都是they的錯,不干I的事,you自己要注意 - 改機

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-04-28T00:22

Table of Contents


Sony's T&C's deny responsibility, but ICO suggests otherwise; £500k
fine possible

It has emerged that part of Sony's PSN terms and conditions claim that
the company is not liable for any loss of user data.

"We exclude all liability for loss of data or unauthorised access to
your data, Sony Online Network account or Sony Online Network wallet
and for damage caused to your software or hardware as a result of
using or accessing Sony Online Network," the terms state.
用 PSN服務時有任何硬體或軟體上的損失,本公司概.不.負.責』。(哇咧)

However, speaking to Edge, the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
claims that Sony is accountable to stipulations outlined in the UK
Data Protection Act which says that companies are obligated to keep
users' details secure.
然而, ICO官員表示,根據英國資料保護法,SONY有義務妥善保管使用者的資料

"While we are unable to say where the data is being stored at present,
if it was in the UK, this clause would not free them from their
obligations under the UK Data Protection Act," ICO stated.
"If we found a breach, one of the actions we could take would be to
issue an undertaking, which is an agreement between the ICO and the
company that if they are handling personal information they have to
bring about set improvements in order for them to be compliant with
the act.
SONY在英國資料保護法中所規定的義務」, ICO官員如是說。「倘若我們發現該
而該承諾將會是SONY與 ICO的協議。」

"If the company is not compliant with the act within a certain time
limit, further action would be taken and we might consider an
enforcement notice or issue a monetary penalty.
"For serious breaches of the act, we can issue a monetary penalty up
to £500,000."
「又若該公司無法在承諾期限內改善符合規定的狀況,則 ICO方面可以動用公權


唉……換做是我們這邊還要用個資法去告, NCC那堆官員才不管這種事咧


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Tags: 改機

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-04-30T23:36
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-05-04T19:50
這種單方 顯然對一方不公平的定型化約定
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-05-08T15:20
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-05-12T23:33
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-05-14T21:26

新型防駭PS3 型號

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-04-27T20:48
http://tinyurl.com/63ndah2 從FCC的圖看起來 比目前的 SLIM更小台 由瘦長變為正方形 市售版型號應該是 CECH-300xA/B 希望可以出Pink那我就再買一台 XDD - ...

iso tool使用上問題

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-04-27T18:19
如題 在使用ISO tool想打補丁的時候 結果進去程式後看不到我的備份遊戲.... 之前沒有發生過這樣的狀況耶 現在不知道怎麼解決..... 不知道有沒有人遇過這樣的情況 小弟的psp是1007的 5.50普4.... ISO tool版本用的是最新的 - ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-04-27T17:02
(引言恕刪) 就在今天,收到了Sony寄來的信件了...內容如下: -- 親愛的PlayStation®Network用戶: 我們發現在2011年4月17至19日,部份PlayStation®Network用戶的帳戶資料在一次非法 及未經授權的網路入侵中被洩露。對於是次入侵,我們已: 暫時停止Pla ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-04-27T17:02
※ [本文轉錄自 XBOX 看板 #1Djzk6v- ] 作者: Vic777 (單眼皮♂) 看板: XBOX 標題: [問題] 3紅維修改完機版回來使用者檔案毀損?? 時間: Wed Apr 27 17:01:56 2011 如題 我的3紅給民間維修回來(換新機板) 插回原來的硬碟 發現使用者無法登入了 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-04-27T13:25
今天早上在設定網路連線按太快,不小心按到線上更新。 希望有人能幫幫我,或是有人有大亂鬥、遊戲王遊戲片可以商借。 不勝感激... - ...