(ZX Spectrum) Spud v0.210 - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-05-05T16:33

Table of Contents


Spud v0.210 is released. Spud is a ZX Spectrum 48k/128k Emulator
written in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 6. Spud can handle
the TZX file format!

Spud v0.210 Changelog:

- ADDED: Spud can now query WoS Infoseek and download game and
associated files.
- ADDED: Spud can now SAVE snapshots in all supported formats.
- ADDED: Soft reset menu option.
- ADDED: ULAplus palette editor.
- ADDED: PC logging.
- ADDED: PC logging for one frame.
- ADDED: Ability to control emulation speed (10% - 1000%).
- ADDED: Colour palette options available.
- ADDED: Tape wobble.
- ADDED: Tape autoload.
- ADDED: Standalone register view dialog box.
- ADDED: Debugger. Breakpoints (No conditional yet).
- ADDED: Debugger. Various Single Step options.
- ADDED: Debugger. Various RUN options.

- FIXED: Due to DirectSound, Spud would crash when loading a game
after have changed rendering method.
- FIXED: Border drawing routines were being called more often than
- FIXED: More obscure bugs in the Z80 core.
- FIXED Lots of little bugs than I can't remember.




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