被鬼花、Dennis,Ldaniel 懇求之 5x5 E … - 魔術方塊

By Hardy
at 2008-01-22T23:26
at 2008-01-22T23:26
Table of Contents
erik + 鬼花 整理版
鬼花 : hey
鬼花 : I'm yock
Erik : hey Yock I'm Erik:P
鬼花 : and I'm glad that you can add me
Erik : :)
Erik : suddenly I have 3 cubers from Taiwan on MSN xxD
鬼花 : I saw your world record 5x5 video on youtube before
Erik : ah yes
Erik : haha that's cool
鬼花 : well
鬼花 : Erik : hmm yeah it was ok
鬼花 : many of us were know about you
鬼花 : we watch on your video very often
Erik : great:)
鬼花 : Every cuber from Taiwan in your friend list are all knew about each
鬼花 : we came from the same bbs
Erik : bbs?
鬼花 : oh that's a forum
鬼花 : we have a forum for discussing Rubik's cube
Erik : oh cool
鬼花 : but I'm curious how can you solve a 5x5 so fast
Erik : how? well...practise..
鬼花 : I have heard that chevy said you are using the "Arnaud method"right?
Erik : sorta..
鬼花 : it's basically what I do for edges..
Erik : but the method you and all the others use is good too
鬼花 : I'm using the "Big cube" method
鬼花 : But my single best was 1min 40 sec
Erik : nice
鬼花 : But your avg were faster than my single@@
鬼花 : this is what I amazed for
Erik : oh yes
鬼花 : Did you solve two edges at once?
Erik : 2 half-edges
鬼花 : 2 half-edges?
鬼花 : is it like the 6-at-once on 4x4?
Erik : no
Erik : it's, like 2 at once
Erik : 6 at once is possible too
Erik : but it's not as fast for me
鬼花 : I have practice on 6 at once before
鬼花 : it's fun but not fast at all
鬼花 : now I just solve the edges one by one
Erik : that's good too
Erik : I don't like it but it's fast too
鬼花 : so that won't makes me feel confused
Erik : (brb)
鬼花 : maybe I should learn 2 at once
鬼花 : but now I don't have a 5x5 cube now =(
鬼花 : Taiwan's Toysurus always selling bad 5x5 cube
Erik : :P
Erik : that sucks
鬼花 : So I bought a studio 5x5
鬼花 : anyway , studio is better than Toysurus' cube...
鬼花 : Erik : yes
鬼花 : Oh my friends want to discuss about 5x5 with you
鬼花 : may I invite you into our chat room?
Erik : ok
鬼花 : a moment please
下午 09:40:52 鬼花 來了
下午 09:41:13 Erik 來了 harhar what's
下午 09:41:15 鬼花 okay Erik we talk about 2 at once right ?
下午 09:41:31 L chinese...XD
下午 09:41:36 鬼花 oh that means you came in now
下午 09:42:26 Erik chinese looks cool:P
下午 09:42:49 L English ....good =)
international language
my english is poor...
下午 09:44:33 鬼花 English would be better
下午 09:44:42 L where is chevy !? XD
下午 09:44:42 dennis i think we should talkabout arnaud's method...
下午 09:44:57 L oh...that's true
下午 09:45:28 鬼花 It's convenient that using English to talk in other
下午 09:46:19 鬼花 okay back to arnaud's method
下午 09:46:49 鬼花 Well , we still don't know about arnaud's method
下午 09:47:04 鬼花 but we yearn to learn it @@
下午 09:47:51 L when you was a rookie to use arnaud's method is
that's vey slow?
下午 09:48:03 Erik of course
下午 09:48:03 dennis do both you and kuti use the same method?
下午 09:48:03 Erik no
下午 09:48:30 L what's the method Kuti use ?
下午 09:48:56 Erik he does also 2 at a time
下午 09:48:56 Erik only freestyle
下午 09:49:06 鬼花 I thought that Kuti is using the blindfold method on
speedsolving @@
下午 09:49:28 Erik lol no!
