(Apricot) QDAE v0.0.5 - 模擬器

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-12-15T11:41

Table of Contents



   Linux、Windows與MacOS X等平台。

   Apricot ?


Features wholly or partly implemented are:

- Emulates the 8086 processor (using the CPU emulation from GDE).
- Emulates the infrared keyboard and mouse well enough to boot DOS
and use GEM.
- Emulates the screen (using SDL).
- Emulates the floppy drives (using LibDsk).
- Emulates the support chipset (Z80-CTC, Z80-SIO, i8089, i8253,
i8259) well enough to boot.

Features not implemented are:

- The Winchester disk (hard drive).
- Serial ports.
- Speech input.

QDAE v0.0.5 Changelog:

- Added support for Portable (FP).
- Added Centronics port for all models.
- Added support for the instruction JMCNE 8089 and reading
multi-sectors of the floppy disk controller, allowing the
start of apr00299.dsk.


   You will need to have SDL installed to compile QDAE:



All Comments


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-12-14T13:47
: 推 EDGE: 推這篇超專業!我也很好奇SFC的遊戲代碼是如何取的… 12/14 12:04 wiki有提到一點點 http://tinyurl.com/2v8jsf 型番はSHVC-001(SHVCはSuper Home Video Computerの略) 北美 SNS、歐洲 SNS ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-12-14T12:41
很久之前下載了月下的美版及日版 美版玩得好好的沒有問題 因為之前抓到了一個提升遊戲難度的patch檔 有看別人玩過,感覺改得不錯 而此patch檔只能跟日版iso相容,所以要用日版再玩一次 但是問題來了,當我玩日版月下時只有音效,沒有背景音樂 試過了版上之文章說的透過模擬器聲音選項調整 但是沒有 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-12-14T03:10
這是前面貼過那個瘋狂的大陸MD FANS寫的 因為我就是下面文中那個說and#34;太困難的台灣朋友and#34;(遮臉) 想想自己好像南海和尚的故事,把它貼出來給大家看看豆知識。 玩過MD的朋友,都知道MD日版卡帶的背脊上有一串字母數位組成的序列,比如G-4002、 T-22043之類,不知道哪位想過它 ...

巴哈姆特 sega 專訪

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-12-14T02:11
http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/60444.html 看到SEGA的電玩歷史, 彷彿也看到了自己小時候... APPLE II--玩個GAME要先讀錄音帶好幾分鐘 GAME WATCH--小學遠足時最搶手的東西 紅白機--存了好久的零用錢才買到, 那魔界村還是跟同學借的, 沒幾天 ...

MAME Wii 1.0

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-12-13T23:18
http://code.google.com/p/sdl-mame-wii/ Multiple arcade machines emulator for Nintendo Wii has been updated. Changes: - Rewritten frontend code entirely, n ...