賽博坦大戰 獎盃表 - PS

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-06-24T13:21

Table of Contents

Vector Sigma Victory
Unlock All Trophies

Heavy Metal War
Complete the 15th wave in Escalation Mode

Autobot Commander
Autobot Campaign Complete (Medium)

Autobot Prime
Autobot Campaign Complete (Hard)

Decepticon Seeker
Decepticon Campaign Complete (Normal)

Decepticon Warlord
Decepticon Campaign Complete (Hard)

Till All Are One
Complete both Campaigns (Any Difficulty)

The Kups' Half Full
Reach a combined class level of 50 Multiplayer

Only the Strong Survive
Reach a combined class level of 75 in Multiplayer

Top of the Scrap Heap
Reach a combined class level of 100 in Multiplayer

Prime Detective
Unlock Prime Mode

Scavenger Would Be Proud!
Destroy all hidden Autobot symbols in the Decepticon Campaign

Grimlock, Smash!
Destroy all hidden Decepticon symbols in the Autobot Campaign

Wait! I Still Function!
Get 3 kills while downed in a Co-op Campaign or Escalation Mode

A Prime Problem
Complete Defend Iacon on any Difficulty

The Last Prime
Complete Kaon Prison Break on any difficulty

You Got The Touch
Complete To The Core on any difficulty

The War Within
Complete Aerial Assault on any difficulty

The Harder They Fall
Complete One Shall Stand on any difficulty

Paging Ratchet
Revive 5 Autobot soldiers in Defend Iacon

Beak Breaker
Shoot the 3 hidden Laserbeaks throughout Kaon Prison Break

Destroy the enemy attacking the giant slug by shooting a stalactite to crush
the enemy

Powerglide Performer
Fly through the coolant tunnels in 23 seconds in Aerial Assault

First We Crack The Shell...
Get smashed by Trypticon's hand as he falls into the energon goo in One Shall

Autobot Recruit
Autobot Campaign Complete (Easy)

Dark Awakening
Complete Dark Energon on an difficulty

Starscream's Brigade
Complete Fuel of War on any difficulty

The Fall of Iacon
Complete Iacon Destroyed on any difficulty

The Secret of Omega Supreme
Complete Death of Hope on any difficulty

Victory is Mine
Complete the Final Guardian on any difficulty

Your Lucky Day
Kill all but 1 of the neutral prisoners in Dark Energon

Thief in the Night
Find and disable all security trip-wire switches in Fuel of War

Chaos Bringer
Destroy the planets in the Stellar Galleries in Iacon Destroyed

Race across the Chasm Bridge in 33 seconds in Death of Hope

Destroy all cover in the arena in the Final Guardian

Decepticon Grunt
Decepticon Campaign Complete (Easy)

Ignite a Brute's back 5 times in Campaign or Escalation

Footloose and Fancy Free
Destroy a Jet Soldier's foot thruster 5 times in Campaign or Escalation

That's No Mirage
Headshot a Cloaker when it is invisible in Campaign or Escalation

Kill 2 snipers in 5 seconds in Campaign

There are Parts Everywhere
Multi-kill 3 car soldiers at once using an explosive weapon in Campaign or

Destroy 100 spiders in Campaign or Escalation

Fire in the Sky
Melee-kill a Jet Vehicle in the air in Campaign or Escalation

Friends to the End
Finish any level in Co-op

Unlikely Allies
Finish any level in Competitive Co-op

More than Meets the Eye
Earn a 1st Place MVP award in any Multiplayer mode

You Got Spark, Kid
Reach level 5 in any single class in Multiplayer

Spikes BFF
Reach level 25 in any single class in Multiplayer

Spend 25,000 Power in Escalation Mode

Action Master
Get 10 kills using detached turrets in any mode

Ram-kill against an enemy who is stunned by an EMP grenade in Campaign or



S.P.D」 「特捜戦隊‧デカレンジャー!!

Tags: PS

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2010-06-25T10:35
Wait! I Still Function!
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-06-29T13:40
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-06-29T23:37
裡面超多梗的XD 除了動畫title還有一些TF的名詞
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-07-04T19:48
像是Vector Sigma就是賽柏坦中的全知全能的電腦
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-07-08T09:31


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-06-24T00:33
※ [本文轉錄自 FinalFantasy 看板 #1C8ZTD1h ] 作者: Mikage3k (御影) 看板: FinalFantasy 標題: [心得] FF13召喚獸能力整理 時間: Thu Jun 24 00:33:14 2010 一、前言 最近閒來無事做了一些統計 為了方便各位看倌 本人 ...

中途半端的我與煉金術士系列 (後)

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-06-23T23:59
強力推薦看網誌版會清楚很多 不然不知道我貼圖片網址要貼多久andgt;and#34;andlt; http://blog.yam.com/pilimovie/article/29206417 --------------------------------------------------- 真的是一 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-06-23T22:03
成田國際空港 黑衣女子在櫃台以現金買了一張到台灣的機票,此刻正在候機室等待班機。雖然 她極力不想引起注意,但晉列S1、空天使等級的她,在候機室出現時還是引起 了一陣不小的騷動。 and#34;還有40天就是B-day了,我們真的能在那麼短的時間內完成任務嗎?and#34; 黑衣女 子看 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-06-23T18:02
進軍龍龜 在主要角色三人都三階武器LV★後 就可以回去大草原把剩下的冥碑52~64解完 解完之後草原上的無牙龜會變成小龍龜(HP一千萬) 斷牙、長牙會變成龍龜(HP一千六百萬) 至於12章議事堂前海怪廣場那支不會變 偏六面體還沒刷完的人不用擔心 刷小龍龜為的是黑暗材料 是不少飾品的最終轉化觸 ...

【當感動的音樂響起】SILENT HILL 3。

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-06-23T17:50
寫在前頭。 因為剛剛的都是NICO的。換一個都是YOUTUBE的。 音樂文章滿多篇的。避免洗版嫌疑。先貼這兩篇。 另,這篇文章是響應論壇上面的恐怖音樂而寫的。 為了讓可能沒有玩SH的人也能大略理解遊戲。於是寫了很多可能PS板友早就知道的事。 不好意思。很熟SH的神人板友。請忍耐。(鞠躬。) 圖文板。 「Y ...