維多利亞三宣布,遊戲機制介紹 - Steam

By Barb Cronin
at 2021-05-22T10:36
at 2021-05-22T10:36
Table of Contents
KEY: This is a simulation. It's not a map painter. Military conquest is not
the main focus. Victoria 3 is more about diplomatic maneuvering, shaping your
society and laws, building and industrializing your economy, and "tending the
garden" of your nation.
交,內政,經濟發展,以及運營國家 種田
1836 - 1936.
4 ticks per day, so the number of ticks per campaign is similar to EU4.
The map is divided into States and Provinces. There are about 730 States at
game start, which are the smallest unit you will interact with for purposes
of politics and economics.
It's possible to split existing states, such as when you demand a Treaty Port
in a war or Diplomatic Play. This creates a new State that is only one
Province in size. Even at game start there are some cases of having more than
one State, gameplay-wise, within a single "State Area."
州可以被分開了,比如通過外交或者戰爭創建一個只有一個省的州。 有時候有很多個州
Provinces are subdivisions that you usually only interact with for
maneuvering armies and when colonizing (which is done one Province at a time
as you add more Provinces to your Colonial State), and there are roughly the
same number of individual Provinces as in HoI4. (According to Google, that's
around 13,000 - roughly 18 Provinces per State on average.)
Visually, urbanization will spread across individual Provinces within a State.
The pre-alpha map we saw looks better than HoI4 but worse than CK3/Imperator.
They did say specifically that it isn't done yet. You can definitely zoom in
further than HoI4, so I'd say the map overall feels bigger than the HoI4 map.
Zoomed all the way out it looks very similar to the Vicky 2 paper map. Zoomed
in you can see realistic clouds and stuff drifting over the landscape.
Railroads are visible.
Well over 100 playable countries, but not all countries are playable. Most of
Africa, parts of inner South America, and a few surviving native tribes in
North America (including the Lakota, Dakota, and Cree) were not playable.
These are "Decentralized Countries." Post-launch, they want to make them
playable eventually. But they want to do them right because the gameplay
experience should be significantly different. All the Decentralized Countries
have names and governments. There are no "uncolonized" provinces, but you can
colonize on top of a Decentralized Country without declaring war.
Full POPs like Victoria 2. Over a billion people are modeled individually,
which will roughly double by game end, including Dependents. These represent
non-working children and homemakers. Your laws, i.e. Child Labor laws,
determine how much economic output your Dependents create and if they collect
wages. So like, kids will still be counted as Dependents, but your wages from
Dependents might go up (along with mortality rate.)
Example POP types I saw (not exhaustive): Capitalists, Laborers, Machinists,
Farmers, Shopkeepers, Engineers, Aristocrats, Clergymen, Officers,
Bureaucrats, Academics, Servicemen, Clerks
Standard of Living is mostly based on a POP's Wealth, which is determined by
your sources of revenue minus your expenses. This can be a salary from your
job, stipends and wages from dependents in countries where women and children
can work (or if they're receiving welfare payments), and dividends from
buildings you own. Increasing wages, lowering taxes, and increasing the
supply of goods (thus lowering the prices and therefore the lifestyle
expenses) will all generally raise Standard of Living. Standard of Living
affects POP Loyalty and Population Growth.
Your GDP measures how much you produce and affects your Great Power ranking,
but it doesn't necessarily reflect how much money you, as a player, have to
spend. The Ottomans, for example, start with a very inefficient tax system,
so they have a small state budget compared to their GDP.
Capitalists work completely differently from Vicky 2. Capitalism isn't "Let
The AI Do It Mode." Instead, Capitalists (and sometimes Aristocrats depending
on your laws) invest profits from buildings they own into a new resource pool
separate from state funds called the Investment Pool, which you can only
spend on certain things based on your laws and economic system. So you are
still personally directing the expansion of industry in a capitalist economy,
with some restrictions.
Every nation has a primary culture and state religion, with varying levels of
acceptance for other religions and cultures based on your laws. Non-accepted
POPs are paid lower wages (so have a lower Standard of Living) and are more
likely to radicalize.
In places like the US, discrimination is on a racial basis. This is based on
your country's laws and can be changed. There are no culture groups, but
cultures have traits like Heritage traits and Linguistic traits, and your
laws will look at how alike or different those are to your main culture. So
someone from England will be less discriminated against in American society.
Someone from a different part of Europe will face some more discrimination
than the Englishman but not too much. Someone from Africa or Asia will face a
lot of discrimination.
Every State has a proportion of Arable Land, which represents how much
agricultural industry it can support. Arable Land you have not directly built
any buildings on will automatically generate Subsistence Farms, which employ
Peasants. Peasants represent the vast majority of the world's population at
game start, and they don't produce very many taxes or sellable goods since
they're just focused on their own survival. So you'll generally want to start
moving them to work in other industries if you want to grow your GDP and your
tax base.
Spheres have been replaced with Markets. There are many local markets instead
of a single world market. Expanding your market is going to be a new
playstyle aside from conquest - "painting the map economically". You can
bring other countries into your market diplomatically or through war. Trade
between markets is done by setting up one-way Import and Export trade deals
for specific goods, of which you can only have a limited number at a time per
market, based on a number of factors.
重點:勢力範圍被市場代替,不再有一個單一的全球 火星 市場,每個區域有一個本地市
場。擴張市場是一個與軍事征服不同的玩法 “通過經濟給地圖塗色”,你可以通過外交
An example given was that Mecklenburg starts out in the Prussian market
(modelling the historical Zollverein Customs Union), which may allow them to
build luxury furniture to meet the demands of the wealthy Prussian elite. But
if they leave that market to form their own, their own elites may not have
enough money to afford those luxury goods, and their economy will suffer
unless they can set up trade deals to find buyers abroad or join a different,
larger market.
The number of countries that can be in your market at a time is based on the
market leader's diplomatic Influence, which is one of the main capacity
types. Capacities are different from power/mana in that it's not a pool of
points you build up and spend. It's more like having enough electricity to
run a lot of devices. Influence is also used for things like alliances, etc.
You get Influence primarily from having rivalries, your Power Ranking (Great
Powers get a ton), and a few other things that add percentage modifiers.
Prices of goods are based on Supply and Demand. It's not event-based with
arbitrary starting prices like EU4. Full market simulation. POPs and
Industries will place Buy orders while Industries will also place Sell orders
for finished goods. There's a screen that lets you see what are currently the
five most under-produced and the five most overproduced goods in your market,
so you can set up trade deals or expand industries to meet demand better.
The other factor that affects this is Infrastructure. Having insufficient
infrastructure will make it harder to get goods from a given State to your
wider market efficiently.
Around 50 trade goods divided into Staples - Consumed by all POPs for daily
needs, Industrial Goods - Consumed by industries to make other finished
goods, Luxury Goods - consumed by POPs with higher Standard of Living, and
Military Goods - Used to create military units including infantry, artillery,
ships, and later tanks and planes.
Trade Goods (incomplete list, mostly guessing based on icons): Tools, Glass,
Wood, Coal, Luxury Furniture, Porcelain, Silk, Iron, Chemicals, Meat,
Cannons, Ammunition, Fish, Sulfur, Basic Furniture, Clipper Ships, Ironclads,
Luxury Clothing, Paper, Artillery Shells, Fruit, Tea, Tobacco, Baked Goods,
Coffee, Wine, Steel, Standard Clothing, Guns, Grain, Automobiles, Alcohol,
Production buildings have resource inputs and outputs, Throughput rating, and
pay wages to all employed POPs. If their output can sell for more than their
inputs, they will generate dividends that are paid to the owners and increase
their Wealth. Otherwise, they will need to be subsidized or else they will
fail. Each also has a personal cash reserve, presumably so it can run at a
loss for a bit without subsidies.
Production Methods affect how buildings operate. For instance, a workshop can
be Privately Owned, belong to a Merchant Guild, Publicly Traded, Government
Run, or a Worker Cooperative. This affects what kind of POPs are employed
here, what wages they are paid, and who collects the dividends/profits. i.e.
Privately Owned workshops will employ Capitalists who get most of the wealth
generated with the workers getting only wages, whereas in a Worker
Cooperative, the people doing the work own the workshop and split the Wealth
it generates evenly.
Government Run industries have mandatory subsidies, meaning any losses they
incur will come directly out of your national treasury rather than letting
them go out of business. But you can also pocket any profits.
You can have a Statist, command economy without being Communist. Communism
itself, while it often goes hand-in-hand with a command economy, is now more
directly related to distribution of wealth and political power. Communism is
not when the government does things. The government doing more things doesn't
make it more communister.
POPs can promote/demote and some types are more likely than others. Engineers
and Shopkeepers are more likely to become Capitalists, for instance.
Command Economies do not allow Capitalists or Aristocrats to be employed in
your nation, so they will have to find a new job or leave. They also get
fewer foreign Trade Routes to work with, but can enact Encourage Consumption,
Discourage Consumption, and Consumption Taxes more cheaply. They can embargo
all goods and they can (must) subsidize everything.
You need to have a Command Economy to switch Production Method to Government
Free Trade gives you more import/export routes, reduces loan interest rates,
allows you to subsidize only Service Industries and Infrastructure, and
increases the amount of wealth Capitalists contribute to the Investment Pool.
Isolation cuts off all foreign trade (so you can only operate within your
Market/Customs Union), you can embargo all goods, you can subsidize all
buildings, and both Capitalists and Aristocrats will contribute to the
Investment Pool.
Traditionalism (used mostly by Unrecognized countries and represents
pre-industrial economies): Fewer trade routes, can subsidize only Services
and Infrastructure.
Agrarianism gives you more export routes, lets you subsidize agriculture,
