(AC) GroovyMAME v0.202 / SwitchRes v0.017j - 模擬器

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-10-12T11:48

Table of Contents


GroovyMAME is a multi-system emulator based on MAME (Arcade + Consoles +
Computers) and focuses on CRT (PC or arcade monitor with a particular
frequency) screen rendering because the authors are convinced that CRT
technology is a must when it comes to enjoy emulation in all its splendor.
However GroovyMAME can be used also on LCD screen (mainly on models that
allow a refreshing at custom rates).


Many improvements from Groovy were included in MAME some time ago, making
Groovy obsolete, but new features have been developed in parallel to justify
these new builds.

Note that LiveCDs are also available on the official website.



- Attempt at fixing mode selection issues on LCD monitors caused by a
mismatch where AMD drivers return progressive timings.

Note on version D3D9EX:

- This version includes a Direct3D9Ex patch (also known as Direct3D 9.0L or
9.L, the L referring to Longhorn, code base name of Windows Vista) which
allows to benefit from some features introduced by the use WDDM drivers
while maintaining compatibility with applications written for Direct3D 9.
The Windows Aero interface relies on D3D 9Ex and uses some of the features
not present in Direct3D 9 such as the ability to share DirectX surfaces
between multiple processes.





All Comments

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-10-15T17:35

西遊降魔録 / Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku ALL

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-10-12T09:16
算有一些年代的大型電玩 想問一下這一關前面是不是有bug? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4YM5mr0Zo4 11:19 還有3紅怪 打死1隻後 出現1藍怪 所以還要打1藍2紅 11:45秒 往畫面左方走去 再來 1藍怪 出來 然後其他兩隻紅怪就不見了 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-10-08T20:31
如果說威力手套算體感週邊的話, 以下三個也能算體感週邊吧? 1984 光線銃 https://imgur.com/gmJaUkA.jpg 1986 ファミリートレーナー(Family Trainer)=Power Pad(パワーパッド) https://imgur.com/xXEeTUc.jpg 198 ...

(Glide-Wrapper) dgVoodoo v2.55.4

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2018-10-08T10:52
2018.10.07 dgVoodoo is a glide wrapper but also a DirectDraw / Direct3D wrapper (v3 to 8) to Direct3D11. To simplify greatly, it emulates a 3DFX card that ...


George avatar
By George
at 2018-10-07T20:54
本篇開始正式寫攻略內容。 因為本作持續還有高手在研究,隨時都還會有更新會突破, 目前攻略內容就設定在2018/09這段期間可以看到的為主。 將不同版本,各關卡並列說明,然後裏技/BUG技都編號並在適當關卡時機列出說明。 超級瑪利是一款看玩家動作就知道是初學/中級/高級/非人類的遊戲,可以好好研究。 ═════ ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2018-10-07T19:14
任天堂最早的體感遊戲周邊~威力手套(Power Glove) https://www.cool3c.com/article/105026 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=93iDhnBcMGo# https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MYDuy7wM8Gk# ...