(MSX for Wii) BlueMSX Wii v1.0.2 Final - 模擬器

By Kama
at 2010-08-11T14:56
at 2010-08-11T14:56
Table of Contents
BlueMSX Wii v1.0.2 Final Changelog:
* Updated devkitPPC (R21) and libogc (1.8.3)
* Fixed vertical offset bug on NTSC wiis.
* Fixed glitches in sound playback.
* Improved audio, pause instead of hick on changing disks.
* Reduced average audio lag from 85ms to 21ms, about the same
as video lag now.
* Greatly improved audio frequency stability.
* Fixed issue with button mapping introduced in V1.0.1.
* Gui coordinate fixes, not correctly centered since V1.0.1.
* Small update in build-in gamepack.
* Fixed display problem (black screen) on some Wii's, more
accurate scaling/centering on all Wii's.
* Key mapping of numeric keys does not work
* Feature: Make buttons of different controllers separately mappable
谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
阿 部 鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 森 野 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 荒 木 田 中 將 林 昌 勇
BlueMSX Wii v1.0.2 Final Changelog:
* Updated devkitPPC (R21) and libogc (1.8.3)
* Fixed vertical offset bug on NTSC wiis.
* Fixed glitches in sound playback.
* Improved audio, pause instead of hick on changing disks.
* Reduced average audio lag from 85ms to 21ms, about the same
as video lag now.
* Greatly improved audio frequency stability.
* Fixed issue with button mapping introduced in V1.0.1.
* Gui coordinate fixes, not correctly centered since V1.0.1.
* Small update in build-in gamepack.
* Fixed display problem (black screen) on some Wii's, more
accurate scaling/centering on all Wii's.
* Key mapping of numeric keys does not work
* Feature: Make buttons of different controllers separately mappable
谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
阿 部 鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 森 野 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 荒 木 田 中 將 林 昌 勇
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