比賽資訊 ISC tourament#1 - 闇影詩章

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2021-08-24T23:58

Table of Contents






Tournament outline and details

- 2021/08/28 (Sat) 10:00 p.m. (2200) Japanese Standard Time - Start
- Check-in is 30 minutes before the start time.

Format and Rules
- We will use Challonge to host this tournament.
- Bo3 (2 decks 0 Ban)
- The person at the left side of the tournament table should build the room.
- Please be careful not to build a room in the wrong format.
- After the game, please register the score by yourself.
- If you encounter any problems during the game, please take a screenshot and
report it to the admins.
- If you have any other questions about the tournament, please use

- Prizes will be awarded according to the number of participants.
- ~Up to 32 players: 1 month of Discord Nitro for the winner
- From 33 to 64 players: 3,000 yen for the winner, 1,000 yen for the second
- From 65 to 128 participants 5,000 yen for the winner, 3,000 yen for second
place and 1000 yen for third place
- From 129 to 256 people 10,000 yen for the winner, 5,000 yen for the second
place, 3,000 yen for the top 4 players
- The prize money will be paid through PayPal.
- You can also receive an Apple or Google gift card instead. In the case of
gift cards, a prize of 1,000 yen will become a gift card worth 1,500 yen.
(Japanese residents only)
- You can also choose to receive 1 month of Discord Nitro instead of prize

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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-08-24T18:48
18 1.球員姿勢 右投 Bill.S https://imgur.com/cRbpyBD.jpg 左投 Denny.N https://imgur.com/7SDCHTo.jpg 右投 金太勳 https://imgur.com/VoPeoUx.jpg 右投 Casey Kelly https://imgu ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2021-08-24T17:58
記得有一次好像官方推出的轉盤出包 (儲值可轉轉盤的樣子) 那個晚上BBO板超熱鬧 無奈當時還是窮大一(2010左右) 無法跟著刷幣刷一波 不知道有沒有鄉民能幫我考古一下 好懷念呀青春QQ ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2021-08-24T11:56
https://i.imgur.com/8tVy5aK.png 異常公告 現在於遊戲中發生, 在巫師職業按下融合按鈕後, 即便點選「增幅數」按鈕也不會顯示已發動的魔力增幅次數之異常現象。 造成全體玩家的不便,營運團隊在此向您致上最深的歉意 ===== 隔壁馬娘發了6千石,這邊出包發個6包差不 ...

葉山舞鈴 階級戰

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2021-08-24T00:45
https://youtu.be/SgUVv_vkocM 夜深了覺得自己昏昏沉沉但還不想睡的話歡迎看葉山台醒醒腦 - ...

Leviathan#26 META REPORT

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-08-22T00:13
巴哈版: https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=7364andamp;snA=14558 https://i.imgur.com/BVvqISF.jpg 歡迎來到我們第26次的環境快報! 儘管在這個月月初被祭上一刀熱修,Fruit of Ysgith和Relict的搭 ...