(Arcade) Raine v0.64.15 - 模擬器

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-03-31T13:02

Table of Contents


RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade
game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is
mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an
experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine
can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are
appearing weekly.

Raine v0.64.15 changelog:

Because someone noticed the fps setting from the game options dialog was not
saved per game and he needed it !

So you need to enable 1st save per game screen settings in video
options, and then the fps setting will be saved with this new 0.64.15, that’
s all there is about it !

There is only a windows binary because I can’t build the debian package
anymore, I used an old laptop for that, and it’s mostly broken now and I had
to update it and it doesn’t use debian anymore, so that’s the end of the
debian packages, sorry ! The source is updated and tagged in git though, so
you can always build from source with enough courage !





All Comments


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2018-03-31T02:06
先講些前言廢話。 最近買了一個樹莓派, 裝上了大陸網友以RetroPie為後端打造的百鍊成鋼版系統, 真的是方便又炫砲, 讓以前沒用過Rom管理軟體的我 看到這般有封面有預覽影片的前端以後大為感動。 除了感動以外,我也開始接觸很多以前沒接觸過的平台和遊戲, 例如Sega系的主機和各式各樣的街機, 在翻FBA ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-03-30T22:54
鋼鉄の騎士 https://imgur.com/1Ye1xea.jpg https://imgur.com/mC4HhSC.jpg https://imgur.com/S2cb4Lv.jpg https://imgur.com/jvCsvMf.jpg https://imgur.com/agz42Mz.jp ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-03-30T10:02
※ 引述《godath (夏夜晚風)》之銘言: : 如題 : 我自己玩最多次的是FC的and#34;雪人兄弟and#34; : 50關時間長度剛剛好,無聊的時候很可以打發時間 : (過年前後我就破關3次了) https://youtu.be/y1jqN3SL5h0 我比較喜歡木匠兄弟,這遊戲跟我哥我妹一起玩能 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-03-29T02:03
因為想說的東西太多了 只好回一篇騙P幣 XD (這傢伙從小玩到大的......別人如果是電視兒童 那我大概是電玩兒童吧) ACT類 這我想不用多說了 重疊率應該跟這邊的很高......XD 洛克人系列 AC吞食天地2 SFC超級忍者龜 高橋名人冒險島 越南大戰 魂斗羅 等等族繁不及被宰 (你沒看錯 真的是被 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-03-28T20:47
ウォーリーをさがせ!絵本の国の大冒険 https://imgur.com/7aGlgYQ.jpg https://imgur.com/k0YWW4b.jpg https://imgur.com/K7aGEpA.jpg 本作是1993年TOMY發售的動作解謎遊戲 原作是來自於1987年由英國插畫家Marti ...