(Apple 2) AppleWin v1.26.2 - 模擬器

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-03-21T09:15

Table of Contents


AppleWin (also known as Apple //e Emulator for Windows) is an open source
software emulator for running Apple II programs in Microsoft Windows.
AppleWin has support for most programs that could run either on the Apple II+
or the Apple IIe. By default, AppleWin emulates the Extended Keyboard IIe
(better known as the Platinum IIe) with built-in 80-column text support, 128
kilobytes of RAM, two 5.25-inch floppy disk drives, a joystick, a serial card
and 65C02 CPU. AppleWin supports lo-res, hi-res, and double hi-res graphics
modes and can emulate both color and monochrome Apple II monitors; later
versions of AppleWin also can emulate a television set used as a monitor.
Both 40-column and 80-column text is supported.

AppleWin can emulate the Apple II joystick (using the PC's default
controller), paddle controllers (using the computer mouse), and can also
emulate the Apple II joystick using the PC keyboard. AppleWin can also use
the PC speaker to emulate the Apple II's sound if no sound card is available
(does not work under NT-based Windows versions). Full screen mode is
available through the use of DirectX. Features added to the latest versions
of AppleWin include Ethernet support using Uthernet, Mockingboard and Phasor
sound card support, SSI263 speech synthesis, hard drive disk images and save


– [Bug #392] Fixes for a2audit.dsk
– [Bug #389] write-protect detection misreporting
– [Bug #386] SSC: Experimental support for 6551’s DTR via -dtr or
-dtr-invert args
– [Bug #383] Enhanced disk speed is very slow when debugger is active
– [Bug #217] Debugger G(o) command should use normal speed
– Debugger: Added new gg command





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(SNES) 請問有可以設定連續技的模擬器嗎?

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-03-20T09:11
請問一下大大有可以設定連續技能的模擬器嗎? 最近懷舊開始玩起超任X-MEN,聽到開頭音樂都流下大叔淚了 但是原來這遊戲這麼難喔,小兵好多好難打 而且手還很不靈活 血量低時根本不記得可以用招式 比方說↓→A 或是 →→A 這種的 但是我看Snes9X 裡面只有連點某一個鈕,不能自己設定巨集 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2017-03-20T00:25
檔案都算蠻大的... 侍魂合集示範影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-6SOs4CC1g Samurai Shodown Anniversary Pc https://warpedzone.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/samu ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-03-18T05:28
尋問一下版上各位高手 我自己想要用BS玩手機遊戲但設定上有點困難 有事先自己上網查如果說要BS接手把用的話 通常都會用到Joytokey或是Xpadder Joytokey我自己試過很多種版本都無效 在記事本測試可以對應到鍵盤 但是開起BS後在遊戲中卻沒反應 不曉得是否可以分享一下該怎麼做呢 先感謝了 - ...

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