AmpShell v1.1.2.9 - 模擬器

By Jake
at 2010-08-11T23:34
at 2010-08-11T23:34
Table of Contents
AmpShell v1.1.2.9 is released. AmpShell is a DOSBox front-end for Windows and
GNU/Linux (runnable under GNU/Linux if the Mono librairies are installed).
Since it's written in C#, it can run on virtually any machine having the .NET
Framework installed. Windows Vista (or Windows Seven) machines have already
the .NET Framework, and almost all Windows machines have it nowadays. For
GNU/Linux (or even other OSes) users, the Mono librairies have to be
installed. AmpShell has been successfully tested on Windows 98SE, Windows XP,
Windows XP x64 Edition, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and GNU/Linux Ubuntu. It is
free software licensed under the GNU GPL v3.
AmpShell v1.1.2.9 Changelog:
- No more flicker on the games' listview (for example, when resizing the
- The games' images are now displayed in 32 bits per pixel, and up to 256*256
pixels in Large View mode.
- You can choose the size of the games' images for the Large view mode, from
48x48 up to 256x256. It affects all the categories' Large view mode.
Bugfixes :
- mounting a secondary drive (not an image file) without using IOCTL was
- some mount commands made as additionnal commands were wrongly parsed.
Other :
- Lots of code optimization (refactoring). Main.cs is now less than 1900
lines (before, it was close to 3000 lines!). =)
AmpShell v1.1.2.9 is released. AmpShell is a DOSBox front-end for Windows and
GNU/Linux (runnable under GNU/Linux if the Mono librairies are installed).
Since it's written in C#, it can run on virtually any machine having the .NET
Framework installed. Windows Vista (or Windows Seven) machines have already
the .NET Framework, and almost all Windows machines have it nowadays. For
GNU/Linux (or even other OSes) users, the Mono librairies have to be
installed. AmpShell has been successfully tested on Windows 98SE, Windows XP,
Windows XP x64 Edition, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and GNU/Linux Ubuntu. It is
free software licensed under the GNU GPL v3.
AmpShell v1.1.2.9 Changelog:
- No more flicker on the games' listview (for example, when resizing the
- The games' images are now displayed in 32 bits per pixel, and up to 256*256
pixels in Large View mode.
- You can choose the size of the games' images for the Large view mode, from
48x48 up to 256x256. It affects all the categories' Large view mode.
Bugfixes :
- mounting a secondary drive (not an image file) without using IOCTL was
- some mount commands made as additionnal commands were wrongly parsed.
Other :
- Lots of code optimization (refactoring). Main.cs is now less than 1900
lines (before, it was close to 3000 lines!). =)
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