魔術師的選擇 - 推理遊戲

By Joe
at 2007-02-27T14:47
at 2007-02-27T14:47
Table of Contents
※ 引述《chikuo ()》之銘言:
: 這應該是用人的心理
: 給你選牌時 讓某張牌稍微的突出一點
: 你就會比較想選那張牌
你說的東西用(隱晦一點的)魔術術語來說叫「原力」 (知道的就知道是什麼)
'Oh, Harry, dont't you see?' Hermione breathed. 'If she could have done
one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school
will read your interview, it was banning it!'
---'Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix', P513
: 這應該是用人的心理
: 給你選牌時 讓某張牌稍微的突出一點
: 你就會比較想選那張牌
你說的東西用(隱晦一點的)魔術術語來說叫「原力」 (知道的就知道是什麼)
'Oh, Harry, dont't you see?' Hermione breathed. 'If she could have done
one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school
will read your interview, it was banning it!'
---'Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix', P513
All Comments

By Tracy
at 2007-02-28T22:40
at 2007-02-28T22:40

By Ula
at 2007-03-01T13:02
at 2007-03-01T13:02

By Puput
at 2007-03-01T15:04
at 2007-03-01T15:04
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