infrastructure, and services, Aristocrats contribute to the Investment Pool,
and you can embargo Luxury Goods
Different economic systems dictate what you can or cannot spend Investment
Pool money on.
Services are a non-tradeable good, so they cannot leave your home market.
Access to services is based on Infrastructure. So for example, you might have
lots of services being produced in New York, but if you don't build railroads
out to California, the people in California will have very little or no
access to those services (and goods from California won't be able to get to
market efficiently) even though both states are in the US market. Until you
have better infrastructure, you'll have to rely on producing most things
Services come from buildings called Urban Centers, which can't be directly
built but are generated automatically based on the Urbanization of your
States. All buildings you build produce a little bit of Urbanization in the
target State, but some provide a lot more than others. If you focus more on
expanding agriculture, you won't have as many Urban Centers. If you build
lots of Factories and government buildings, you will generate much more
Urbanization. The Service sector will employ POPs as well.
Classes: Lower, Middle, and Upper strata. Determined by POP type. It mainly
determines their wage level and taxation under uneven tax laws. Standard of
Living goes all the way up to 100, which would be "Jeff Bezos level", but you
generally won't see anything above 50 unless you're trying to break the game.
If you have a system like worker-owned factories, you can get to a point
where even the lower strata POPs in your country are richer by the late game
than the capitalists were at the beginning.
Each POP is represented by a 3D character model, looks like the same basic
models from CK3, including regional and class-appropriate dress.
National leaders have 3D, CK3-style portraits and character traits (up to 3
in the build we saw). Monarchies have heirs who also get a portrait.
POPs can belong to Interest Groups, and these are the main forces that you
must contend with to make changes to your society. Not all POPs of a specific
type belong to the same Interest Group. i.e. Capitalists are likely to join
the Industrialists interest group, but some of them might instead belong to
the Devout.
There are a handful of "Templates" for interest groups that will be used in
just about every country, but they can have different traits and desires. For
example, Industrialists in Prussia are very pro-Monarchy, whereas in the U.S.
that is very much not the case.
Example Interest Groups we got to see: Industrialists, Landowners (called
Junkers in Prussia, Landed Gentry in Britain, Plantation Owners in the US,
and Scholar-Officials in Qing), Intelligentsia (called Literati in Qing),
Devout (called Anglican Church in Britain and Confucian Schools in Qing) -
they said this one specifically will change A LOT in ideology depending on
the dominant religion of your country, Armed Forces, Rural Folk, Petite
Bourgeoisie, Trade Unions
Interest Groups have a set of Ideologies, as well as Traits that can be
active or inactive at any given time.
Interest Groups also have a leader with a portrait and traits.
Ideologies can change over time (such as Trade Unions becoming more
socialist). They will be stable for most of the game, but certain events,
ideas, and leaders can cause them to shift. The leader of the Interest Group
might be a socialist, for instance. They are still tweaking how ideologically
malleable or fixed these groups should be.
Prussian Industrialists have Monarchist (very upset if you switch to any
non-Monarchy form of government), Individualist (Disapprove of most
welfare/social security/government healthcare/public schools), Abolitionist
(Don't like slavery), two others that we didn't get to see.
If Ideologies are what an IG wants, Traits are what they can do for you.
These traits will become active if the IG is loyal enough to your government.
Kind of like how loyal Institutions provide bonuses in EU4. The one we got to
see for the Industrialists was Job Creators, which increases the contribution
to the Investment Pool by Capitalist POPs by 10% if their loyalty is at least
You can invite Interest Groups into your government. The ones that aren't
part of your government will be in Opposition. You can never make everyone
happy so you have to choose which groups to champion.
Clout is how much influence an Interest Group has in your nation. In 1836,
the main factors are Wealth, Status, and Workforce. If you liberalize your
country you can offset this with Votes. When you hold elections, each
Interest Group receives Votes from the enfranchised POPs that support it,
which increases their Clout by a set amount per Vote until the next election.
Various laws can tweak the political weight of Votes vs Wealth, or give more
people Votes, though Wealth will always be a factor. So a truly egalitarian
society will need to level the playing field in terms of wealth inequality in
addition to democratic reforms.
Not all POPs belong to an Interest Group at game start. Some of them are
considered Politically Inactive.
Literacy is back from Vicky 2, with your education spending determining what
percentage of the country has access to education rather than just how fast
it ticks up toward 100%. 100% Literacy will be very hard to achieve. Literate
POPs can take certain jobs that illiterate ones cannot. It will be hard to
get modern factories and government institutions up and running with low
。 100%的識字率很難達到,識字的POP可以幹不識字的POP不能幹的工作,低識字率下很
Higher Literacy also affects your likelihood to join an Interest Group rather
than being Politically Inactive, which sort of replaces the Consciousness
system from Vicky 2. Uneducated laborers are more likely to stay out of
politics. Likewise, ideas like Egalitarianism and Socialism will spread to
your country faster if the lower classes are educated, which further increase
political participation, expected minimum Standards of Living, and cause more
attraction to groups like the Trade Unions among laborers. If the expected
minimum Standard of Living goes up but the actual Standard of Living for
those POPs does not, they will start to radicalize. So you can give them more
beer and amenities to suppress class consciousness, is basically what it
sounds like.
高識字率會使人口加入利益集團,而不是保持政治冷漠, 代替了V2的覺醒度。未受教育
You can Suppress or Promote IGs directly using your Authority, which is an
administrative capacity stat. More absolutist forms of government have more
Authority, and so will have more control over the IGs in their nation,
whereas democracies will be less able to combat or uplift the ones they
Legitimacy is basically a check against inviting too many Interest Groups
into your government. If you try to form too large of a coalition, your
Legitimacy will tank. You also get Legitimacy from having the Interest Group
your leader belongs to in the government so as Prussia, we had to have the
Armed Forces in the government, because they're the king's faction, or we
would take a hit to Legitimacy. And that in turn makes it harder to ever pass
any laws the military doesn't like. In a Presidential Republic like the US,
you might have a different interest group represented by the head of state
every election cycle, which dictates what you can accomplish during that term.
An Autocracy requires you to work with fewer Interest Groups to maintain
Legitimacy, whereas a Parliamentary Republic can form larger coalitions. By
the same token, Autocratic governments can commit to a more defined strategy
(at the risk of annoying everyone who is not part of the government), whereas
Republics will have to make more compromises and only be able to pass
policies with very broad, cross-party support (while making more people feel
their voices are being heard).
Trickle Migration (Vicky 2 style) will mostly happen within cultural regions,
to/from colonies, and within your market. i.e. Germanic cultured pops will be
free to move around the Germanic home region, between your metropole and your
colonies, or anywhere in their home country's market. POPs won't just trickle
migrate wherever at all times.
會在德意志地區,殖民地,或者母國市場內的地區移動。 POP不會隨機的到處移民
The exception to this is Migration Waves, which can be caused by poor
economic conditions, political unrest, ethnic discrimination, etc. These will
be major events, rather than a trickle. i.e. famine in Ireland might trigger
a Migration Wave from Ireland to the US. They will try to target countries
that have better standards of living and freer laws than the place they're
leaving, but it's not explicitly tied to New World vs Old World like in Vicky
2. So the US and Brazil won't have any arbitrary advantage in attracting
immigrants, though conditions in those nations might still make them popular
Falling Standard of Living can generate Radical pops (replacing Vicky 2's
Militancy system), while rising Standard of Living can convert Radicals to
neutrals, or neutrals to Loyalists. Having more Radicals in a state generates
Turmoil, which can affect the economy and lead to uprisings. Having more
Radicals in an Interest Group will lower that group's Approval score toward
the current government (and Loyalists in an interest group will do the
opposite), which can lead to a civil war or revolution. Cultural
discrimination can also generate Radicals.
Higher wealth POPs have a lower threshold to radicalize because they expect a
higher standard of living. "They can only afford 100 Ming vases instead of
150, and this is absolutely unacceptable."
Loyalist POPs (and Radicals) can die off, which causes intergenerational
conflict. If you had an era of prosperity that generated a lot of Loyalists,
and then they die, the younger generation with worse economic opportunities
might suddenly be not so happy and change the loyalty and attitude of your
Interest Groups.
You can fund Police Institutions to reduce the local effects of Radicals.
They don't go away, but they won't be able to cause as much trouble. You can
also bring up the standard of living or change discriminating laws to
deradicalize them. Or you can discriminate even harder and hope they decide
to go live somewhere else.
Enslaved POPs will be modeled. This is a historical simulation. They don't
want to stray away from the parts of history that are horrific and pretend
they didn't exist. They also don't want to pretend that it was a good idea.
As an example, slavery is not a flat boon for your country, but it is very
profitable for plantation owners, and those Interest Groups will fight
against abolition because it's in their economic interest they want to keep
those unpaid wages for themselves and spend them on luxuries. You as the
player will have to decide how to deal with those groups.
At the same time, not every nation needs to be on a set trajectory toward
liberalism. If you want to keep Russia an absolutist feudal serf state until
the endgame, you can do that assuming you can deal with any radicals who want
to change it. There is no assumed best path.
Example needs for higher wealth pops: Free Movement (Transportation or
Automobiles), Luxury Items, Luxury Drinks, Intoxicants, Communication,
Heating - Needs are different from goods, and many of them can be filled by
multiple different types of goods.