下午 09:49:28 Erik harharh
下午 09:49:32 L XD his 3x3 Blind is very amazing
下午 09:50:27 L Erik your 3x3 also good....1:41
下午 09:50:34 dennis sorry, leave for a while. be back in 20
下午 09:50:34 L 3x3 Blind
下午 09:51:00 Erik but compared to Matyi..
下午 09:51:00 Erik I'm bad! :S
下午 09:51:20 鬼花 that's true
下午 09:51:28 鬼花 Kuti is a monster lol
下午 09:51:52 L but your 5x5 ..... is monster....eastsheen..1:33....
下午 09:52:17 Erik :)
下午 09:52:37 鬼花 Yeah
下午 09:52:48 鬼花 We can't solve that fast by using a Eastsheen cube
下午 09:53:18 Erik hehe
下午 09:54:21 L your 4x4 is also good sub 1 min
下午 09:54:47 Erik hmm it's slow
下午 09:55:04 鬼花 compare with us so fast lol
下午 09:55:38 Erik yeh
下午 09:55:43 鬼花 Erik , can you make a "2 at once edge solving" video??
下午 09:55:43 Erik my official times are slow :(
下午 09:55:53 L ok I think I have to die XD my 4x4 as fast as your
下午 09:56:20 鬼花 just like what Frank post on youtube before
下午 09:56:20 chevy 離開對話。
下午 09:56:29 L hey man your 5x5 is very fast
下午 09:57:00 L teamsolve . too XD 30.62 better than Nakajima
下午 09:57:26 Erik 28.72 ..
下午 09:57:26 Erik with Joel :)
下午 09:57:56 鬼花 awesome:-O
下午 09:58:01 L XD
下午 09:58:43 L that good my best teamsolve is 40.72......
下午 09:58:55 L wrong....70.72
下午 10:00:46 L what's your next WCA contest Erik?
下午 10:01:02 Erik Belgium Open
下午 10:01:08 L when?
下午 10:01:24 Erik 3/4 februari
下午 10:02:24 鬼花 (sigh) When will Taiwan have a WCA contest =(
下午 10:02:32 L ok....I want to see the 3x3 Sub 10 XD
下午 10:02:33 Erik organise one :)
下午 10:03:04 Erik but there are only 8 sub-10 times ever
下午 10:03:15 Erik and I got 2 xD
下午 10:03:30 L ah...OK
下午 10:03:31 鬼花 It's nice to you
下午 10:03:46 L 9.77 & 9.94
下午 10:04:02 鬼花 You are excited in the video , don't you ?
下午 10:04:07 Erik of course! :D
下午 10:04:13 L did you got a PLL Skip ? (9.77)
下午 10:04:28 Erik luck is not a crime....
下午 10:04:38 鬼花 haha I wish someday it will happen on me lol
下午 10:04:39 L i know
下午 10:05:09 L but your 9.94 is CRAZY no lucky
下午 10:05:34 Erik :)
下午 10:05:54 鬼花 Ummmm Erik
下午 10:06:25 鬼花 the teaching of Arnaud's method on the forum isn't
very clear to me
下午 10:06:46 Erik the method is easy :P
下午 10:06:46 Erik just hard to explain
下午 10:06:46 鬼花 it just all words but except a video @@
下午 10:06:56 鬼花 can you make one ??
下午 10:07:17 鬼花 I would be preciate for that
下午 10:08:20 L me.too
下午 10:08:36 Erik we'll see
下午 10:08:51 L OK =)
下午 10:09:55 L your 2x2 also good....hey....all puzzles are fast = =
下午 10:09:55 鬼花 Thank's
下午 10:10:41 Erik that's the idea...
下午 10:10:47 L THANKS A LOT
下午 10:10:58 鬼花 again on Ryan's cube 2min18 =(
下午 10:11:50 L 5min53....= =
下午 10:13:03 L I can't use to keyboard
下午 10:13:23 dennis hmm is there any skills to improve center solving? we
all feel amazing when watching your solves
下午 10:13:35 Erik pracitse
下午 10:14:45 鬼花 it seems that you will make the centers back after
finish each 2-edges?
下午 10:14:49 L hey dennis Erik say he will make a video about
arnaud's method
下午 10:15:00 Erik I did"?
