讓被 Ban 的主機也能登入 PSN - 改機

By Regina
at 2011-02-28T19:20
at 2011-02-28T19:20
Table of Contents
facanferff@ps3hax 網友發現讓被 ban 的主機也能夠上 PSN 的方法,
此方法經 facanferff 實際測試可用,
(Error 8002A227, 無法登入 PSN 或建立帳號, 永久 ban)
- PS3DNS-GUI: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2RU3VOHE
- PSID: http://www.ps3hax.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=106&d=1298845291
1. 下載 PS3DNS-GUI, 將新的 CA24.cer 放到 dev_flash/data/cert
2. 執行 PS3DNS-GUI.exe 並選擇你的 IP 及區域
3. 開啟 Tools -> Rewrite -> PS3DNS – eth0 -> Rules -> Add
4. 依照下圖填寫, 其中 [your console id…] 需填寫你被 ban 的 console id(無空格)
5. 點選 ok -> ok
6. 在 PS3 中將 DNS 設置成你電腦的 IP, 並開啟 proxy, 設置 proxy 為你電腦的 IP,
port 為 8888, 並測試網路是否正常
7. 登入 PSN (約一分鐘左右), 成功登入後如果你只是要玩連線遊戲可以直接跳第 10 步
8. 執行 PSID 使用方塊將你的 PSID 修改成隨機產生的 PSID,
(Sony 可以檢測到你的 PSID 是假的, 但是他無法 ban 你)
9. 現在你可以登入 PS Store 並下載你想要下載的東西,
但是有些東西下載會出現錯誤, 但是大部分都可以正常下載,
包含 Killzone 3 demo(殺戮空間3)
10. 使用你原本的 PSID 和 Console ID 進行連線對戰
被 Ban 機的可以試試
(台灣好像還沒聽到有被 Ban 的...)
This method was tested by myself (facanferff) with my banned console (error
8002A227, could not log in to PSN or create new accounts, so permanent ban).
If you have any problem in executing this method, please tell me.
IMPORTANT: You can find some problems in some games while trying to play
online, but generally you can play online.
Tools required:
- PS3DNS-GUI: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2RU3VOHE
- PSID: [Download Here]
1. I hope that you put the new CA24.cer in dev_flash/data/cert
1. Download PS3DNS-GUI
2. Run 「PS3DNS-GUI.exe」 and choose your ip and region
3. Go to Tools -> Rewrite -> PS3DNS – eth0 -> Rules -> Add
4. Put every field like in the image, where in the image it says 「your
console id…」 you have to write your original (banned) console id with no
5. Click ok -> ok (of course)
6. Go to your PS3, in DNS set in primary your pc's ip, activate proxy, in
host enter again your pc's ip and in port enter 8888. Then you can test to
confirm that you have network.
7. Try to log in to PSN (it can take some time, about 1 minute) and you are
logged in!
Now if you want to go to PSN Store, then follow the following, else if you
only want to play online go to step 10:
8. Execute PSID (Sony can discover it, but they can't ban you becuase you are
using a blank console id, so you don't exist, you are a bot ) and there click
Square to change to a random console id
9. Try now to go to PSN Store and you will enter there! You can download what
you want but I alert you that some things are giving error when trying to
download, but the majority will download, including Killzone 3 demo
10. First confirm that you have your original console id according to PSID
(important) then you can run any game and play it online.
Thanks everyone for reading this, if you are having problems, please report
them to me and I'll try to figure it out.
此方法經 facanferff 實際測試可用,
(Error 8002A227, 無法登入 PSN 或建立帳號, 永久 ban)
- PS3DNS-GUI: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2RU3VOHE
- PSID: http://www.ps3hax.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=106&d=1298845291
1. 下載 PS3DNS-GUI, 將新的 CA24.cer 放到 dev_flash/data/cert
2. 執行 PS3DNS-GUI.exe 並選擇你的 IP 及區域
3. 開啟 Tools -> Rewrite -> PS3DNS – eth0 -> Rules -> Add
4. 依照下圖填寫, 其中 [your console id…] 需填寫你被 ban 的 console id(無空格)

6. 在 PS3 中將 DNS 設置成你電腦的 IP, 並開啟 proxy, 設置 proxy 為你電腦的 IP,
port 為 8888, 並測試網路是否正常
7. 登入 PSN (約一分鐘左右), 成功登入後如果你只是要玩連線遊戲可以直接跳第 10 步
8. 執行 PSID 使用方塊將你的 PSID 修改成隨機產生的 PSID,
(Sony 可以檢測到你的 PSID 是假的, 但是他無法 ban 你)
9. 現在你可以登入 PS Store 並下載你想要下載的東西,
但是有些東西下載會出現錯誤, 但是大部分都可以正常下載,
包含 Killzone 3 demo(殺戮空間3)
10. 使用你原本的 PSID 和 Console ID 進行連線對戰
被 Ban 機的可以試試
(台灣好像還沒聽到有被 Ban 的...)
This method was tested by myself (facanferff) with my banned console (error
8002A227, could not log in to PSN or create new accounts, so permanent ban).
If you have any problem in executing this method, please tell me.
IMPORTANT: You can find some problems in some games while trying to play
online, but generally you can play online.
Tools required:
- PS3DNS-GUI: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2RU3VOHE
- PSID: [Download Here]
1. I hope that you put the new CA24.cer in dev_flash/data/cert
1. Download PS3DNS-GUI
2. Run 「PS3DNS-GUI.exe」 and choose your ip and region
3. Go to Tools -> Rewrite -> PS3DNS – eth0 -> Rules -> Add
4. Put every field like in the image, where in the image it says 「your
console id…」 you have to write your original (banned) console id with no
5. Click ok -> ok (of course)
6. Go to your PS3, in DNS set in primary your pc's ip, activate proxy, in
host enter again your pc's ip and in port enter 8888. Then you can test to
confirm that you have network.
7. Try to log in to PSN (it can take some time, about 1 minute) and you are
logged in!
Now if you want to go to PSN Store, then follow the following, else if you
only want to play online go to step 10:
8. Execute PSID (Sony can discover it, but they can't ban you becuase you are
using a blank console id, so you don't exist, you are a bot ) and there click
Square to change to a random console id
9. Try now to go to PSN Store and you will enter there! You can download what
you want but I alert you that some things are giving error when trying to
download, but the majority will download, including Killzone 3 demo
10. First confirm that you have your original console id according to PSID
(important) then you can run any game and play it online.
Thanks everyone for reading this, if you are having problems, please report
them to me and I'll try to figure it out.
All Comments

By Dorothy
at 2011-03-05T15:45
at 2011-03-05T15:45

By Hardy
at 2011-03-06T18:11
at 2011-03-06T18:11

By Kristin
at 2011-03-08T05:36
at 2011-03-08T05:36

By Andrew
at 2011-03-08T08:06
at 2011-03-08T08:06

By Dinah
at 2011-03-10T16:28
at 2011-03-10T16:28

By Iris
at 2011-03-11T17:48
at 2011-03-11T17:48

By Thomas
at 2011-03-15T15:28
at 2011-03-15T15:28
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