Example Laws (Not a complete list, just the ones I saw) -
Governance Principles: Monarchy, Chiefdom, Presidential Republic,
Parliamentary Republic, Council Republic
Distribution of Power: Autocracy, Oligarchy, Elder Council, Landed Voting,
Wealth Voting, Census Suffrage, Universal Suffrage, Anarchy
Citizenship: National Supremacy
Church and State: Freedom of Conscience
Bureaucracy: Appointed Bureaucrats
Conscription: Conscription
Internal Security: No Home Affairs
Economic System: Mercantilism, Free Trade, Traditionalism, Isolationism,
Agrarianism, Command Economy
Income Tax: No Income Tax, Payroll Tax (more burden on the poor),
Proportional Tax (everyone pays a flat percentage), Graduated Tax (more
burden on the wealthy)
Poll Tax: No Poll Tax
Colonization: No Colonial Affairs
Policing: Local Police Force
Education: Public Schools, Religious Schools, No Schools, Private Schools
Health System: No Health System, Charity Hospitals, Private Health Insurance,
Public Health Insurance
Free Speech: Censorship
Labor Rights: Serfdom Abolished
Children's Rights: Child Labor Allowed
Rights of Women: Propertied Women, Legal Guardianship
Welfare: Poor Laws, Wage Controls, No Social Security, Pensions
Migration: No Migration Controls
Slavery: Slavery Banned
Passing laws an interest group doesn't like will lower their approval. If
they get upset enough, they can start a civil war. You can only pass laws if
at least one interest group that is part of your government approves of it,
and many of them require specific inventions as a prerequisite (ie: Graduated
Income Tax requires Socialism.) The more Interest Groups that are part of
your government approve of a law, the faster you can implement it.
Institutions are like the organs of your government. Some Institutions are
unlocked by specific laws. They have five levels each, with increasing
bonuses but also increasing Bureaucracy cost. Bureaucracy is the third
capacity, along with Authority and Influence, that is generated by building
government buildings in your states and having Bureaucrat and Clerk pops
working in them (which also requires literacy). Going over your Bureaucratic
capacity will give you a tax penalty due to governmental inefficiency, but
there's also a hard cap on the number of Institution levels you can have,
which can be raised over time.
Example Institutions- These modifiers can change based on your laws
Conscription Office: +2% Conscription Rate and increases the number of
Battalions you can mobilize per level (with Conscription)
徵兵辦公室:+ 2%徵兵率,每個級別增加可以調動的動員兵營數
Education: +15% Education access per level (with Public education), +2%
Wealth-based Education Access (this scales with Wealth so it works out to
much higher than 2% at very high Wealth levels) and +20% Intelligentsia
Political Strength (with Private Schools), +10% education Access, +20%
religious Conversion rate, +20% Devout Political Strength per level (with
Religious Schools)
教育:每級 +15%接受教育機會(接受公共教育),+2% 的基於財富的教育機會(與財富成比
例,因此富裕階層遠高於2%)和 +20%的知識份子政治力量(針對私立學校),+ 10%的受教
育機會,+ 20%宗教轉化率,+ 20%虔誠的政治力量(針對宗教學校)
Law Enforcement: +10 Landowners Political Strength and -20% State Penalties
from Turmoil per level (with Local Policing), -5% Radicals from Standard of
Living decreases and -15% State penalties from Turmoil with ???
執法部門:每級 +10地主政治實力和-20%的州動亂處罰(與地方員警),-5%來自生活水準
Colonial Affairs: +20% Colony Growth per level
殖民事務局:每級殖民地增長+ 20%
Social Security: +10% Industrialists political strength and +2 Minimum Wealth
per level
社會保障:+10% 工業家的政治力量 ,+2 每階層的最低財富
Workplace Safety Offices: -2% Mortality of Laborers, Machinists, and
Engineers employed in Mines and -20% to Dangerous Working Conditions per level
安全生產辦公室:礦山雇用的勞工,機械師和工程師的死亡率 -2%,每級 -20% 危險工作
National Security Agency - No modifiers shown
國家安全局: 效果未知
Institutions only apply their benefits to Incorporated parts of your country.
You can also have Unincorporated areas. The Bureaucratic cost per investment
level is based on the total population in all of your Incorporated states, so
the more people benefitting from services will result in needing more
bureaucrats to maintain.
Institutions also have a financial cost since you're paying the wages of the
Bureaucrat POPs out of the state treasury. There will always be some
bureaucrats, even if you're not funding a bunch of government institutions,
just from enacting your laws in Incorporated states.
States like the Qing will begin with massive, sprawling bureaucracies that
have a significant impact on their playstyle. They have a huge population in
their Incorporated States day one, which is a colossal bureaucratic sink
before you even start adding Institutions on top. You probably can't bring
100% education access to everyone in China because it would take
an absurd amount of bureaucratic investment, while smaller nations will have
a much easier time doing this.
It's a valid playstyle to run a "lean state" with very few bureaucrats and
very few or no public services, freeing people up to do other jobs and
relying on the Investment Pool instead of state revenue to expand
infrastructure and industry. Minting can allow some countries to replace
Diplomatic actions are your standard Paradox stuff. New ones include Trade
Agreements, Invite to Customs Union (making them part of your Market),
Violate Sovereignty, Start Bankrolling - I didn't get to ask what those last
two do but Bankroll is probably just monthly subsidies.
侵犯主權,要求資金 - 後面倆不確定是幹啥的,要求資金應該是每月付款
Diplomatic Plays: Basically an evolution of the crisis system from Vicky 2.
This is now the default way you try to get things from other countries who do
not want to give them to you! I described it as almost like "Diplomatic
外交手段:基本上是Vicky 2危機系統的進化。這是現在你試圖從其他不情願的國家/地區
獲取東西的預設方式! 我形容它幾乎像“外交大戰”。
外交Types of plays:
Conquer State, Liberate Subject, Make Puppet, Open Market, Take Treaty Port,
Transfer Subject, Annex Subject, Cut Down to Size, Declare Independence, Ban
Slavery, Make Territory, Make Vassal, Return State, Take Colony, Unify Region
(in the example we saw it was called "Unify Germany").
You put your starting demands on the table. Enemy puts their starting demands
on the table. It then enters a maneuvering phase where either side can add
wargoals, other countries can become involved (mostly if they actually want
something from either side - rivals will be very likely to join just to stop
you from getting what you want.)
Ultimately you can back down (the side that didn't blink gets their original
wargoal, but not any extra wargoals that were added later by themselves or
other nations that became involved), or let the timer expire and go to war
(everyone who placed a demand on the table gets called in and all demands on
both sides are up for grabs).
It's possible to Sway nations during the maneuver phase, offering them spoils
of war to join your side. This isn't just useful for securing their alliance
if it does go to war. Tipping the balance of power more and more in your
favor also makes it more likely that the other side will Back Down.
The more demands you add to your side of the table, the more POTENTIAL threat
you will generate and the more likely it is that other nations will pledge
their support to your enemy. Particularly if you are a Great Power, other
Great Powers will try to head off any massive wars of conquest before they
even start by pledging their support to the target and trying to get you to
Back Down, to maintain the balance of power. So it's generally safer to eat
your neighbors one bite at a time unless you think you can take on everyone
at once.
Allies will generally side with you or stay out of your way. Countries with
friendly relations or who don't see you as a threat are also generally
unlikely to get involved, so maintaining a strong diplomatic position with
other Great Powers will enable faster conquests with less meddling.
At any point during this process, before war is declared, you can Mobilize
your armies to have a head start, which might cause your opponent to back
down. If you wait until the war has already started to mobilize, you will be
on the back foot compared to countries that mobilized before the timer ran
They don't want this system to make every single conquest into a World War
and it's being balanced accordingly. It's always a possibility though if you
as a player try to overreach too much.
They don't want to say One Tag World Conquest is impossible because the
players will always find a way, but they described it as "implausible."
There is no Status Quo in a Diplomatic Play. Either you go to war, or one
side Backs Down and the other gets their initial wargoal. (But ONLY the
initial wargoal.) So you can't use it risk-free to test the waters.
No more "uncivilized" nations. Instead there are "Unrecognized" nations,
which basically means they weren't seen as equals by the Great Powers at the
time. They do NOT get any arbitrary debuffs to technology or combat just for
having the "unrecognized" flag. They play by the same rules as everyone else
for the most part.
They will start out technologically behind in many cases, based on historical
circumstances, and the social and economic conditions they have to deal with
will generally make it harder to become an advanced, industrialized,
technologically competitive nation. But that's all tied to the laws, POPs,
Interest Groups, resources, and starting infrastructure, not their
Unrecognized status.
The one direct, mechanical difference is that it's cheaper and generates less
threat for Recognized nations to take land from Unrecognized nations.
You can go from Unrecognized to Recognized, for example by beating up a Great
Power. The Russo-Japanese War was given as an example of an Unrecognized
nation becoming Recognized.
Colonization works in two different ways: Colonization against Decentralized
Countries can be done like in EU4, where you can theoretically do it without
open conflict. You establish a Colonial Institution back home and employ POPs
as Colonists who will slowly build up the colony in the target province.
During this time, you will generate a Tension score with the Decentralized
Country you are colonizing on top of, which can result in open warfare. The
natives will annex your colony if they win.
Machine Guns no longer magically make you able to colonize new areas like in
Vicky 2. They just help against uprisings if you do have to fight. Medical
advances like Malaria Medication will have a major impact on where you can
colonize, though.
Colonization against Unrecognized nations, it's more like declaring a regular
war. You can make them your colonial subject, or you can demand a Treaty
Port, which will create a new State under your control and give you access to
their market.
Outright annexing overseas territory by either method will create a Colonial
State, which is not the same as an Unincorporated State. They are affected by
colonial policies, have special migration rules, and distinct mechanics.
War/combat is unfinished. They're not ready to talk about it yet.
Prestige is still a thing and affects your Great Power ranking. Cut Down to
Size wargoal will take a bite out of your prestige.
GDP affects your Great Power ranking directly, even if you as the state are
not benefitting from that production through taxation. What matters is
production, not government revenue. Factories, especially late game, will
