1964 SVN r65 - 模擬器

By Sarah
at 2010-04-08T19:28
at 2010-04-08T19:28
Table of Contents
1964 SVN r65 is released.1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one
of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game
compatibility rate.
1964 SVN Changelog
Some random changes
Fix the building.
Try and knock back some of the amount of calculations done to increase speed.
Use daedalusx64's method for vertexes with Wave Racer.
Fix up the Wave Race ucodemap loading so it actually uses its ucodemap not
ucodemap 0.
Remove part of last commit.
Bye bye DirectX 8. :)
1964 SVN r65 is released.1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one
of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game
compatibility rate.
1964 SVN Changelog
Some random changes
Fix the building.
Try and knock back some of the amount of calculations done to increase speed.
Use daedalusx64's method for vertexes with Wave Racer.
Fix up the Wave Race ucodemap loading so it actually uses its ucodemap not
ucodemap 0.
Remove part of last commit.
Bye bye DirectX 8. :)
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