下午 10:15:21 dennis (Y)(H)
下午 10:15:41 鬼花 Ummm
下午 10:15:51 鬼花 leave for a while
下午 10:15:56 鬼花 take a shower@@
下午 10:16:06 L I have nothing to say toErik....just THANKS
下午 10:16:17 L leave a whlie...
下午 10:16:37 L XD I have to take a shower too
下午 10:17:33 L 交給你了 dennis
下午 10:17:49 dennis XD
下午 10:25:32 dennis hmm can you tell where's olympicube different from
下午 10:25:42 Erik its better :P
下午 10:26:02 dennis taiwanes cubers are curious about it:P
下午 10:26:23 dennis will it pop?
下午 10:26:43 Erik no not really
下午 10:28:04 dennis it's different from its construction?
下午 10:28:55 Erik yes
下午 10:29:15 Erik it's better
下午 10:29:25 dennis i heard that every pieces contact to centers?
下午 10:29:25 Erik and smarter:P
下午 10:29:36 Erik I'm not allowed to tell you information about that
下午 10:29:56 dennis why smart?:|
下午 10:30:17 dennis oh, so we cant know about it until is sells..
下午 10:30:17 Erik the design is very clever
下午 10:30:27 Erik probably not
下午 10:40:00 鬼花 okay I'm back
下午 10:40:41 鬼花 but Erik , why you make the center back after solving
the edges??
下午 10:40:51 Erik I slice back
下午 10:41:01 Erik and solve another semi-pair
下午 10:41:42 鬼花 I still can not realize =(
下午 10:42:13 鬼花 is that easy to find another pair?
下午 10:42:23 Erik yes
下午 10:42:33 Erik after pracitse
下午 10:42:33 Erik practise
下午 10:42:33 鬼花 oh I see
下午 10:44:34 鬼花 and you are using the M slice right?
下午 10:46:29 L i'm back...XD
下午 10:46:44 Erik ye
下午 10:46:44 鬼花 Mine is E slice
下午 10:46:55 Erik yes
下午 10:46:55 鬼花 but I want to be like you
下午 10:47:05 Erik 90% does E slice probably
下午 10:47:15 Erik E slice is possible too
下午 10:47:16 鬼花 M slice are good on the virtual cube
下午 10:47:26 Erik don't switch to M because I do it..
下午 10:47:26 Erik if you like E better you should do E
下午 10:47:31 鬼花 but why?
下午 10:47:50 鬼花 I thing M is better
下午 10:48:25 鬼花 turning l and r were easier than turning u and d
下午 10:48:41 L I alaways do M......
下午 10:49:00 L wrong E....
下午 10:49:55 dennis most important of all, which is better for looking
下午 10:50:05 Erik I don't know
下午 10:50:48 L like Kuti....Erik say he is freestyle
下午 10:51:18 L he is fast too
下午 10:51:19 鬼花 I think that doing M can look on the left side and
the right side easier
下午 10:51:34 鬼花 but E can just look the up side
下午 10:51:45 鬼花 down side are no easy to see
下午 10:52:08 L but Frank Morris also do E.....he is fast
下午 10:52:19 鬼花 by the way , M slice can have the same direction to
our hands
下午 10:54:29 L S have to use L or R
下午 10:57:22 L 鬼花 我好像打錯一堆字....
下午 10:57:58 鬼花 你知道就好【汗】
下午 11:00:20 鬼花 God....I can describe the feeling that I want to have
a olympicube
下午 11:00:30 鬼花 I can't
下午 11:01:33 L Erik say he can't tell that XD
下午 11:04:50 L 鬼花他好像不在...我有事先閃了 交給你了 【拍】
下午 11:05:15 鬼花 Well...Erik are you there?
