checkbox in the properties page, example when you load
a savestate.

Welcome in my home page. Im developer and I like the emu as iDeaS. Im working
on Microphone and on WiFi Plugins.
Below you can find the Microphone Plugin is the first release but it works
well. Sometimes you need enable it by the checkbox in the properties page,
example when you load a savestate.

Finally Lino release me the Audio's Plugin source, here's my first version.


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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
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