(謠傳)微軟xCloud計畫可能相容Switch - XBOX

By Olive
at 2019-02-22T12:05
at 2019-02-22T12:05
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根據DirectFeed的一份報告(傳言) *這家公司在乳摸上有較好的信譽
微軟今年公布的新計畫Project xCloud(由微軟超猛向下相容團隊主導)的
雲端串流遊戲計畫,可能會把XBOX GAME PASS以及一部分微軟的本家遊戲
According to a report from outlet Direct Feed Games, an outlet that has a
strong track record for rumors especially centering around Nintendo,
Microsoft and Nintendo are about to get together in a big way in the near
future. Not only will some Microsoft games find their way to the Switch, but
it looks like the entire Game Pass library might arrive via the magic of
The report states that Microsoft is looking into publishing some of their own
catalog to the Switch in the form of actual ports. This is in no way strange
for Microsoft, who has dabbled in things like lending out Rare for games on
Nintendo systems and developing and publishing games on Nintendo consoles
such as Minecraft. Microsoft-owned developers like Ninja Theory and Obsidian
are still self-publishing their games on the Switch and other systems, as
The game specifically mentioned by Direct Feed is Ori and the Blind Forest, a
crown jewel in Microsoft's lower key publishing initiatives.
Additionally, the report goes on to say that Microsoft will be leveraging
their announced Project xCloud streaming service to bring Xbox One games to
the Switch. While the Switch can't natively play, as a hypothetical example
Gears 5, it could stream it over the internet. This will be done through Game
Pass, which allows players to subscribe to a service to access a
Netflix-style library of games.
In talking with our own sources, it has been suggested that the announcement
of Game Pass on Switch could come as soon as this year.
This isn't surprising, as Microsoft has been eager to expand Game Pass out as
far as they can, announcing plans to revamp it for PC. Project xCloud is a
means to an end to get people who don't own Xbox products to spend money on
Xbox services, making the Switch a perfect vector for it. For Nintendo, it
means games that are unfeasible on the console due to hardware limitations
can come to the Switch in some form and provides an added value for them.
This particular avenue is also not new to Nintendo, which has been
experimenting with using cloud streaming as a way to play technologically
demanding games for a few months now in Japan. Games like Resident Evil 7 and
Assassin's Creed Odyssey have Switch ports in Japan, streaming a special
version from a local server. Game Pass on the Switch would be no different.
We speculated on the possibilities of what a Microsoft and Nintendo
friendship could mean in a recent opinion piece which you can read right here.
※ 編輯: carotyao (, 02/22/2019 12:06:16
推 TETUO: 可以在Switch解XB成就的話,會認真考慮買一台啊XD 02/22 12:11
→ manorange610: Forza=佛殺?? 02/22 12:40
→ manorange610: 第一次聽到這個說法 02/22 12:40
推 HCracker: 若成真,那微軟真的是發起狠要為下世代布局了 02/22 12:43
推 zhenyuan: Forza不是一般都翻廢渣(嘿 02/22 12:47
推 faang: 拜託,我真的很想在NS玩FH! 02/22 12:49
→ talan: 任天堂加入xcloud其實對岸有內幕消息的人士已經傳一陣子 02/22 15:14
推 henryyeh5566: FH=佛殺齁利爽??? 02/22 15:47
→ iceranger: 我就在等這個,wp可以丟了 02/22 17:53
推 aacdsee: 那微軟還需要出下一代主機嗎?本家遊戲都上任天堂了 02/22 20:16
→ hades360: 微軟不出主機的話,上哪找一萬出頭可以跑4k的東西 02/22 20:33
推 faang: 那是雲端串流 跟真的移植上NS還是不一樣 02/22 21:48
推 hoos891405: 樓樓樓上去找看看之前bio7在NS上雲端遊玩的心得 02/22 22:24
推 iceranger: 這個拿來玩一玩成就爽片外出拿成就滿適合的,至於大作 02/22 23:14
→ iceranger: 當然是要主機加大畫面才爽啊! 02/22 23:14
→ winzz123: 台灣網路環境,呵呵 02/24 17:36
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