(3DS) Citra Fullscreen Utility - 模擬器

By Damian
at 2017-03-22T19:20
at 2017-03-22T19:20
Table of Contents
Download: http://mashakos.com/citrafs.zip
(your browser might tell you that this is a virus, it is a false positive
because the utility is an exe file compressed within a zip file. Ignore
it. )
On first launch, the utility will ask you for the directory where citra is
located. Once that is done the utility will exit. A file will be created in
the same location as the utility executable, config.ini
Launching CitraFS from now on will run Citra.
Pressing F12 will toggle between fullscreen and windowed.
Download: http://mashakos.com/citrafs.zip
(your browser might tell you that this is a virus, it is a false positive
because the utility is an exe file compressed within a zip file. Ignore
it. )
On first launch, the utility will ask you for the directory where citra is
located. Once that is done the utility will exit. A file will be created in
the same location as the utility executable, config.ini
Launching CitraFS from now on will run Citra.
Pressing F12 will toggle between fullscreen and windowed.
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