Altirra 1.9 Test 37 - 模擬器

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-05-05T16:48

Table of Contents

Altirra 1.9 Test 37 is released. Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the
Windows/DOS platform. Altirra emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari
computers. This includes the the 800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. It has a lot
of options, and compatibility is decent especially given the emulator's early
stages. It also supports some copy protected games properly in emulation.

Altirra 1.9 Test 37 Changelog:
- Debugger: Added .sdx_loadsyms command.


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(ZX Spectrum) Spud v0.210

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-05-05T16:33
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(StepMania) StepMania SSC v1.2.5

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-05-05T16:28
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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-05-05T14:54
最近看到有版友分享紅白機遊戲的心得,正好之前練習日文時有寫了一些心得文 就將內容再譯並分享一下 ======================== 小時候從電影、漫畫、或者是遊戲中,一聽到「忍者」就感覺超帥氣的吧! 兼具速度與力量、擁有像謎般的神秘感,超有魅力的阿~~ 套句現在的話,「忍者」真是潮翻了。 如 ...

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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-05-05T13:43
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