Altirra 2.0 Test 2 - 模擬器

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-05-20T23:36

Table of Contents

Altirra 2.0 Test 2 is released. Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the
Windows/DOS platform. Altirra emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari
computers. This includes the the 800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. It has a lot
of options, and compatibility is decent especially given the emulator's early
stages. It also supports some copy protected games properly in emulation.

Altirra 2.0 Changelog:
Altirra 2.0 Test 1:
[features added]
- UI: Added OS Screen size setting.
- UI: Added support for gzip compressed images (*.gz, *.atz).
- UI: Arrow key behavior is now configurable.
- Debugger: Added command aliases (ac, al, as, a8).
- Debugger: Added watch expression (wx) command.

[bugs fixed]
- ANTIC: Added emulation of bus data displaying at the very right border of a
wide scrolled playfield.
- ANTIC: Improved accuracy of mid scan line changes to HSCROL.
- ANTIC: Fixed phantom DMA data during WSYNC.
- ANTIC: Implemented phantom DMA artifacts along right side of wide playfield.

Altirra 2.0 Test 2:
there was a regression in ANTIC due to a fix that hadn't gone over yet.


All Comments


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-05-20T17:29
第一次實況 有很多地方還在摸索中,用這次機會來做測試 使用模擬器版本 Snes9x v1.51 以兩倍速進行遊戲 沒有意外的話預計20:30擊破索瑪收工 因為沒有麥克風,所以遊戲進行中無法解說 還請多多包涵 - ...

任天堂紅白機遊戲-Lunar Pool

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-05-20T13:24
這陣子找了很多紅白機遊戲來玩, 對這些懷舊遊戲的心得算是蠻多想法想一次寫出來 XD 以前自己玩過的一些紅白機遊戲類型當中, 主要類型是以動作/射擊(像是魂斗羅、1942)為主, 不然就是益智類型的俄羅斯方塊..等, 運動類型的遊戲比較不是筆者常接觸的範圍。 筆者印象中有玩過的運動類型遊戲,除了摩托車障礙賽類 ...

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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-05-20T13:03 NesDS v0.50b is released. NesDS is a public-domain NES emulator for the Nintendo DS. The code was originally writt ...

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Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-05-20T11:58
很久沒有參與板上的討論 亂入一下好了 人家說 行有行規 板有板規 我想到這邊來 先熟悉一下這邊的規則跟生態是比較好的 雖然我不喜歡看到酸文是真的! 但是有幾個重點就是 1.如果說謊 也得要說個大家可以維持住場面的謊 因為你講的謊(就是沒有去查過任何資料)太容易被識破了 2.每個地方都有每個地方 ...