聽說取代很好用 XD
希望沒在刪字的過程發生什麼錯誤才好..有的話別見怪 Orz
先睡了, 各位晚安 :)
erik + 鬼花 整理版
鬼花 : hey
鬼花 : I'm yock
Erik : hey Yock I'm Erik:P
鬼花 : and I'm glad that you can add me
Erik : :)
Erik : suddenly I have 3 cubers from Taiwan on MSN xxD
鬼花 : I saw your world record 5x5 video on youtube before
Erik : ah yes
Erik : haha that's cool
鬼花 : well
鬼花 : Erik : hmm yeah it was ok
鬼花 : many of us were know about you
鬼花 : we watch on your video very often
Erik : great:)
鬼花 : Every cuber from Taiwan in your friend list are all knew about each
鬼花 : we came from the same bbs
Erik : bbs?
鬼花 : oh that's a forum
鬼花 : we have a forum for discussing Rubik's cube
Erik : oh cool
鬼花 : but I'm curious how can you solve a 5x5 so fast
Erik : how? well...practise..
鬼花 : I have heard that chevy said you are using the "Arnaud method"right?
Erik : sorta..
鬼花 : it's basically what I do for edges..
Erik : but the method you and all the others use is good too
鬼花 : I'm using the "Big cube" method
鬼花 : But my single best was 1min 40 sec
Erik : nice
鬼花 : But your avg were faster than my single@@
鬼花 : this is what I amazed for
Erik : oh yes
鬼花 : Did you solve two edges at once?
Erik : 2 half-edges
鬼花 : 2 half-edges?
鬼花 : is it like the 6-at-once on 4x4?
Erik : no
Erik : it's, like 2 at once
Erik : 6 at once is possible too
Erik : but it's not as fast for me
鬼花 : I have practice on 6 at once before
鬼花 : it's fun but not fast at all
鬼花 : now I just solve the edges one by one
Erik : that's good too
Erik : I don't like it but it's fast too
鬼花 : so that won't makes me feel confused
Erik : (brb)
鬼花 : maybe I should learn 2 at once
鬼花 : but now I don't have a 5x5 cube now =(
鬼花 : Taiwan's Toysurus always selling bad 5x5 cube
Erik : :P
Erik : that sucks
鬼花 : So I bought a studio 5x5
鬼花 : anyway , studio is better than Toysurus' cube...
鬼花 : Erik : yes
鬼花 : Oh my friends want to discuss about 5x5 with you
鬼花 : may I invite you into our chat room?
Erik : ok
鬼花 : a moment please
下午 09:40:52 鬼花 來了
下午 09:41:13 Erik 來了 harhar what's
下午 09:41:15 鬼花 okay Erik we talk about 2 at once right ?
下午 09:41:31 L chinese...XD
下午 09:41:36 鬼花 oh that means you came in now
下午 09:42:26 Erik chinese looks cool:P
下午 09:42:49 L English ....good =)
international language
my english is poor...
下午 09:44:33 鬼花 English would be better
下午 09:44:42 L where is chevy !? XD
下午 09:44:42 dennis i think we should talkabout arnaud's method...
下午 09:44:57 L oh...that's true
下午 09:45:28 鬼花 It's convenient that using English to talk in other
下午 09:46:19 鬼花 okay back to arnaud's method
下午 09:46:49 鬼花 Well , we still don't know about arnaud's method
下午 09:47:04 鬼花 but we yearn to learn it @@
下午 09:47:51 L when you was a rookie to use arnaud's method is
that's vey slow?
下午 09:48:03 Erik of course
下午 09:48:03 dennis do both you and kuti use the same method?
下午 09:48:03 Erik no
下午 09:48:30 L what's the method Kuti use ?
下午 09:48:56 Erik he does also 2 at a time
下午 09:48:56 Erik only freestyle
下午 09:49:06 鬼花 I thought that Kuti is using the blindfold method on
speedsolving @@
下午 09:49:28 Erik lol no!
下午 09:49:28 Erik harharh
下午 09:49:32 L XD his 3x3 Blind is very amazing
下午 09:50:27 L Erik your 3x3 also good....1:41
下午 09:50:34 dennis sorry, leave for a while. be back in 20
下午 09:50:34 L 3x3 Blind
下午 09:51:00 Erik but compared to Matyi..
下午 09:51:00 Erik I'm bad! :S
下午 09:51:20 鬼花 that's true
下午 09:51:28 鬼花 Kuti is a monster lol
下午 09:51:52 L but your 5x5 ..... is monster....eastsheen..1:33....