cause GDP to skyrocket, so you will need to industrialize to remain
competitive as a Great Power.
Each Power Rank has its own intended play experience.
Minor Powers: Ideal for playing tall. Local concerns. Min-maxing your
economy, encouraging immigration, building exactly the society you want,
"tending your garden," becoming regionally powerful/influential.
Major Power: Might have some colonies. Mass political movements outside your
control might try to change the shape of your country (this is less of a
concern for minor powers). Becoming a Great Power is a realistic goal.
Great Powers: Global influence. Maintaining and disrupting the worldwide
balance of power. Getting involved in smaller nations' affairs in lots of
ways beyond just conquest. Proxy conflicts. Gunboat diplomacy. Being #1. They
get more tools to change industry top-down, from a macro level, with a single
click. You shouldn't be really concerned with economic micromanagement, but
still have a lot of control over your economy in broader ways.
Three different Tech Trees: Production, Military, and Society. More like a
traditional, branching 4X tech tree, not like the tech columns in Vicky 2. No
split between techs and inventions. Seems like no more RNG for inventions
other than that Tech Spread has some RNG involved.
About 10 "tiers" of tech. Earlier ones might only have three techs in them
but later ones have up to 11.
Production Tech represents the major civilian inventions of the era that
directly affect industry. Dynamite, Railways, Cotton Gin, Telegraph.
Military Tech is pretty self-explanatory. Hardware as well as doctrines.
Ironclads, Machine Guns, Modern Nursing, Defense in Depth. Tanks and Planes
are at the very bottom. Having something researched doesn't automatically
implement it, so for example, just researching Defense in Depth won't give
you its benefits until you decide to enact it.
Society Tech is stuff like Romanticism, Urban Planning, Central Banking,
Dialectics. Anarchism and Socialism are two separate ideologies now that
function differently. Antibiotics, Malaria Prevention, and other civilian
stuff unrelated to direct production of goods is also in this tree.
Innovations (including social movements like Socialism) can spread into your
country even if you choose not to research them, which can be combated by
things like censorship at the cost of slowing down your Innovation rate and
upsetting the Intelligentsia.
Almost every tech has advantages and disadvantages. i.e. automation increases
overall throughput and reduces costs, but also reduces the number of
available jobs in that industry, so you have to figure out what to do with
all the newly unemployed.
幾乎每種技術都有優缺點。比如, 自動化增加了總的生產力,降低了成本,但也減少了
Technology Spread is based on your Literacy rate. Higher literacy and a free
press will cause techs that are spreading to you from outside to spread
faster. This is separate from Innovation Points, which you invest directly
into a single tech you are trying to research at a given moment.
Innovation Points you can spend directly come from building universities and
employing Academics. Literacy rate affects how many of those points you can
directly invest into research each week. So if you have a well-funded
academic elite but low general literacy, you might not be able to spend all
of your Innovation Points. These "overflow" Innovation Points beyond your
direct investment cap will increase Tech Spread instead. So there's a balance
between increasing Literacy, which speeds the adoption of outside ideas, and
building academic infrastructure, which gives you more direct control over
research. (This is a complicated system and we got to see it for like 30
seconds but I'm pretty sure I was able to get the general idea. I'm sure
Martin can find me and yell at me if I'm wrong.)
Ideas like Socialism, Anarchism, Egalitarianism, will increase the minimum
Expected Standard of Living for ALL POPs once present in your nation, so you
will need to provide them with more stuff to keep them happy. This might also
increase attraction for Interest Groups that want broader suffrage or to
abolish slavery, for example.
Having Anarchism as your organizing principle produces no Authority, so you
will have a very reduced ability to make changes to your country directly
once you have switched over to it.
Anarchists can implement a Council Republic government, which gives more
Political Strength to Farmers and Machinists and opens up the Worker
Cooperative production method, in which workers own their factories and
collect dividends from them. This is distinct from USSR-style communism, in
which the state controls the industries and (theoretically...) passes the
proceeds on to the workers from the top down in the form of subsidies and
social programs.
If a revolution happens, you can side with the rebels. So you can be super
duper capitalist on purpose, make life hell for all the workers, then switch
sides when the socialists rise up. Neighboring conservative countries will be
likely to step in and try to stop a socialist revolution.
They want it to be playable without a lot of prior experience. It's a very
complex game but it should be much more approachable than Vicky 2.
Rather than a game where you learn how to play "correctly" by following a
guide, the goal is for it to be the kind of game where you do what comes
naturally and are able to easily understand why your actions led to certain
Historical events (Taiping Rebellion, US Civil War) can happen, but only if
the correct conditions exist. If the US player plays the interest group game
really well and manages to abolish slavery peacefully in the 1850s, there
won't be a hardcoded Civil War event chain that fires.
KEY: This is a simulation. It's not a map painter. Military conquest is not
the main focus. Victoria 3 is more about diplomatic maneuvering, shaping your
society and laws, building and industrializing your economy, and "tending the
garden" of your nation.
交,內政,經濟發展,以及運營國家 種田
1836 - 1936.
4 ticks per day, so the number of ticks per campaign is similar to EU4.
The map is divided into States and Provinces. There are about 730 States at
game start, which are the smallest unit you will interact with for purposes
of politics and economics.
It's possible to split existing states, such as when you demand a Treaty Port
in a war or Diplomatic Play. This creates a new State that is only one
Province in size. Even at game start there are some cases of having more than
one State, gameplay-wise, within a single "State Area."
州可以被分開了,比如通過外交或者戰爭創建一個只有一個省的州。 有時候有很多個州
Provinces are subdivisions that you usually only interact with for
maneuvering armies and when colonizing (which is done one Province at a time
as you add more Provinces to your Colonial State), and there are roughly the
same number of individual Provinces as in HoI4. (According to Google, that's
around 13,000 - roughly 18 Provinces per State on average.)
Visually, urbanization will spread across individual Provinces within a State.
The pre-alpha map we saw looks better than HoI4 but worse than CK3/Imperator.
They did say specifically that it isn't done yet. You can definitely zoom in
further than HoI4, so I'd say the map overall feels bigger than the HoI4 map.
Zoomed all the way out it looks very similar to the Vicky 2 paper map. Zoomed
in you can see realistic clouds and stuff drifting over the landscape.
Railroads are visible.
Well over 100 playable countries, but not all countries are playable. Most of
Africa, parts of inner South America, and a few surviving native tribes in
North America (including the Lakota, Dakota, and Cree) were not playable.
These are "Decentralized Countries." Post-launch, they want to make them
playable eventually. But they want to do them right because the gameplay
experience should be significantly different. All the Decentralized Countries
have names and governments. There are no "uncolonized" provinces, but you can
colonize on top of a Decentralized Country without declaring war.
Full POPs like Victoria 2. Over a billion people are modeled individually,
which will roughly double by game end, including Dependents. These represent
non-working children and homemakers. Your laws, i.e. Child Labor laws,
determine how much economic output your Dependents create and if they collect
wages. So like, kids will still be counted as Dependents, but your wages from
Dependents might go up (along with mortality rate.)
Example POP types I saw (not exhaustive): Capitalists, Laborers, Machinists,
Farmers, Shopkeepers, Engineers, Aristocrats, Clergymen, Officers,
Bureaucrats, Academics, Servicemen, Clerks
Standard of Living is mostly based on a POP's Wealth, which is determined by
your sources of revenue minus your expenses. This can be a salary from your
job, stipends and wages from dependents in countries where women and children
can work (or if they're receiving welfare payments), and dividends from
buildings you own. Increasing wages, lowering taxes, and increasing the
supply of goods (thus lowering the prices and therefore the lifestyle
expenses) will all generally raise Standard of Living. Standard of Living
affects POP Loyalty and Population Growth.
Your GDP measures how much you produce and affects your Great Power ranking,
but it doesn't necessarily reflect how much money you, as a player, have to
spend. The Ottomans, for example, start with a very inefficient tax system,
so they have a small state budget compared to their GDP.
Capitalists work completely differently from Vicky 2. Capitalism isn't "Let
The AI Do It Mode." Instead, Capitalists (and sometimes Aristocrats depending
on your laws) invest profits from buildings they own into a new resource pool
separate from state funds called the Investment Pool, which you can only
spend on certain things based on your laws and economic system. So you are
still personally directing the expansion of industry in a capitalist economy,
with some restrictions.
Every nation has a primary culture and state religion, with varying levels of
acceptance for other religions and cultures based on your laws. Non-accepted
POPs are paid lower wages (so have a lower Standard of Living) and are more
likely to radicalize.
In places like the US, discrimination is on a racial basis. This is based on
your country's laws and can be changed. There are no culture groups, but
cultures have traits like Heritage traits and Linguistic traits, and your
laws will look at how alike or different those are to your main culture. So
someone from England will be less discriminated against in American society.
Someone from a different part of Europe will face some more discrimination
than the Englishman but not too much. Someone from Africa or Asia will face a
lot of discrimination.
Every State has a proportion of Arable Land, which represents how much
agricultural industry it can support. Arable Land you have not directly built
any buildings on will automatically generate Subsistence Farms, which employ
Peasants. Peasants represent the vast majority of the world's population at
game start, and they don't produce very many taxes or sellable goods since
they're just focused on their own survival. So you'll generally want to start
moving them to work in other industries if you want to grow your GDP and your
tax base.
Spheres have been replaced with Markets. There are many local markets instead
