重回cs戰場是因為這首歌... - Steam

By Ursula
at 2008-10-22T23:06
at 2008-10-22T23:06
Table of Contents
> 問題來了!!
> 這是誰的歌呀!? 真好聽
> 有鄉民可以介紹歌名嗎??
> ^_^!!
No use for a name 的Dumb Reminders < Hard Rock Bottom(Fat Wreck Chords,2002) >
當時甜咖啡出此CS MV時,一堆CSer 爭相尋找這首歌的來源
(當然,當時還年輕的我也是一員XD,好久了:( 應該有2~3年了?沒記錯的話)
No use for a name 目前應該出9張專輯吧? 標準的 punk 曲風(Skate-Punk)
No use for a name 的近況可以看一下
myspace : http://www.myspace.com/nouseforaname
Artist: No use for a name
Song: Dumb Reminders
Album: Hard Rock Bottom
i heard the message
then i rang it off the hook
i didn’t get you till 1 am
who was wrong and who was right
and this distance caused a fight
now i’m ready to give in
i’d give anything
to be with you
right now
this town is full of dumb reminders
having a good time can’t you tell
hang up the phone and then i come back down
miss you i hope you’re doing well
i’m used to waiting
what’s a voice without a face
i think i’m dying without you here
so i drink myself to sleep
and then i hide beneath the sheet
and i try to disappear
i get up
every single time
cuz you keep me
this town is full of dumb reminders
how far ahead from you in miles
if i could get one time as take it down
maybe then i could see you
this town is full of dumb reminders
having a good time can’t you tell
hang up the phone and then i come back down
miss you i hope you’re doing well
GooD ,拿來當oGc 伺服器候選音樂樂團好了^Q^
話說也是因為看了一堆令人熱血的cs movie ,才讓我開始熱愛 Heavy metal 跟 punk XD
※ 編輯: aarons 來自: (10/22 23:29)
> 這是誰的歌呀!? 真好聽
> 有鄉民可以介紹歌名嗎??
> ^_^!!
No use for a name 的Dumb Reminders < Hard Rock Bottom(Fat Wreck Chords,2002) >
當時甜咖啡出此CS MV時,一堆CSer 爭相尋找這首歌的來源
(當然,當時還年輕的我也是一員XD,好久了:( 應該有2~3年了?沒記錯的話)
No use for a name 目前應該出9張專輯吧? 標準的 punk 曲風(Skate-Punk)
No use for a name 的近況可以看一下
myspace : http://www.myspace.com/nouseforaname
Artist: No use for a name
Song: Dumb Reminders
Album: Hard Rock Bottom
i heard the message
then i rang it off the hook
i didn’t get you till 1 am
who was wrong and who was right
and this distance caused a fight
now i’m ready to give in
i’d give anything
to be with you
right now
this town is full of dumb reminders
having a good time can’t you tell
hang up the phone and then i come back down
miss you i hope you’re doing well
i’m used to waiting
what’s a voice without a face
i think i’m dying without you here
so i drink myself to sleep
and then i hide beneath the sheet
and i try to disappear
i get up
every single time
cuz you keep me
this town is full of dumb reminders
how far ahead from you in miles
if i could get one time as take it down
maybe then i could see you
this town is full of dumb reminders
having a good time can’t you tell
hang up the phone and then i come back down
miss you i hope you’re doing well
GooD ,拿來當oGc 伺服器候選音樂樂團好了^Q^
話說也是因為看了一堆令人熱血的cs movie ,才讓我開始熱愛 Heavy metal 跟 punk XD
※ 編輯: aarons 來自: (10/22 23:29)
推 leoandgrace:感謝分享<(_ _)> 10/22 23:36
推 maayaleaf:我接觸Metal跟cs movie也有點關係... 10/23 02:29
→ aarons:更正!好像不只9張..至少12張XD..資訊太久沒更新了Orz 10/23 19:28
All Comments

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