(Apple I/II) Virtual ][ v8.6 - 模擬器

By Harry
at 2018-10-16T12:15
at 2018-10-16T12:15
Table of Contents
The Apple II emulator Virtual ][ for OS X has been updated. OS Elapitan
10.11 or higher is required.
What's new in version 8.6
- Added a keyboard shortcut to enter and exit full screen.
- The Inspector's instruction trail now also shows the processor cycle count
at the start of each instruction.
- The instruction trail can now be saved as a tab-separated text file.
- Increased the maximum capacity of the instruction trail to 9999999
instructions (a tenfold increase). This is enough to capture roughly 35 to
40 seconds of CPU activity at regular speed. Be aware that saving such a
large trail takes some time and results in a big file!
- When ejecting a diskette, the disk image was always saved, even if the disk
had not been modified. This bug was introduced recently, and has now been
corrected; a disk image is only saved if the disk contents have acually been
- ProDOS disk images with a ".po" filename extension and a size of 800 KB (or
larger) can now be mounted as an OmniDisk, and are also processed by the
- Spotlight importer.
- Disk images with a .nib extension now show up in the disk search window as
"custom file system".
- Fixed an issue in the SCSI card emulation that could corrupt the "screenhole"
memory locations in auxiliary memory, whereas it should have used main
memory. In the revised ROM code the screen hole memory isn't used anymore at
- If a USB or Bluetooth game controller is connected, the option to use the
keyboard arrows as a joystick is now disabled. It appeared that the latter
option could corrupt the values received from the game controller (even
without touching the arrow keys).
- Powering up a virtual machine with an OmniDisk resulted in a boot failure if
a higher numbered slot contained a card with expansion ROM. This now works as
it should.
- Changed built-in web links from http to https (for servers that support
The Apple II emulator Virtual ][ for OS X has been updated. OS Elapitan
10.11 or higher is required.
What's new in version 8.6
- Added a keyboard shortcut to enter and exit full screen.
- The Inspector's instruction trail now also shows the processor cycle count
at the start of each instruction.
- The instruction trail can now be saved as a tab-separated text file.
- Increased the maximum capacity of the instruction trail to 9999999
instructions (a tenfold increase). This is enough to capture roughly 35 to
40 seconds of CPU activity at regular speed. Be aware that saving such a
large trail takes some time and results in a big file!
- When ejecting a diskette, the disk image was always saved, even if the disk
had not been modified. This bug was introduced recently, and has now been
corrected; a disk image is only saved if the disk contents have acually been
- ProDOS disk images with a ".po" filename extension and a size of 800 KB (or
larger) can now be mounted as an OmniDisk, and are also processed by the
- Spotlight importer.
- Disk images with a .nib extension now show up in the disk search window as
"custom file system".
- Fixed an issue in the SCSI card emulation that could corrupt the "screenhole"
memory locations in auxiliary memory, whereas it should have used main
memory. In the revised ROM code the screen hole memory isn't used anymore at
- If a USB or Bluetooth game controller is connected, the option to use the
keyboard arrows as a joystick is now disabled. It appeared that the latter
option could corrupt the values received from the game controller (even
without touching the arrow keys).
- Powering up a virtual machine with an OmniDisk resulted in a boot failure if
a higher numbered slot contained a card with expansion ROM. This now works as
it should.
- Changed built-in web links from http to https (for servers that support
All Comments

By Doris
at 2018-10-18T00:40
at 2018-10-18T00:40
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