of a single world market. Expanding your market is going to be a new
playstyle aside from conquest - "painting the map economically". You can
bring other countries into your market diplomatically or through war. Trade
between markets is done by setting up one-way Import and Export trade deals
for specific goods, of which you can only have a limited number at a time per
market, based on a number of factors.
重點:勢力範圍被市場代替,不再有一個單一的全球 火星 市場,每個區域有一個本地市
場。擴張市場是一個與軍事征服不同的玩法 “通過經濟給地圖塗色”,你可以通過外交
An example given was that Mecklenburg starts out in the Prussian market
(modelling the historical Zollverein Customs Union), which may allow them to
build luxury furniture to meet the demands of the wealthy Prussian elite. But
if they leave that market to form their own, their own elites may not have
enough money to afford those luxury goods, and their economy will suffer
unless they can set up trade deals to find buyers abroad or join a different,
larger market.
The number of countries that can be in your market at a time is based on the
market leader's diplomatic Influence, which is one of the main capacity
types. Capacities are different from power/mana in that it's not a pool of
points you build up and spend. It's more like having enough electricity to
run a lot of devices. Influence is also used for things like alliances, etc.
You get Influence primarily from having rivalries, your Power Ranking (Great
Powers get a ton), and a few other things that add percentage modifiers.
Prices of goods are based on Supply and Demand. It's not event-based with
arbitrary starting prices like EU4. Full market simulation. POPs and
Industries will place Buy orders while Industries will also place Sell orders
for finished goods. There's a screen that lets you see what are currently the
five most under-produced and the five most overproduced goods in your market,
so you can set up trade deals or expand industries to meet demand better.
The other factor that affects this is Infrastructure. Having insufficient
infrastructure will make it harder to get goods from a given State to your
wider market efficiently.
Around 50 trade goods divided into Staples - Consumed by all POPs for daily
needs, Industrial Goods - Consumed by industries to make other finished
goods, Luxury Goods - consumed by POPs with higher Standard of Living, and
Military Goods - Used to create military units including infantry, artillery,
ships, and later tanks and planes.
Trade Goods (incomplete list, mostly guessing based on icons): Tools, Glass,
Wood, Coal, Luxury Furniture, Porcelain, Silk, Iron, Chemicals, Meat,
Cannons, Ammunition, Fish, Sulfur, Basic Furniture, Clipper Ships, Ironclads,
Luxury Clothing, Paper, Artillery Shells, Fruit, Tea, Tobacco, Baked Goods,
Coffee, Wine, Steel, Standard Clothing, Guns, Grain, Automobiles, Alcohol,
Production buildings have resource inputs and outputs, Throughput rating, and
pay wages to all employed POPs. If their output can sell for more than their
inputs, they will generate dividends that are paid to the owners and increase
their Wealth. Otherwise, they will need to be subsidized or else they will
fail. Each also has a personal cash reserve, presumably so it can run at a
loss for a bit without subsidies.
Production Methods affect how buildings operate. For instance, a workshop can
be Privately Owned, belong to a Merchant Guild, Publicly Traded, Government
Run, or a Worker Cooperative. This affects what kind of POPs are employed
here, what wages they are paid, and who collects the dividends/profits. i.e.
Privately Owned workshops will employ Capitalists who get most of the wealth
generated with the workers getting only wages, whereas in a Worker
Cooperative, the people doing the work own the workshop and split the Wealth
it generates evenly.
Government Run industries have mandatory subsidies, meaning any losses they
incur will come directly out of your national treasury rather than letting
them go out of business. But you can also pocket any profits.
You can have a Statist, command economy without being Communist. Communism
itself, while it often goes hand-in-hand with a command economy, is now more
directly related to distribution of wealth and political power. Communism is
not when the government does things. The government doing more things doesn't
make it more communister.
POPs can promote/demote and some types are more likely than others. Engineers
and Shopkeepers are more likely to become Capitalists, for instance.
Command Economies do not allow Capitalists or Aristocrats to be employed in
your nation, so they will have to find a new job or leave. They also get
fewer foreign Trade Routes to work with, but can enact Encourage Consumption,
Discourage Consumption, and Consumption Taxes more cheaply. They can embargo
all goods and they can (must) subsidize everything.
You need to have a Command Economy to switch Production Method to Government
Free Trade gives you more import/export routes, reduces loan interest rates,
allows you to subsidize only Service Industries and Infrastructure, and
increases the amount of wealth Capitalists contribute to the Investment Pool.
Isolation cuts off all foreign trade (so you can only operate within your
Market/Customs Union), you can embargo all goods, you can subsidize all
buildings, and both Capitalists and Aristocrats will contribute to the
Investment Pool.
Traditionalism (used mostly by Unrecognized countries and represents
pre-industrial economies): Fewer trade routes, can subsidize only Services
and Infrastructure.
Agrarianism gives you more export routes, lets you subsidize agriculture,
infrastructure, and services, Aristocrats contribute to the Investment Pool,
and you can embargo Luxury Goods
Different economic systems dictate what you can or cannot spend Investment
Pool money on.
Services are a non-tradeable good, so they cannot leave your home market.
Access to services is based on Infrastructure. So for example, you might have
lots of services being produced in New York, but if you don't build railroads
out to California, the people in California will have very little or no
access to those services (and goods from California won't be able to get to
market efficiently) even though both states are in the US market. Until you
have better infrastructure, you'll have to rely on producing most things
Services come from buildings called Urban Centers, which can't be directly
built but are generated automatically based on the Urbanization of your
States. All buildings you build produce a little bit of Urbanization in the
target State, but some provide a lot more than others. If you focus more on
expanding agriculture, you won't have as many Urban Centers. If you build
lots of Factories and government buildings, you will generate much more
Urbanization. The Service sector will employ POPs as well.
Classes: Lower, Middle, and Upper strata. Determined by POP type. It mainly
determines their wage level and taxation under uneven tax laws. Standard of
Living goes all the way up to 100, which would be "Jeff Bezos level", but you
generally won't see anything above 50 unless you're trying to break the game.
If you have a system like worker-owned factories, you can get to a point
where even the lower strata POPs in your country are richer by the late game
than the capitalists were at the beginning.
Each POP is represented by a 3D character model, looks like the same basic
models from CK3, including regional and class-appropriate dress.
National leaders have 3D, CK3-style portraits and character traits (up to 3
in the build we saw). Monarchies have heirs who also get a portrait.
POPs can belong to Interest Groups, and these are the main forces that you
must contend with to make changes to your society. Not all POPs of a specific
type belong to the same Interest Group. i.e. Capitalists are likely to join
the Industrialists interest group, but some of them might instead belong to
the Devout.
There are a handful of "Templates" for interest groups that will be used in
just about every country, but they can have different traits and desires. For
example, Industrialists in Prussia are very pro-Monarchy, whereas in the U.S.
that is very much not the case.
Example Interest Groups we got to see: Industrialists, Landowners (called
Junkers in Prussia, Landed Gentry in Britain, Plantation Owners in the US,
and Scholar-Officials in Qing), Intelligentsia (called Literati in Qing),
Devout (called Anglican Church in Britain and Confucian Schools in Qing) -
they said this one specifically will change A LOT in ideology depending on
the dominant religion of your country, Armed Forces, Rural Folk, Petite
Bourgeoisie, Trade Unions
Interest Groups have a set of Ideologies, as well as Traits that can be
active or inactive at any given time.
Interest Groups also have a leader with a portrait and traits.
Ideologies can change over time (such as Trade Unions becoming more
socialist). They will be stable for most of the game, but certain events,
ideas, and leaders can cause them to shift. The leader of the Interest Group
might be a socialist, for instance. They are still tweaking how ideologically
malleable or fixed these groups should be.
Prussian Industrialists have Monarchist (very upset if you switch to any
non-Monarchy form of government), Individualist (Disapprove of most
welfare/social security/government healthcare/public schools), Abolitionist
(Don't like slavery), two others that we didn't get to see.
If Ideologies are what an IG wants, Traits are what they can do for you.
These traits will become active if the IG is loyal enough to your government.
Kind of like how loyal Institutions provide bonuses in EU4. The one we got to
see for the Industrialists was Job Creators, which increases the contribution
to the Investment Pool by Capitalist POPs by 10% if their loyalty is at least
You can invite Interest Groups into your government. The ones that aren't
part of your government will be in Opposition. You can never make everyone
happy so you have to choose which groups to champion.
Clout is how much influence an Interest Group has in your nation. In 1836,
the main factors are Wealth, Status, and Workforce. If you liberalize your
country you can offset this with Votes. When you hold elections, each
Interest Group receives Votes from the enfranchised POPs that support it,
which increases their Clout by a set amount per Vote until the next election.
Various laws can tweak the political weight of Votes vs Wealth, or give more
people Votes, though Wealth will always be a factor. So a truly egalitarian
society will need to level the playing field in terms of wealth inequality in
addition to democratic reforms.
Not all POPs belong to an Interest Group at game start. Some of them are
considered Politically Inactive.
Literacy is back from Vicky 2, with your education spending determining what
percentage of the country has access to education rather than just how fast
it ticks up toward 100%. 100% Literacy will be very hard to achieve. Literate
POPs can take certain jobs that illiterate ones cannot. It will be hard to
get modern factories and government institutions up and running with low
。 100%的識字率很難達到,識字的POP可以幹不識字的POP不能幹的工作,低識字率下很
Higher Literacy also affects your likelihood to join an Interest Group rather
