(Amiga) WinUAE v4.0.0 Final - 模擬器

By Caroline
at 2018-06-25T19:14
at 2018-06-25T19:14
Table of Contents
WinUAE is the commodore amiga emulator for Windows. WinUAE is a mostly
complete software emulation of the hardware of the Commodore Amiga
500/1000/2000. A Commodore Amiga, for those who don’t know, is a 16/32 bit
computer system based on the Motorola 680×0 CPU and a few specially designed
custom chips that provide very good graphics and sound capabilities. Its
first incarnation, the A1000, appeared in 1985, followed by the highly
successful A500 and A2000 models. WinUAE is a port of the originally written
for Unixish systems UAE; but over time, it seems the Windows port, WinUAE has
become the best version available on any platform. WinUAE is free software:
you are welcome to distribute copies of it and/or modify it, under certain
conditions. There is no warranty of any kind for UAE. For more details
concerning these issues, please read the GNU General Public License, which
describes the terms under which WinUAE is distributed.
New major features:
- Beam Racing Lagless VSync which reduces input latency to sub-5ms. Replaces
old Low Latency VSync. (Use 1-2 slice Lagless VSync to match old Low Latency
VSync behavior)
- Virtual multi monitor support. Each virtual Amiga video output connector
(Video port graphics adapter, RTG boards) can be “connected” to separate
WinUAE window, emulating real hardware being connected to more than one
physical monitor.
- Debugger supports running Amiga executables from shell, adds symbol and gcc
stab debugging data support, loads executable to special reserved address
space which enables detection of any illegal accesses byte accurately and
more. (Details)
- Host mode FPU emulation mode is finally full extended precision (80-bit)
capable. It is also fully JIT compatible.
New other features:
Overlay graphics led (power, floppy etc) support.
- Close confirmation option added to misc panel.
- Default WASAPI audio device automatically follows Windows default audio
- Directory harddrives now use uaehf.device as a fake device driver (replacing
non-existing uae.device), for example programs that query extra information
(like SCSI Inquiry data) now get valid data.
- Directory filesystem harddrive fake block size dynamic adjustment now starts
from smaller disk size, workaround for WB free space calculation overflow
when partition is larger than 16G.
- Harddrive imager now also supports native (mainboard/expansion board) IDE
connected CHS-only drives.
- Disk swapper config file data is restored from statefile.
- Cirrus Logic RTG horizontal doubling support, keeps aspect ratio in
doublescan modes.
- Action Replay II/III state file support improved.
- Windowed mode resize enable/disable option.
- CDTV SCSI and SRAM options moved to Expansions.
3.6.x bug fixes:
- WD33C93 based SCSI controllers hung the system if controller didn’t have any
connected SCSI devices.
- Direct3D11 fullscreen mode didn’t open if monitor was connected to
non-default GPU. (For example laptops with Intel and NVidia GPU with NV GPU
connected to external monitor)
- Direct3D11 fullscreen ALT-TAB refresh problems and other D3D11 fixes.
68030 MMU PLOAD was broken (Caused Amiga Linux crash at boot).
Older bugs fixed:
- On the fly switching from non-cycle exact to cycle-exact mode stopped
emulation in certain situations.
- Fixed E-Matrix accelerator board RAM selection.
- If CD was changed and system was reset during change delay, drive become
empty and new CD was never inserted. Mainly affected CD32 and CDTV.
- Reset when uaescsi.device CD was mounted caused memory corruption/crash in
certain situations.
- Code analyzer warnings fixed (uninitialized variables, buffer size checks
- Old JIT bug fixed: many CPU instructions didn’t set V-flag correctly.
- Inserting or removing USB input device caused crash in some situations.
- Softfloat FPU edge case fixes (FABS, FNEG with infinity, logarithmic
instructions with NaN)
- Decrease/increase emulation speed input events didn’t do anything.
- Toccata audio was not fully closed when reset/reset and caused crash if new
config was loaded and started.
- Removed forgotten, useless and obsolete “The selected screen mode can’t be
displayed in a window, because..” check.
- Fixed WASAPI Exclusive mode audio glitches when paused/unpaused.
- Paula audio volume GUI volume setting was ignored if audio mode was mono.
