(Amiga) WinFellow Alpha v0.5.4 - 模擬器

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-03-17T15:56

Table of Contents


New features:

- re-designed display settings to make use of modern higher resolution
displays more intuitive; instead of configuring a window resolution, scaling
and overscan area can be configured automatically to create a window of the
optimal size and scaling factor; both can also be configured manually to
arrive at frequently window sizes
- support for the Direct3D 11 graphics API; this requires DirectX 11 to be
- on Windows Vista, the platform update KB971644 should be installed, as it
contains required updates to DirectX
- the graphics card has to provide hardware acceleration for Direct3D
- ability to save screenshots to the pictures folder (hit < Print Screen > to
- support for automatic, as well as 3x and 4x scaling, which is useful for
4K/high DPI displays; for the best results, try leaving the scaling at
- very basic serial port/UART emulation; nothing can be connected to the
serial port; this is mostly used for serial debug logging (which is active
only in debug builds of WinFellow), but the port is always being emulated

Bug Fixes:

- improved frame timing to present frames in a more evenly paced manner
- improvements to CIA timer handling
- improvements to CPU instruction timing (TAS and PEA instructions)
- fixed sound volume restoration during reset of Amiga session in Amiga
- improved error handling for DMS floppy image extraction
- fixed minor memory leaks





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