than being Politically Inactive, which sort of replaces the Consciousness
system from Vicky 2. Uneducated laborers are more likely to stay out of
politics. Likewise, ideas like Egalitarianism and Socialism will spread to
your country faster if the lower classes are educated, which further increase
political participation, expected minimum Standards of Living, and cause more
attraction to groups like the Trade Unions among laborers. If the expected
minimum Standard of Living goes up but the actual Standard of Living for
those POPs does not, they will start to radicalize. So you can give them more
beer and amenities to suppress class consciousness, is basically what it
sounds like.
高識字率會使人口加入利益集團,而不是保持政治冷漠, 代替了V2的覺醒度。未受教育
You can Suppress or Promote IGs directly using your Authority, which is an
administrative capacity stat. More absolutist forms of government have more
Authority, and so will have more control over the IGs in their nation,
whereas democracies will be less able to combat or uplift the ones they
Legitimacy is basically a check against inviting too many Interest Groups
into your government. If you try to form too large of a coalition, your
Legitimacy will tank. You also get Legitimacy from having the Interest Group
your leader belongs to in the government so as Prussia, we had to have the
Armed Forces in the government, because they're the king's faction, or we
would take a hit to Legitimacy. And that in turn makes it harder to ever pass
any laws the military doesn't like. In a Presidential Republic like the US,
you might have a different interest group represented by the head of state
every election cycle, which dictates what you can accomplish during that term.
An Autocracy requires you to work with fewer Interest Groups to maintain
Legitimacy, whereas a Parliamentary Republic can form larger coalitions. By
the same token, Autocratic governments can commit to a more defined strategy
(at the risk of annoying everyone who is not part of the government), whereas
Republics will have to make more compromises and only be able to pass
policies with very broad, cross-party support (while making more people feel
their voices are being heard).
Trickle Migration (Vicky 2 style) will mostly happen within cultural regions,
to/from colonies, and within your market. i.e. Germanic cultured pops will be
free to move around the Germanic home region, between your metropole and your
colonies, or anywhere in their home country's market. POPs won't just trickle
migrate wherever at all times.
會在德意志地區,殖民地,或者母國市場內的地區移動。 POP不會隨機的到處移民
The exception to this is Migration Waves, which can be caused by poor
economic conditions, political unrest, ethnic discrimination, etc. These will
be major events, rather than a trickle. i.e. famine in Ireland might trigger
a Migration Wave from Ireland to the US. They will try to target countries
that have better standards of living and freer laws than the place they're
leaving, but it's not explicitly tied to New World vs Old World like in Vicky
2. So the US and Brazil won't have any arbitrary advantage in attracting
immigrants, though conditions in those nations might still make them popular
Falling Standard of Living can generate Radical pops (replacing Vicky 2's
Militancy system), while rising Standard of Living can convert Radicals to
neutrals, or neutrals to Loyalists. Having more Radicals in a state generates
Turmoil, which can affect the economy and lead to uprisings. Having more
Radicals in an Interest Group will lower that group's Approval score toward
the current government (and Loyalists in an interest group will do the
opposite), which can lead to a civil war or revolution. Cultural
discrimination can also generate Radicals.
Higher wealth POPs have a lower threshold to radicalize because they expect a
higher standard of living. "They can only afford 100 Ming vases instead of
150, and this is absolutely unacceptable."
Loyalist POPs (and Radicals) can die off, which causes intergenerational
conflict. If you had an era of prosperity that generated a lot of Loyalists,
and then they die, the younger generation with worse economic opportunities
might suddenly be not so happy and change the loyalty and attitude of your
Interest Groups.
You can fund Police Institutions to reduce the local effects of Radicals.
They don't go away, but they won't be able to cause as much trouble. You can
also bring up the standard of living or change discriminating laws to
deradicalize them. Or you can discriminate even harder and hope they decide
to go live somewhere else.
Enslaved POPs will be modeled. This is a historical simulation. They don't
want to stray away from the parts of history that are horrific and pretend
they didn't exist. They also don't want to pretend that it was a good idea.
As an example, slavery is not a flat boon for your country, but it is very
profitable for plantation owners, and those Interest Groups will fight
against abolition because it's in their economic interest they want to keep
those unpaid wages for themselves and spend them on luxuries. You as the
player will have to decide how to deal with those groups.
At the same time, not every nation needs to be on a set trajectory toward
liberalism. If you want to keep Russia an absolutist feudal serf state until
the endgame, you can do that assuming you can deal with any radicals who want
to change it. There is no assumed best path.
Example needs for higher wealth pops: Free Movement (Transportation or
Automobiles), Luxury Items, Luxury Drinks, Intoxicants, Communication,
Heating - Needs are different from goods, and many of them can be filled by
multiple different types of goods.
Example Laws (Not a complete list, just the ones I saw) -
Governance Principles: Monarchy, Chiefdom, Presidential Republic,
Parliamentary Republic, Council Republic
Distribution of Power: Autocracy, Oligarchy, Elder Council, Landed Voting,
Wealth Voting, Census Suffrage, Universal Suffrage, Anarchy
Citizenship: National Supremacy
Church and State: Freedom of Conscience
Bureaucracy: Appointed Bureaucrats
Conscription: Conscription
Internal Security: No Home Affairs
Economic System: Mercantilism, Free Trade, Traditionalism, Isolationism,
Agrarianism, Command Economy
Income Tax: No Income Tax, Payroll Tax (more burden on the poor),
Proportional Tax (everyone pays a flat percentage), Graduated Tax (more
burden on the wealthy)
Poll Tax: No Poll Tax
Colonization: No Colonial Affairs
Policing: Local Police Force
Education: Public Schools, Religious Schools, No Schools, Private Schools
Health System: No Health System, Charity Hospitals, Private Health Insurance,
Public Health Insurance
Free Speech: Censorship
Labor Rights: Serfdom Abolished
Children's Rights: Child Labor Allowed
Rights of Women: Propertied Women, Legal Guardianship
Welfare: Poor Laws, Wage Controls, No Social Security, Pensions
Migration: No Migration Controls
Slavery: Slavery Banned
Passing laws an interest group doesn't like will lower their approval. If
they get upset enough, they can start a civil war. You can only pass laws if
at least one interest group that is part of your government approves of it,
and many of them require specific inventions as a prerequisite (ie: Graduated
Income Tax requires Socialism.) The more Interest Groups that are part of
your government approve of a law, the faster you can implement it.
Institutions are like the organs of your government. Some Institutions are
unlocked by specific laws. They have five levels each, with increasing
bonuses but also increasing Bureaucracy cost. Bureaucracy is the third
capacity, along with Authority and Influence, that is generated by building
government buildings in your states and having Bureaucrat and Clerk pops
working in them (which also requires literacy). Going over your Bureaucratic
capacity will give you a tax penalty due to governmental inefficiency, but
there's also a hard cap on the number of Institution levels you can have,
which can be raised over time.
Example Institutions- These modifiers can change based on your laws
Conscription Office: +2% Conscription Rate and increases the number of
Battalions you can mobilize per level (with Conscription)
徵兵辦公室:+ 2%徵兵率,每個級別增加可以調動的動員兵營數
Education: +15% Education access per level (with Public education), +2%
Wealth-based Education Access (this scales with Wealth so it works out to
much higher than 2% at very high Wealth levels) and +20% Intelligentsia
Political Strength (with Private Schools), +10% education Access, +20%
religious Conversion rate, +20% Devout Political Strength per level (with
Religious Schools)
教育:每級 +15%接受教育機會(接受公共教育),+2% 的基於財富的教育機會(與財富成比
例,因此富裕階層遠高於2%)和 +20%的知識份子政治力量(針對私立學校),+ 10%的受教
育機會,+ 20%宗教轉化率,+ 20%虔誠的政治力量(針對宗教學校)
Law Enforcement: +10 Landowners Political Strength and -20% State Penalties
from Turmoil per level (with Local Policing), -5% Radicals from Standard of
Living decreases and -15% State penalties from Turmoil with ???
執法部門:每級 +10地主政治實力和-20%的州動亂處罰(與地方員警),-5%來自生活水準
Colonial Affairs: +20% Colony Growth per level
殖民事務局:每級殖民地增長+ 20%
Social Security: +10% Industrialists political strength and +2 Minimum Wealth
per level
社會保障:+10% 工業家的政治力量 ,+2 每階層的最低財富
Workplace Safety Offices: -2% Mortality of Laborers, Machinists, and
Engineers employed in Mines and -20% to Dangerous Working Conditions per level
安全生產辦公室:礦山雇用的勞工,機械師和工程師的死亡率 -2%,每級 -20% 危險工作
National Security Agency - No modifiers shown
國家安全局: 效果未知
Institutions only apply their benefits to Incorporated parts of your country.
You can also have Unincorporated areas. The Bureaucratic cost per investment
level is based on the total population in all of your Incorporated states, so
the more people benefitting from services will result in needing more
bureaucrats to maintain.
Institutions also have a financial cost since you're paying the wages of the
Bureaucrat POPs out of the state treasury. There will always be some
bureaucrats, even if you're not funding a bunch of government institutions,
just from enacting your laws in Incorporated states.
States like the Qing will begin with massive, sprawling bureaucracies that
have a significant impact on their playstyle. They have a huge population in
their Incorporated States day one, which is a colossal bureaucratic sink
before you even start adding Institutions on top. You probably can't bring
100% education access to everyone in China because it would take
an absurd amount of bureaucratic investment, while smaller nations will have
a much easier time doing this.
It's a valid playstyle to run a "lean state" with very few bureaucrats and
very few or no public services, freeing people up to do other jobs and
relying on the Investment Pool instead of state revenue to expand
infrastructure and industry. Minting can allow some countries to replace
Diplomatic actions are your standard Paradox stuff. New ones include Trade
Agreements, Invite to Customs Union (making them part of your Market),
Violate Sovereignty, Start Bankrolling - I didn't get to ask what those last
two do but Bankroll is probably just monthly subsidies.
侵犯主權,要求資金 - 後面倆不確定是幹啥的,要求資金應該是每月付款
Diplomatic Plays: Basically an evolution of the crisis system from Vicky 2.
This is now the default way you try to get things from other countries who do
not want to give them to you! I described it as almost like "Diplomatic
外交手段:基本上是Vicky 2危機系統的進化。這是現在你試圖從其他不情願的國家/地區
獲取東西的預設方式! 我形容它幾乎像“外交大戰”。