下午 09:52:17 Erik :)
下午 09:52:37 鬼花 Yeah
下午 09:52:48 鬼花 We can't solve that fast by using a Eastsheen cube
下午 09:53:18 Erik hehe
下午 09:54:21 L your 4x4 is also good sub 1 min
下午 09:54:47 Erik hmm it's slow
下午 09:55:04 鬼花 compare with us so fast lol
下午 09:55:38 Erik yeh
下午 09:55:43 鬼花 Erik , can you make a "2 at once edge solving" video??
下午 09:55:43 Erik my official times are slow :(
下午 09:55:53 L ok I think I have to die XD my 4x4 as fast as your
下午 09:56:20 鬼花 just like what Frank post on youtube before
下午 09:56:20 chevy 離開對話。
下午 09:56:29 L hey man your 5x5 is very fast
下午 09:57:00 L teamsolve . too XD 30.62 better than Nakajima
下午 09:57:26 Erik 28.72 ..
下午 09:57:26 Erik with Joel :)
下午 09:57:56 鬼花 awesome:-O
下午 09:58:01 L XD
下午 09:58:43 L that good my best teamsolve is 40.72......
下午 09:58:55 L wrong....70.72
下午 10:00:46 L what's your next WCA contest Erik?
下午 10:01:02 Erik Belgium Open
下午 10:01:08 L when?
下午 10:01:24 Erik 3/4 februari
下午 10:02:24 鬼花 (sigh) When will Taiwan have a WCA contest =(
下午 10:02:32 L ok....I want to see the 3x3 Sub 10 XD
下午 10:02:33 Erik organise one :)
下午 10:03:04 Erik but there are only 8 sub-10 times ever
下午 10:03:15 Erik and I got 2 xD
下午 10:03:30 L ah...OK
下午 10:03:31 鬼花 It's nice to you
下午 10:03:46 L 9.77 & 9.94
下午 10:04:02 鬼花 You are excited in the video , don't you ?
下午 10:04:07 Erik of course! :D
下午 10:04:13 L did you got a PLL Skip ? (9.77)
下午 10:04:28 Erik luck is not a crime....
下午 10:04:38 鬼花 haha I wish someday it will happen on me lol
下午 10:04:39 L i know
下午 10:05:09 L but your 9.94 is CRAZY no lucky
下午 10:05:34 Erik :)
下午 10:05:54 鬼花 Ummmm Erik
下午 10:06:25 鬼花 the teaching of Arnaud's method on the forum isn't
very clear to me
下午 10:06:46 Erik the method is easy :P
下午 10:06:46 Erik just hard to explain
下午 10:06:46 鬼花 it just all words but except a video @@
下午 10:06:56 鬼花 can you make one ??
下午 10:07:17 鬼花 I would be preciate for that
下午 10:08:20 L me.too
下午 10:08:36 Erik we'll see
下午 10:08:51 L OK =)
下午 10:09:55 L your 2x2 also good....hey....all puzzles are fast = =
下午 10:09:55 鬼花 Thank's
下午 10:10:41 Erik that's the idea...
下午 10:10:47 L THANKS A LOT
下午 10:10:58 鬼花 again on Ryan's cube 2min18 =(
下午 10:11:50 L 5min53....= =
下午 10:13:03 L I can't use to keyboard
下午 10:13:23 dennis hmm is there any skills to improve center solving? we
all feel amazing when watching your solves
下午 10:13:35 Erik pracitse
下午 10:14:45 鬼花 it seems that you will make the centers back after
finish each 2-edges?
下午 10:14:49 L hey dennis Erik say he will make a video about
arnaud's method
下午 10:15:00 Erik I did"?
下午 10:15:21 dennis (Y)(H)
下午 10:15:41 鬼花 Ummm
下午 10:15:51 鬼花 leave for a while
下午 10:15:56 鬼花 take a shower@@
下午 10:16:06 L I have nothing to say toErik....just THANKS
下午 10:16:17 L leave a whlie...
