(Arcade) NAOMI Test 12/2 - 模擬器

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-02-22T11:55

Table of Contents


This is just a few tweaks and changes added to the old T12 core - I'm
still working on new version and that's not yet ready. The reason I'm
releasing T12/2 is the addition of code, written by Andreas Naive, that
allows run-time M2/M3 decryption of NAOMI carts without having to rely
on trojaned out protection data.

Once the game key is obtained for a given cart - and this is done with
another trojan and some smart analysis (Andreas approach) or brute
forcing (cough) - all data can be derived directly from the encrypted

I've added a simple ZIP handler and now you can load some of MAME games:
"Capcom vs. SNK", "Cosmic Smash", "Gun Spike" / "Cannon Spike", "Dead or
Alive 2" / "Dead or Alive 2 Millenium", "Giga Wing 2", "Giant Gram 2000",
"Heavy Metal Geomatrix", "Marvel vs Capcom 2", "Moero Justice Gakuen" /
"Project Justice", "Power Stone", "Power Stone 2", "Toy Figher", "Virtua
Tennis", "WWF Royal Rumble".
More MAME images will be supported in future.

Some titles still need the protection data to be present because M1 and
compressed M2/M3 variants are not yet supported by the decoder. You will
get a nice error message if any required files are missing :)

Oh, the decoder works only for MAME images at this point. The plain images
will need some game detection code to properly set the keys.



谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


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