外交Types of plays:
Conquer State, Liberate Subject, Make Puppet, Open Market, Take Treaty Port,
Transfer Subject, Annex Subject, Cut Down to Size, Declare Independence, Ban
Slavery, Make Territory, Make Vassal, Return State, Take Colony, Unify Region
(in the example we saw it was called "Unify Germany").
You put your starting demands on the table. Enemy puts their starting demands
on the table. It then enters a maneuvering phase where either side can add
wargoals, other countries can become involved (mostly if they actually want
something from either side - rivals will be very likely to join just to stop
you from getting what you want.)
Ultimately you can back down (the side that didn't blink gets their original
wargoal, but not any extra wargoals that were added later by themselves or
other nations that became involved), or let the timer expire and go to war
(everyone who placed a demand on the table gets called in and all demands on
both sides are up for grabs).
It's possible to Sway nations during the maneuver phase, offering them spoils
of war to join your side. This isn't just useful for securing their alliance
if it does go to war. Tipping the balance of power more and more in your
favor also makes it more likely that the other side will Back Down.
The more demands you add to your side of the table, the more POTENTIAL threat
you will generate and the more likely it is that other nations will pledge
their support to your enemy. Particularly if you are a Great Power, other
Great Powers will try to head off any massive wars of conquest before they
even start by pledging their support to the target and trying to get you to
Back Down, to maintain the balance of power. So it's generally safer to eat
your neighbors one bite at a time unless you think you can take on everyone
at once.
Allies will generally side with you or stay out of your way. Countries with
friendly relations or who don't see you as a threat are also generally
unlikely to get involved, so maintaining a strong diplomatic position with
other Great Powers will enable faster conquests with less meddling.
At any point during this process, before war is declared, you can Mobilize
your armies to have a head start, which might cause your opponent to back
down. If you wait until the war has already started to mobilize, you will be
on the back foot compared to countries that mobilized before the timer ran
They don't want this system to make every single conquest into a World War
and it's being balanced accordingly. It's always a possibility though if you
as a player try to overreach too much.
They don't want to say One Tag World Conquest is impossible because the
players will always find a way, but they described it as "implausible."
There is no Status Quo in a Diplomatic Play. Either you go to war, or one
side Backs Down and the other gets their initial wargoal. (But ONLY the
initial wargoal.) So you can't use it risk-free to test the waters.
No more "uncivilized" nations. Instead there are "Unrecognized" nations,
which basically means they weren't seen as equals by the Great Powers at the
time. They do NOT get any arbitrary debuffs to technology or combat just for
having the "unrecognized" flag. They play by the same rules as everyone else
for the most part.
They will start out technologically behind in many cases, based on historical
circumstances, and the social and economic conditions they have to deal with
will generally make it harder to become an advanced, industrialized,
technologically competitive nation. But that's all tied to the laws, POPs,
Interest Groups, resources, and starting infrastructure, not their
Unrecognized status.
The one direct, mechanical difference is that it's cheaper and generates less
threat for Recognized nations to take land from Unrecognized nations.
You can go from Unrecognized to Recognized, for example by beating up a Great
Power. The Russo-Japanese War was given as an example of an Unrecognized
nation becoming Recognized.
Colonization works in two different ways: Colonization against Decentralized
Countries can be done like in EU4, where you can theoretically do it without
open conflict. You establish a Colonial Institution back home and employ POPs
as Colonists who will slowly build up the colony in the target province.
During this time, you will generate a Tension score with the Decentralized
Country you are colonizing on top of, which can result in open warfare. The
natives will annex your colony if they win.
Machine Guns no longer magically make you able to colonize new areas like in
Vicky 2. They just help against uprisings if you do have to fight. Medical
advances like Malaria Medication will have a major impact on where you can
colonize, though.
Colonization against Unrecognized nations, it's more like declaring a regular
war. You can make them your colonial subject, or you can demand a Treaty
Port, which will create a new State under your control and give you access to
their market.
Outright annexing overseas territory by either method will create a Colonial
State, which is not the same as an Unincorporated State. They are affected by
colonial policies, have special migration rules, and distinct mechanics.
War/combat is unfinished. They're not ready to talk about it yet.
Prestige is still a thing and affects your Great Power ranking. Cut Down to
Size wargoal will take a bite out of your prestige.
GDP affects your Great Power ranking directly, even if you as the state are
not benefitting from that production through taxation. What matters is
production, not government revenue. Factories, especially late game, will
cause GDP to skyrocket, so you will need to industrialize to remain
competitive as a Great Power.
Each Power Rank has its own intended play experience.
Minor Powers: Ideal for playing tall. Local concerns. Min-maxing your
economy, encouraging immigration, building exactly the society you want,
"tending your garden," becoming regionally powerful/influential.
Major Power: Might have some colonies. Mass political movements outside your
control might try to change the shape of your country (this is less of a
concern for minor powers). Becoming a Great Power is a realistic goal.
Great Powers: Global influence. Maintaining and disrupting the worldwide
balance of power. Getting involved in smaller nations' affairs in lots of
ways beyond just conquest. Proxy conflicts. Gunboat diplomacy. Being #1. They
get more tools to change industry top-down, from a macro level, with a single
click. You shouldn't be really concerned with economic micromanagement, but
still have a lot of control over your economy in broader ways.
Three different Tech Trees: Production, Military, and Society. More like a
traditional, branching 4X tech tree, not like the tech columns in Vicky 2. No
split between techs and inventions. Seems like no more RNG for inventions
other than that Tech Spread has some RNG involved.
About 10 "tiers" of tech. Earlier ones might only have three techs in them
but later ones have up to 11.
Production Tech represents the major civilian inventions of the era that
directly affect industry. Dynamite, Railways, Cotton Gin, Telegraph.
Military Tech is pretty self-explanatory. Hardware as well as doctrines.
Ironclads, Machine Guns, Modern Nursing, Defense in Depth. Tanks and Planes
are at the very bottom. Having something researched doesn't automatically
implement it, so for example, just researching Defense in Depth won't give
you its benefits until you decide to enact it.
Society Tech is stuff like Romanticism, Urban Planning, Central Banking,
Dialectics. Anarchism and Socialism are two separate ideologies now that
function differently. Antibiotics, Malaria Prevention, and other civilian
stuff unrelated to direct production of goods is also in this tree.
Innovations (including social movements like Socialism) can spread into your
country even if you choose not to research them, which can be combated by
things like censorship at the cost of slowing down your Innovation rate and
upsetting the Intelligentsia.
Almost every tech has advantages and disadvantages. i.e. automation increases
overall throughput and reduces costs, but also reduces the number of
available jobs in that industry, so you have to figure out what to do with
all the newly unemployed.
幾乎每種技術都有優缺點。比如, 自動化增加了總的生產力,降低了成本,但也減少了
Technology Spread is based on your Literacy rate. Higher literacy and a free
press will cause techs that are spreading to you from outside to spread
faster. This is separate from Innovation Points, which you invest directly
into a single tech you are trying to research at a given moment.
Innovation Points you can spend directly come from building universities and
employing Academics. Literacy rate affects how many of those points you can
directly invest into research each week. So if you have a well-funded
academic elite but low general literacy, you might not be able to spend all
of your Innovation Points. These "overflow" Innovation Points beyond your
direct investment cap will increase Tech Spread instead. So there's a balance
between increasing Literacy, which speeds the adoption of outside ideas, and
building academic infrastructure, which gives you more direct control over
research. (This is a complicated system and we got to see it for like 30
seconds but I'm pretty sure I was able to get the general idea. I'm sure
Martin can find me and yell at me if I'm wrong.)
Ideas like Socialism, Anarchism, Egalitarianism, will increase the minimum
Expected Standard of Living for ALL POPs once present in your nation, so you
will need to provide them with more stuff to keep them happy. This might also
increase attraction for Interest Groups that want broader suffrage or to
abolish slavery, for example.
Having Anarchism as your organizing principle produces no Authority, so you
will have a very reduced ability to make changes to your country directly
once you have switched over to it.
Anarchists can implement a Council Republic government, which gives more
Political Strength to Farmers and Machinists and opens up the Worker
Cooperative production method, in which workers own their factories and
collect dividends from them. This is distinct from USSR-style communism, in
which the state controls the industries and (theoretically...) passes the
proceeds on to the workers from the top down in the form of subsidies and
social programs.
If a revolution happens, you can side with the rebels. So you can be super
duper capitalist on purpose, make life hell for all the workers, then switch
sides when the socialists rise up. Neighboring conservative countries will be
likely to step in and try to stop a socialist revolution.
They want it to be playable without a lot of prior experience. It's a very
complex game but it should be much more approachable than Vicky 2.
Rather than a game where you learn how to play "correctly" by following a
guide, the goal is for it to be the kind of game where you do what comes
naturally and are able to easily understand why your actions led to certain
Historical events (Taiping Rebellion, US Civil War) can happen, but only if
the correct conditions exist. If the US player plays the interest group game
really well and manages to abolish slavery peacefully in the 1850s, there
won't be a hardcoded Civil War event chain that fires.
All Comments

