第2個seat到手....booya! - 撲克牌

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-06-28T09:09

Table of Contents

打了大概10個step,一直在step4,5晃(一直賺double vpp也不錯)
總算一個打到step 6也順便拿下來


Dear terryfan,

Dear PokerStars player:

Congratulation on winning a WSOP* Main Event satellite! You’re now on your
way to follow in the footsteps of great players such as Chris Moneymaker,
Greg Raymer and Joe Hachem, and become a World Champion!

Please read this email carefully as it contains important information
concerning your WSOP* Package:

A) In a week you will receive an email from [email protected] with details
of the website you need to use to register for the event.
Simply log on to that website, called Regonline, using the email address that
you use at PokerStars.

B) Buy-in: Harrah’s does not allow for third-party registrations. Therefore,
we will deposit $10,000 into your PokerStars account within five business
days to allow you to buy in. It is your responsibility to use this money to
buy into the tournament direct with Harrah’s!

For information on how to buy in, please contact the Rio at +1-800-752-9746
or go to www.worldseriesofpoker.com

If you would like assistance cashing out your WSOP winnings, please
contact [email protected]

C) Travel: You have also been given $2,500 towards your travel and expenses.
It is your responsibility to book your own travel.

D) Sponsored vs. Non-Sponsored Option
Once more we are planning a great Sponsored deal for all our qualifiers. If
you agree to sign our Terms & Conditions and wear our logo gear exclusively
from the beginning of the Main Event you will get:

+++ $1,000 towards your accommodation
Unfortunately we have sold out of rooms at the Palms Hotel, so we only have
the cash option available at this stage.
If you wish to add your name to a waiting list, please email
[email protected]

+++From July 3 to 13 – Daily shuttle bus from the Palms to the Rio, every
morning between 9.30am and noon.

+++Welcome Party on Monday, July 7, at the Palms.
The party is free and you can bring as many guests as you want. Make sure to
pick up your invite when you pick up the PokerStars bag from the PokerStars
office at the Palms Hotel.

+++WSOP* 2008 Player Bag

+++TV Cash Incentive
If you make it to a TV Table, wearing a hat and t-shirt/fleece, you are
entitled to receive cash bonuses. For details on this, please go to
www.pokerstars.com/wsop or wait a few days until you are able to register for
the event through Regonline.

+++Final Table Bonus Incentive
We are also offering Final Table Bonuses. Again, for further details go to
www.pokerstars.com/wsop or wait a few days until you are able to register for
the event through Regonline.

If you have other questions, please have a look at our FAQ page:


You will find answers to most of your questions there. If you can't find the
answer to your question there, please email us at [email protected] and
we'll get right back to you.

Best Regards,

PokerStars Event Planning Team

* World Series of Poker and WSOP are trademarks of Harrah’s License Company,
LLC (“Harrah’s”). Harrah’s does not sponsor or endorse, and is not
associated or affiliated with, PokerStars or its products, services,
promotions or tournaments.

原來台灣也有人在玩Texas Holdem阿
(就是007 Casino Royale裡面James Bond玩的那種)
Texas Holdem超好玩的ㄟ...


All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-07-01T01:32
所以基本上是說 他就給你12500的現金?
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-07-02T07:57
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-07-03T14:11
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-07-08T06:58


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2008-06-28T09:00
http://tinyurl.com/42px9k 我輸了 然後又發生了這種事 http://tinyurl.com/6zupkp - ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-06-28T02:08
http://www.pokerhand.org/?2812779 本來想說~ 爽翻了~ 大撈~ 結果.....這叫時運不濟嗎? -- 直到看見了妳 我才知道天使原來是沒有翅膀的... - ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-06-23T21:00
本來想說搞不好Sane又read我會回他一整篇 所以沒打算中計 不過看各位討論的這麼熱烈 跟今天的天氣相呼應 一出門就流汗 待在家牌打到眼都花了 還是來分享一下我的看法吧 首先呢 新的台北團成員我大都沒見過 所以無法評論 不過如果是以之前的那一團 在我剛加入時的情況 只能說是就像打麻將摸牌飛到空中掉到海底撿 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-06-23T08:23
這是我第二次參加台北團 我很想打到天亮 可是朋友載我來的 他要走我就得走 發現一點很不舒服的 有某咖 不經別人同意 就看人底牌 如果你問我 我相信我心情舒爽 我可能會告訴你 可是當我看到你趁要洗牌時去翻我的底牌看 我給你面子 不靠么你 但是希望大家要有個共識 就如同版主所說的 這種行為 我非常不能忍 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-06-22T10:22
回想起我開始打撲克的過程…一開始只是好玩的三四人桌,後來會 上版之後認識的人越來越多,開場的地點也從政大、新店…慢慢移到了 現在的西門。一開始大多都是我們半開玩笑講的[政大幫]朋友組成的, 大家原本就熟識,加上人數不多,溝通起來較不費心力。有什麼問題或 是疑點都是馬上提出,大家立刻討論處理。   後來一起加 ...