USB Loader 1.1 mod by Sorg - 改機

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-04-11T17:04

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USB Loader 1.1s (mod v1.11 by Sorg)

Update v1.11:
1) games now can be marked as deleted instead actual remove.
I made this feature because of bug in WBFS (i couldn't find where it is
exactly). If you will remove games and add new one then some of previously
uploaded games will become corrupted. So, if you will just mark game as
deleted, it will disappear from list, but still will occupy space. It will
prevent corruption. With big HDD, this is not a big problem.
2) added options for Video mode setting. It can be "System Default",
"Game Default" or "Patch Game (force system default mode for import games)".
Some PAL games not working before (Naruto Rev2, Gravity), now are working
on my NTSC Wii with 3rd video mode.
3) added option to patch Language. (Make sure that game really has this
4) these two options will be saved in HDD along with game. SD card is not
required. Settings can be changed only in Full version of loader.
Simple version will use these settings but won't able to change.
5) if loader has been started from HBC, then it will return to HBC through
button "Home". Otherwise will return to Wii Menu.
6) Source code has been redesigned very much. I made attempt to convert "basic"
code to object code. Also, converted from C to C++ for easier programming
I've took some code from SoftChip repository as better implementation of
some functions.
7) not important, but loader now can be operated by NGC controller as well.
8) changed graphics in simple version
9) Fixed channel graphics. No more "????" in channel options. 2 versions
included for screens 16x9 and 4x3 (to make disk picture circle).



Tags: 改機

All Comments

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-04-15T04:29
可以用 介面不錯 還會記錄 個別遊戲的設定
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-04-19T00:08
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-04-23T02:11
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-04-26T00:05


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-04-11T12:02
先前的版本是5.00 M33-4 鐵拳5 蛇魔再臨 無雙MR都不能執行 到是朋友的3.XX(忘記了)鐵拳5可以讀 剛剛去升到5.00 M33-6 以上這三個還是會卡在讀取畫面 orz 插件關掉了 ISO MODE也有試過其他的 神奇的是.... 手邊有兩台都是5.00 M33-6 唯獨其 ...

USB Loader 1.1 懶人包及安裝說明

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-04-11T00:47
照r大做法小弟第一次試作成功,真是高興也多了些成就感,果然用usb直讀速度還蠻快的 重點是不用為了測試一直燒錄DVD片,老實說還蠻傷的andgt;andlt;! 分享一下目前測試過的遊戲... 死神:聖戰對決 (Bleach Versus Crusad) 日版 零‧月蝕的假面 (Zero Gesshok ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-04-10T23:12
如題 主機是3.2j + wiikey 1.9s 裝了HBC跟USB loader v1.1 已經可以玩從電腦用wbfs gui傳過去的iso 可是一直無法從USB loader install game 訊息是 [+] Insert the game DVD disc...OK! [+] Openi ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2009-04-10T19:52
有爬過文了,而大部份是用2g卡,所以好像沒有幫助到我的問題 所以希望各位大大能幫我解答 日前購入NDSi 而因為NDSi不能用mp3檔,而我想要看影片和電子書的話 就一定要用備份卡 目前知道NDSi的備份卡有 DSTTi AK2i R4i 我借了DSTTi來用,發現執行速度有時會and#34;del ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-04-10T18:35
※ 引述《TrueAkuma (嘎嘎)》之銘言: : 我在SD卡跟目錄下放了IOS36-64-v1042.wad更新失敗 : 放了IOS37-64-v2070.wad也是失敗 : 記得有訊息是 : Iand#39;m running under IOS34 12.19 : Iand#39;ll config ...