By Barb Cronin
at 2021-05-26T13:11
at 2021-05-26T13:11

By Oliver
at 2021-05-30T10:02
at 2021-05-30T10:02

By Doris
at 2021-06-04T07:27
at 2021-06-04T07:27

By Caroline
at 2021-06-09T02:22
at 2021-06-09T02:22

By Doris
at 2021-06-12T11:47
at 2021-06-12T11:47

By Mary
at 2021-06-14T12:23
at 2021-06-14T12:23

By John
at 2021-06-19T04:30
at 2021-06-19T04:30

By Linda
at 2021-06-22T16:00
at 2021-06-22T16:00

By Delia
at 2021-06-24T16:49
at 2021-06-24T16:49

By Olive
at 2021-06-27T15:06
at 2021-06-27T15:06

By Catherine
at 2021-06-27T21:02
at 2021-06-27T21:02

By Elma
at 2021-06-29T05:15
at 2021-06-29T05:15

By Tom
at 2021-07-03T06:50
at 2021-07-03T06:50

By William
at 2021-07-04T12:51
at 2021-07-04T12:51

By Kama
at 2021-07-05T04:46
at 2021-07-05T04:46

By Annie
at 2021-07-06T20:59
at 2021-07-06T20:59

By Anonymous
at 2021-07-10T11:13
at 2021-07-10T11:13

By Vanessa
at 2021-07-12T08:55
at 2021-07-12T08:55

By Quanna
at 2021-07-14T16:30
at 2021-07-14T16:30

By Elizabeth
at 2021-07-18T11:02
at 2021-07-18T11:02

By Dorothy
at 2021-07-19T11:09
at 2021-07-19T11:09
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