無法開啟遊戲 初始化錯誤(0x00000204) - 楓之谷

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2014-03-05T22:29

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※ 引述《jamesalex (Quan)》之銘言:
: 呃 . . . 不好意思第一次發文 , 請多指教

呃....其實稍微找一下就有解決方案了= =


(裡面可能會複製到一些多餘的字串 請自動省略)

HackShield Error Code 0x00000204 Edit Comments0 97PAGES ON
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Error Code = 204 / 0x00000204(516) / SS204 / HackShield Driver Load Failed

This error, most commonly known as Error Code 204, occurs when AhnLab's
HackShield is blocked from loading the EagleXnt or EagleX64 (HackShield)
driver. The error may appear for all of the Nexon games that utilize AhnLab's
HackShield Pro, but with different names, as displayed above.

簡單的說就是HackShield loading失敗

As the meaning or cause behind the error is different depending on the
operating system, the information below is broken up based on OS version.

Windows XP: Edit
In nearly all cases, this is caused by conflict that is triggered seemingly
at random by certain anti-virus programs on Windows XP machines. Although it
may have worked fine beforehand, there is no guarantee it will continue to do
so if you meet the conditions here.

Anti-virus Conflicts Edit
Anti-virus programs known to potentially cause this issue on Windows XP:
Bit Defender - Moderate chance - Hackshield cannot load until BitDefender is
disabled and in rare cases until it is completely uninstalled
AVG - Low chance - Hackshield cannot load until AVG is disabled. Disabling
Resident Shield and active protection for 5 minutes prior to launching a game
appears to work.
Kapersky - Low chance - Hackshield cannot load until Kapersky is uninstalled
Note: other antivirus programs that are not listed here also could
potentially cause this error on Windows XP

Uninstall or disable your current anti-virus program to see if that resolves
the issue.


Windows 7: Edit
On rare occasions, it also may be triggered seemingly at random on Windows 7
machines that still have not been updated to Service Pack 1.

Historical note: In the past, the error was triggered on Windows 7 by
upgrading to Service Pack 1. Now that the issue was resolved, those who do
not upgrade are at risk or encountering this error.

Update Windows 7 to Service Pack 1


Note For COMODO Firewall Users: Even with Windows 7 64bit with SP1, COMODO
Firewall of at least version 6.1.276867.2813 brings up this error. A
temporary solution is to right click on the COMODO tray icon and select
"Behaviour Blocker">"Disabled". The basic 15 minutes works even if the client
is ran well past that.

或是W7 64bit的防火牆錯誤

Theoretical Situation Edit
In extremely rare occasions, this error may occur if the Windows registry
values for the EagleX driver have improper permission settings.

- This only applies if you do not meet the criteria above.

- The solution and situation for this specific issue is theoretical, as this
solution has not yet be actively applied for any real-case issue.

Open the Windows run box by pressing the "Windows Key" + "R" simultaneously
on they keyboard
Type in "Regedit" and then press "Enter"
Open the directory "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM"
There should be one, if not several Control Sets. In each one of them do the
Open the directory "Services"
Look for "EagleXnt"
Note For 64-bit Users: The registry folder is called "EagleX64"

Right-Click the folder and select "Permissions"
Un-check anything in the "Denied" column for each of the user groups and
grant all user groups "Full Control"
Repeat 5-8 for the other Control Sets if there are others listed



All Comments

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2014-03-08T18:28
筆電是xp ,防毒很早就砍掉 ,防火牆也關了 ,請問有解嗎?
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-03-10T01:41
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-03-10T09:21
不好意思 , 對電腦程式這塊沒有研究過 , 不太懂...
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2014-03-12T16:48
找了Eusing free registry cleaner 來修復機碼
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2014-03-13T14:08
但還是開不起來 . . . 感謝你的回答


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-03-05T22:06
這款遊戲算是小弟我小時候的經典遊戲 已經過了8年多了吧~ 最近跟閃光聊到 想一起回鍋 不過這款遊戲自從退出之後聽到的流言都很差 不是小屁孩在玩 就是一堆外掛 導致我一點想回鍋的興致都沒有 不過這次想回鍋是想一起回味 會來版上發文是覺得鄉民的資訊都比較強大XDDD =============== ...

無法開啟遊戲 初始化錯誤(0x00000204)

William avatar
By William
at 2014-03-05T21:41
呃 . . . 不好意思第一次發文 , 請多指教 昨天用著舊筆電(系統xp,是一台老電腦) 意外的就當機了 , 懷疑是系統出問題或中毒 就先還原看看 , 但完全沒有用(沒設紀錄點) 所以又用了Dll Suite 修復一些DLL 之後又取消了一些啟動程式 後來筆電是正常了 , 但Maplestory就完全 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-03-05T15:40
http://tw.beanfun.com/maplestory/BullentinDetail.aspx?id=36967 親愛的玩家,您好: 活動【開學摸魚趣】因上週維護後,陸續接獲部份玩家反應經驗與道具異常, 此狀況已於2014/02/27(四)維護後修正;為感謝玩家對於新楓之谷的熱愛和支持, 特定 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-03-05T15:37
http://tw.beanfun.com/maplestory/BullentinDetail.aspx?id=36969 親愛的玩家們,您好: 今日(03/05)維護後,已開放【雪吉拉伺服器】魔王競技場系統,目前已開放的伺服器有( 雪吉拉、蝴蝶精、時間女神),尚未開放的伺服器目前仍有部分設定進行調整中 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-03-05T13:00
http://tw.beanfun.com/maplestory/BullentinDetail.aspx?id=36966 親愛的玩家,您好: 今日(03/05)維護作業已即將完成,所有伺服器會於下午13:00開放,請玩家登入即可。 一、活動說明 【愛情好甜蜜,充滿感染力!】(附連結) 活動時間:03 ...