4.0破解安裝失敗.救助~ - 改機

By Brianna
at 2009-04-12T01:14
at 2009-04-12T01:14
Table of Contents
1)把 rar 包解压 sd
2)用任何 wad manager 安装 ios35(如果失败就是已装)
3)用 HBC 驱动 CMDVDX34 (这会把 ios35 打 trucha 漏洞补丁)
4)最后用 WMIOS35 的 ios35 wad manager 装 cios7.wad
你现在用任何 wad manager 来装 cios249rev9 了,也可以装 iOS downgrader 把那些
trucha 漏洞的游戏从新再玩了
- this archive;
- WiFi connection/LAN Adapter.
- Homebrew Channel pre-installed.
No cIOS required!
1) Unpack the archive linked above.
2) Do a full backup of your SD card on the PC, and DELETE everything from the
3) Copy the apps folder on the SD card.
4) On the Wii, launch the Homebrew Channel and select CMDVDX34, then pick
"Downgrade IOS35", wait for it to end and come back to the menu, then exit.
(If it says "Failed to add title, maybe you already ran this?", find
IOS35-64-v1040.wad from a disk such as Brawl-Mario Kart-WiiFit, or
"elsewhere" and install it using WMIOS35 or a regular Wad Manager, then exit
and continue to follow this guide).
5) Execute downgradehelper.bat in the "PC" folder of the archive, it will
download IOS36 from NUS and patch it to cIOSv9, then pack the WAD.
(alternatively, you can find and use the cios_fix.wad).
6) Copy the cios wad in the wad folder in the SD card.
7) Delete the apps folder on the SD, rename the "apps2" folder included in
the archive to "apps" and copy it to the SD.
8) Launch the Homebrew Channel again, and run WMIOS35.
9) Install ciosv9.wad.
10) Exit again, and run IOSDowngraderv1 from HBC.
11) If you want a System Menu lower than 4.0, use cIOS Downgrader
Thanks to comex for DVDX 3.4, and to WiiPower for providing a version of the
WAD Manager source compatible with the latest devkitPro and libogc.
我用wad manager 安裝了 ios35之後.開始用hbc驅動CMDVDX34
Downgrade IOS35(run first)
PatchMii (run second)
Install DVDx(run third)
我的第一步驟Downgrade IOS35(run first)似乎成功?會跑出很多字....
第2步驟就卡住了,出現了Initalizing network ...... 然後就突然跳脫黑色畫面.回到
想說跳過第2步驟直接到第3步驟:Install DVDx(run third)
"PatchMii install"from the menu when prompted
Initializing network.net_init failed -116
2)用任何 wad manager 安装 ios35(如果失败就是已装)
但是執行:3)用 HBC 驱动 CMDVDX34 (这会把 ios35 打 trucha 漏洞补丁)
的三個選項時.還是會卡在PatchMii (run second)這裡.出現了Initalizing network ...
... 然後就突然跳脫黑色畫面.回到hbc的畫面下....試好幾次都是如此...
1)把 rar 包解压 sd
2)用任何 wad manager 安装 ios35(如果失败就是已装)
3)用 HBC 驱动 CMDVDX34 (这会把 ios35 打 trucha 漏洞补丁)
4)最后用 WMIOS35 的 ios35 wad manager 装 cios7.wad
你现在用任何 wad manager 来装 cios249rev9 了,也可以装 iOS downgrader 把那些
trucha 漏洞的游戏从新再玩了
- this archive;
- WiFi connection/LAN Adapter.
- Homebrew Channel pre-installed.
No cIOS required!
1) Unpack the archive linked above.
2) Do a full backup of your SD card on the PC, and DELETE everything from the
3) Copy the apps folder on the SD card.
4) On the Wii, launch the Homebrew Channel and select CMDVDX34, then pick
"Downgrade IOS35", wait for it to end and come back to the menu, then exit.
(If it says "Failed to add title, maybe you already ran this?", find
IOS35-64-v1040.wad from a disk such as Brawl-Mario Kart-WiiFit, or
"elsewhere" and install it using WMIOS35 or a regular Wad Manager, then exit
and continue to follow this guide).
5) Execute downgradehelper.bat in the "PC" folder of the archive, it will
download IOS36 from NUS and patch it to cIOSv9, then pack the WAD.
(alternatively, you can find and use the cios_fix.wad).
6) Copy the cios wad in the wad folder in the SD card.
7) Delete the apps folder on the SD, rename the "apps2" folder included in
the archive to "apps" and copy it to the SD.
8) Launch the Homebrew Channel again, and run WMIOS35.
9) Install ciosv9.wad.
10) Exit again, and run IOSDowngraderv1 from HBC.
11) If you want a System Menu lower than 4.0, use cIOS Downgrader
Thanks to comex for DVDX 3.4, and to WiiPower for providing a version of the
WAD Manager source compatible with the latest devkitPro and libogc.
我用wad manager 安裝了 ios35之後.開始用hbc驅動CMDVDX34
Downgrade IOS35(run first)
PatchMii (run second)
Install DVDx(run third)
我的第一步驟Downgrade IOS35(run first)似乎成功?會跑出很多字....
第2步驟就卡住了,出現了Initalizing network ...... 然後就突然跳脫黑色畫面.回到
想說跳過第2步驟直接到第3步驟:Install DVDx(run third)
"PatchMii install"from the menu when prompted
Initializing network.net_init failed -116
2)用任何 wad manager 安装 ios35(如果失败就是已装)
但是執行:3)用 HBC 驱动 CMDVDX34 (这会把 ios35 打 trucha 漏洞补丁)
的三個選項時.還是會卡在PatchMii (run second)這裡.出現了Initalizing network ...
... 然後就突然跳脫黑色畫面.回到hbc的畫面下....試好幾次都是如此...
All Comments

By Zora
at 2009-04-16T05:04
at 2009-04-16T05:04

By Sierra Rose
at 2009-04-19T09:16
at 2009-04-19T09:16

By Audriana
at 2009-04-20T01:00
at 2009-04-20T01:00

By Carol
at 2009-04-24T13:55
at 2009-04-24T13:55

By Madame
at 2009-04-29T12:34
at 2009-04-29T12:34

By Cara
at 2009-05-01T18:47
at 2009-05-01T18:47

By Emma
at 2009-05-05T01:34
at 2009-05-05T01:34
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