New emulated expansions:
- C-Ltd Kronos
- CSA Magnum 40
- DCE Typhoon MK2
- GVP A1230 Series II
- Hardital TQM
- MacroSystem Falcon 040
- Xetec FastTrak
WinUAE is the commodore amiga emulator for Windows. WinUAE is a mostly
complete software emulation of the hardware of the Commodore Amiga
500/1000/2000. A Commodore Amiga, for those who don’t know, is a 16/32 bit
computer system based on the Motorola 680×0 CPU and a few specially designed
custom chips that provide very good graphics and sound capabilities. Its
first incarnation, the A1000, appeared in 1985, followed by the highly
successful A500 and A2000 models. WinUAE is a port of the originally written
for Unixish systems UAE; but over time, it seems the Windows port, WinUAE has
become the best version available on any platform. WinUAE is free software:
you are welcome to distribute copies of it and/or modify it, under certain
conditions. There is no warranty of any kind for UAE. For more details
concerning these issues, please read the GNU General Public License, which
describes the terms under which WinUAE is distributed.
New major features:
- Beam Racing Lagless VSync which reduces input latency to sub-5ms. Replaces
old Low Latency VSync. (Use 1-2 slice Lagless VSync to match old Low Latency
VSync behavior)
- Virtual multi monitor support. Each virtual Amiga video output connector
(Video port graphics adapter, RTG boards) can be “connected” to separate
WinUAE window, emulating real hardware being connected to more than one
physical monitor.
- Debugger supports running Amiga executables from shell, adds symbol and gcc
stab debugging data support, loads executable to special reserved address
space which enables detection of any illegal accesses byte accurately and
more. (Details)
- Host mode FPU emulation mode is finally full extended precision (80-bit)
capable. It is also fully JIT compatible.
New other features:
Overlay graphics led (power, floppy etc) support.
- Close confirmation option added to misc panel.
- Default WASAPI audio device automatically follows Windows default audio
- Directory harddrives now use uaehf.device as a fake device driver (replacing
non-existing uae.device), for example programs that query extra information
(like SCSI Inquiry data) now get valid data.
- Directory filesystem harddrive fake block size dynamic adjustment now starts
from smaller disk size, workaround for WB free space calculation overflow
when partition is larger than 16G.
- Harddrive imager now also supports native (mainboard/expansion board) IDE
connected CHS-only drives.
- Disk swapper config file data is restored from statefile.
- Cirrus Logic RTG horizontal doubling support, keeps aspect ratio in
doublescan modes.
- Action Replay II/III state file support improved.
- Windowed mode resize enable/disable option.
- CDTV SCSI and SRAM options moved to Expansions.
3.6.x bug fixes:
- WD33C93 based SCSI controllers hung the system if controller didn’t have any
connected SCSI devices.
- Direct3D11 fullscreen mode didn’t open if monitor was connected to
non-default GPU. (For example laptops with Intel and NVidia GPU with NV GPU
connected to external monitor)
- Direct3D11 fullscreen ALT-TAB refresh problems and other D3D11 fixes.
68030 MMU PLOAD was broken (Caused Amiga Linux crash at boot).
Older bugs fixed:
- On the fly switching from non-cycle exact to cycle-exact mode stopped
emulation in certain situations.
- Fixed E-Matrix accelerator board RAM selection.
- If CD was changed and system was reset during change delay, drive become
empty and new CD was never inserted. Mainly affected CD32 and CDTV.
- Reset when uaescsi.device CD was mounted caused memory corruption/crash in
certain situations.
- Code analyzer warnings fixed (uninitialized variables, buffer size checks
- Old JIT bug fixed: many CPU instructions didn’t set V-flag correctly.
- Inserting or removing USB input device caused crash in some situations.
- Softfloat FPU edge case fixes (FABS, FNEG with infinity, logarithmic
instructions with NaN)
- Decrease/increase emulation speed input events didn’t do anything.
- Toccata audio was not fully closed when reset/reset and caused crash if new
config was loaded and started.
- Removed forgotten, useless and obsolete “The selected screen mode can’t be
displayed in a window, because..” check.
- Fixed WASAPI Exclusive mode audio glitches when paused/unpaused.
- Paula audio volume GUI volume setting was ignored if audio mode was mono.
New emulated expansions:
- C-Ltd Kronos
- CSA Magnum 40
- DCE Typhoon MK2
- GVP A1230 Series II
- Hardital TQM
- MacroSystem Falcon 040
- Xetec FastTrak
All Comments
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