1.0.0 Gameplay video 遊戲畫面 - 流亡黯道

By Selena
at 2013-10-04T16:52
at 2013-10-04T16:52
Table of Contents
※ 引述《croww (agony)》之銘言:
: http://www.gamespot.com/shows/now-playing/?event=path-of-exile-2-20131004
: 我快忍不住了...還有19天!!!
: New Support Gems:
: Cast On Melee Kill(Lv8):
: Supported melee attacks have a 64% chance to cast supported spells on kill.
: You cannot cast supported spells directly.
: Cast When Damage Taken(Lv2):
: 66% reduced spell damage.
: 100% chance to cast supported spells when you take a total of 490 damage.
: Cast When Stunned(Lv3):
: You cannot cast supported spells directly.
: 27% chance to cast supported spells when stunned.
技能標籤只有MELEE, ATTACK 所以大概不能接LMP GMP 難過QQ
SPECTRAL THROW: create a spectral copy of your weapon. It flies out and then
return to you, in a spinning attack that strike enemies in its path.
Deal 70% of base damage
lvl 10: 27% increase physical damage
Animate Guardian: Animates a weapon or armour, attaching it to a invisible
guardian that fight by your side. Animating multiple items attaches them to
the same guardian
lvl 10: can use items requiring up to lvl 49
繼續看影片 持續更新
: http://www.gamespot.com/shows/now-playing/?event=path-of-exile-2-20131004
: 我快忍不住了...還有19天!!!
: New Support Gems:
: Cast On Melee Kill(Lv8):
: Supported melee attacks have a 64% chance to cast supported spells on kill.
: You cannot cast supported spells directly.
: Cast When Damage Taken(Lv2):
: 66% reduced spell damage.
: 100% chance to cast supported spells when you take a total of 490 damage.
: Cast When Stunned(Lv3):
: You cannot cast supported spells directly.
: 27% chance to cast supported spells when stunned.
技能標籤只有MELEE, ATTACK 所以大概不能接LMP GMP 難過QQ
SPECTRAL THROW: create a spectral copy of your weapon. It flies out and then
return to you, in a spinning attack that strike enemies in its path.
Deal 70% of base damage
lvl 10: 27% increase physical damage
Animate Guardian: Animates a weapon or armour, attaching it to a invisible
guardian that fight by your side. Animating multiple items attaches them to
the same guardian
lvl 10: can use items requiring up to lvl 49
繼續看影片 持續更新
All Comments

By Brianna
at 2013-10-05T19:36
at 2013-10-05T19:36

By Victoria
at 2013-10-06T14:19
at 2013-10-06T14:19

By Mason
at 2013-10-06T17:07
at 2013-10-06T17:07

By Harry
at 2013-10-10T10:41
at 2013-10-10T10:41

By Andrew
at 2013-10-14T23:04
at 2013-10-14T23:04

By Ethan
at 2013-10-16T06:38
at 2013-10-16T06:38

By Anonymous
at 2013-10-19T08:21
at 2013-10-19T08:21

By Mia
at 2013-10-24T00:08
at 2013-10-24T00:08

By Aaliyah
at 2013-10-26T13:38
at 2013-10-26T13:38

By Genevieve
at 2013-10-27T15:16
at 2013-10-27T15:16

By Mason
at 2013-10-28T08:58
at 2013-10-28T08:58
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