下午 10:16:37 L XD I have to take a shower too
下午 10:17:33 L 交給你了 dennis
下午 10:17:49 dennis XD
下午 10:25:32 dennis hmm can you tell where's olympicube different from
下午 10:25:42 Erik its better :P
下午 10:26:02 dennis taiwanes cubers are curious about it:P
下午 10:26:23 dennis will it pop?
下午 10:26:43 Erik no not really
下午 10:28:04 dennis it's different from its construction?
下午 10:28:55 Erik yes
下午 10:29:15 Erik it's better
下午 10:29:25 dennis i heard that every pieces contact to centers?
下午 10:29:25 Erik and smarter:P
下午 10:29:36 Erik I'm not allowed to tell you information about that
下午 10:29:56 dennis why smart?:|
下午 10:30:17 dennis oh, so we cant know about it until is sells..
下午 10:30:17 Erik the design is very clever
下午 10:30:27 Erik probably not
下午 10:40:00 鬼花 okay I'm back
下午 10:40:41 鬼花 but Erik , why you make the center back after solving
the edges??
下午 10:40:51 Erik I slice back
下午 10:41:01 Erik and solve another semi-pair
下午 10:41:42 鬼花 I still can not realize =(
下午 10:42:13 鬼花 is that easy to find another pair?
下午 10:42:23 Erik yes
下午 10:42:33 Erik after pracitse
下午 10:42:33 Erik practise
下午 10:42:33 鬼花 oh I see
下午 10:44:34 鬼花 and you are using the M slice right?
下午 10:46:29 L i'm back...XD
下午 10:46:44 Erik ye
下午 10:46:44 鬼花 Mine is E slice
下午 10:46:55 Erik yes
下午 10:46:55 鬼花 but I want to be like you
下午 10:47:05 Erik 90% does E slice probably
下午 10:47:15 Erik E slice is possible too
下午 10:47:16 鬼花 M slice are good on the virtual cube
下午 10:47:26 Erik don't switch to M because I do it..
下午 10:47:26 Erik if you like E better you should do E
下午 10:47:31 鬼花 but why?
下午 10:47:50 鬼花 I thing M is better
下午 10:48:25 鬼花 turning l and r were easier than turning u and d
下午 10:48:41 L I alaways do M......
下午 10:49:00 L wrong E....
下午 10:49:55 dennis most important of all, which is better for looking
下午 10:50:05 Erik I don't know
下午 10:50:48 L like Kuti....Erik say he is freestyle
下午 10:51:18 L he is fast too
下午 10:51:19 鬼花 I think that doing M can look on the left side and
the right side easier
下午 10:51:34 鬼花 but E can just look the up side
下午 10:51:45 鬼花 down side are no easy to see
下午 10:52:08 L but Frank Morris also do E.....he is fast
下午 10:52:19 鬼花 by the way , M slice can have the same direction to
our hands
下午 10:54:29 L S have to use L or R
下午 10:57:22 L 鬼花 我好像打錯一堆字....
下午 10:57:58 鬼花 你知道就好【汗】
下午 11:00:20 鬼花 God....I can describe the feeling that I want to have
a olympicube
下午 11:00:30 鬼花 I can't
下午 11:01:33 L Erik say he can't tell that XD
下午 11:04:50 L 鬼花他好像不在...我有事先閃了 交給你了 【拍】
下午 11:05:15 鬼花 Well...Erik are you there?
聽說取代很好用 XD
希望沒在刪字的過程發生什麼錯誤才好..有的話別見怪 Orz
先睡了, 各位晚安 :)
All Comments

By Dorothy
at 2008-01-26T11:50
at 2008-01-26T11:50

By Enid
at 2008-01-28T00:06
at 2008-01-28T00:06

By Ursula
at 2008-02-01T06:01
at 2008-02-01T06:01

By Margaret
at 2008-02-05T16:29
at 2008-02-05T16:29

By Edith
at 2008-02-06T19:20
at 2008-02-06T19:20

By Poppy
at 2008-02-07T19:40
at 2008-02-07T19:40

By Eden
at 2008-02-11T12:25
at 2008-02-11T12:25

By Sarah
at 2008-02-13T06:35
at 2008-02-13T06:35
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