給太多credit? - 撲克牌

By Bennie
at 2011-03-30T13:36
at 2011-03-30T13:36
Table of Contents
家搬完 + 加班完 (靠 竟然音一樣) 看到一肚子火
1.所有新手 想打tournament的 請去看HOH
搞懂M, position, odd & implied odd
2.multi way pot 什麼事都會發生 尤其是limped pot
更尤其是低階的人愛limp with anything
所以最好的方式是preflop raise這把牌 讓pot中只有一兩個人
當然 如果你preflop raise到5BB還是8個人跟 那不raise也罷 (or raise更多)
3.會有人overplay他的手牌 低階這樣的人更多
沒有關係 你有超大牌的時候他們會pay你off
你沒有超大牌但有不錯的牌 (TPTK, TPGK)的時候 走pot control路線我覺得最好
4.不要call reraise, 面對reraise你基本上只有兩個選擇, reraise回去或是fold
5.不要在沒有lead的時候bet (媽的我講過了吧 新手都不爬文的嗎)
你flop是call人家bet, turn就沒有lead out的意義
同樣的這也適用在別的street (舉例: preflop你call raise, flop不要donk bet)
有例外 當你打多了自然就會懂什麼時候是例外
6.這句話可能會有人不同意 但我覺得SNG中 花同樣的錢來說 check-call遠勝於bet-fold
原因是: a. get more information in showdown
b. avoid difficult decision
c. build your image. nobody can bluff you,
but you can bluff the others
7. pot control
我不是你的教練 沒有義務教你怎麼pot control
"輸了這把牌 這場也差不多了"
除非是cooler或bad beat, 不然你的bet 或call都應該建立在你還有足夠籌碼繼續
Giving up so easily?
Don't u believe that there's always a second chance?
家搬完 + 加班完 (靠 竟然音一樣) 看到一肚子火
1.所有新手 想打tournament的 請去看HOH
搞懂M, position, odd & implied odd
2.multi way pot 什麼事都會發生 尤其是limped pot
更尤其是低階的人愛limp with anything
所以最好的方式是preflop raise這把牌 讓pot中只有一兩個人
當然 如果你preflop raise到5BB還是8個人跟 那不raise也罷 (or raise更多)
3.會有人overplay他的手牌 低階這樣的人更多
沒有關係 你有超大牌的時候他們會pay你off
你沒有超大牌但有不錯的牌 (TPTK, TPGK)的時候 走pot control路線我覺得最好
4.不要call reraise, 面對reraise你基本上只有兩個選擇, reraise回去或是fold
5.不要在沒有lead的時候bet (媽的我講過了吧 新手都不爬文的嗎)
你flop是call人家bet, turn就沒有lead out的意義
同樣的這也適用在別的street (舉例: preflop你call raise, flop不要donk bet)
有例外 當你打多了自然就會懂什麼時候是例外
6.這句話可能會有人不同意 但我覺得SNG中 花同樣的錢來說 check-call遠勝於bet-fold
原因是: a. get more information in showdown
b. avoid difficult decision
c. build your image. nobody can bluff you,
but you can bluff the others
7. pot control
我不是你的教練 沒有義務教你怎麼pot control
"輸了這把牌 這場也差不多了"
除非是cooler或bad beat, 不然你的bet 或call都應該建立在你還有足夠籌碼繼續
Giving up so easily?
Don't u believe that there's always a second chance?
All Comments

By Genevieve
at 2011-04-03T15:42
at 2011-04-03T15:42

By Iris
at 2011-04-05T12:16
at 2011-04-05T12:16

By Kristin
at 2011-04-09T20:22
at 2011-04-09T20:22

By Kristin
at 2011-04-12T19:50
at 2011-04-12T19:50

By Hardy
at 2011-04-13T16:16
at 2011-04-13T16:16

By Bethany
at 2011-04-15T00:13
at 2011-04-15T00:13

By Jake
at 2011-04-19T23:05
at 2011-04-19T23:05

By Andy
at 2011-04-22T15:40
at 2011-04-22T15:40

By Olive
at 2011-04-25T01:21
at 2011-04-25T01:21

By Jake
at 2011-04-25T15:42
at 2011-04-25T15:42

By Margaret
at 2011-04-29T07:30
at 2011-04-29T07:30

By David
at 2011-04-29T10:20
at 2011-04-29T10:20

By Emma
at 2011-05-03T03:50
at 2011-05-03T03:50

By Ida
at 2011-05-03T10:31
at 2011-05-03T10:31

By Yuri
at 2011-05-06T18:38
at 2011-05-06T18:38

By Noah
at 2011-05-08T21:51
at 2011-05-08T21:51

By Edwina
at 2011-05-13T06:41
at 2011-05-13T06:41

By Emma
at 2011-05-16T12:46
at 2011-05-16T12:46

By Charlie
at 2011-05-18T21:01
at 2011-05-18T21:01

By Dorothy
at 2011-05-23T10:34
at 2011-05-23T10:34

By Damian
at 2011-05-26T11:47
at 2011-05-26T11:47

By Queena
at 2011-05-28T00:05
at 2011-05-28T00:05

By Brianna
at 2011-05-30T17:17
at 2011-05-30T17:17
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