歐巴馬賭身家做桌遊! - 桌遊

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-11-11T00:07

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Obama Sinks Family Savings Into Developing Presidential Tabletop Game


Obama said that he plans to reinvest a large portion of the earnings from his
game into exciting expansion modules for a reelection campaign, a lame-duck
second term, and establishing a post-presidential legacy.




WASHINGTON—Saying the financial risks and hours of hard work would pay off
in the long term, former president Barack Obama revealed Thursday that he has
sunk his entire life’s savings into the development of a tabletop game based
on the American presidency.


Obama confirmed that over the past 10 months, he has spent the bulk of his
family’s net worth to create Commander In Chief: Executive Power, a hybrid
role-playing and board game about running a presidential administration. He
has reportedly devised more than 50 possible storylines players may encounter
while they work together to complete a term in the Oval Office, planning
fiscally sound federal budgets, negotiating trade deals with foreign
countries, and delivering aid to states struck by natural disasters.

「Chief: Executive Power 執政力量」是一款合作遊戲,玩家扮演總統的內閣成員,編列



“Once Commander In Chief hits the market, it’s gonna blow up just like
Terra Mystica did, but right now funding is the biggest issue,” said Obama,
sitting at his dining room table and showing off a prototype that included a
4-by-4 foot game board, stacks of handwritten index cards labeled “event”
and “item,” and a set of polyhedral dice. “I drained our bank account to
pay this specialty manufacturer to make the game components, and I’m hoping
the Kickstarter money will cover the cost of renting warehouse space to store
the finished product.”




“I had to dip into Sasha’s college fund, so she may have to go to state
school her first couple years,” the 44th president of the United States
continued. “But once the game takes off and starts making money, she can
transfer wherever she wants.”



The former president described the game as “a fully immersive
executive-branch adventure for players 12 and up” and said it has a playing
time of approximately 20 hours. According to Obama, one player acts as the
president, leading the administration through various challenges, while the
other players work together as vice president, chief of staff, and various
cabinet secretaries to implement policy initiatives and maintain the
day-to-day agenda of the West Wing.




Players reportedly must complete several side quests to keep the White House
running, such as seeking Senate confirmations, hosting state dinners, and
holding press conferences following national events such as mass shootings or
holiday celebrations.



Obama estimated that Commander In Chief will sell for around $60 and will
come with character sheets for players to track their stats, a 200-page
hardcover “President’s Policy Guide” rulebook, and 15 pewter game pieces
that include miniature replicas of the presidential seal, the Resolute desk,
a manila briefing folder, and Uncle Sam.



“[Former first lady] Michelle [Obama] has really been on my case lately
about having this stuff all over the dining room,” Obama said as he
scribbled an idea for a Camp David expansion pack on one of the large
whiteboards he had mounted on the walls. “But she doesn’t understand how
much money we have tied up in this thing. I took out a second mortgage on the
house, and with the funds from that I should be able to get a booth at the
next PAX gaming convention.”




“Once people see how fun it is to craft and deliver their very own 90-minute
State of the Union address covering every major issue in politics, they’re
going to want to buy this,” he added, flipping through a legal pad filled
with the game’s rules for appointing federal circuit judges.



Obama admitted that he spends nearly all his free time working on Commander
In Chief, often staying up until three or four in the morning drawing
character art of suit-and-tie-wearing politicians and consulting online
forums for advice on game mechanics, action-selection methods, and victory



“I convinced Malia to beta-test it with me when she was home from school
last weekend, but she said it wasn’t her thing,” Obama said. “We only made
it to the midterm elections before her secretary of state character’s
approval rating fell below 25 percent, knocking her out of the game. I got so
into it I completely forgot about a speech I was supposed to give at Michelle
’s Let Girls Learn event.”




“She was pretty steamed, but once the orders start rolling in, she’ll see
it was all worth it,” he added.


At press time, Obama had reportedly dropped to his knees and begun shouting
at former first dogs Bo and Sunny for shredding the game’s board and
swallowing all its handmade playing pieces.





Tags: 桌遊

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-11-14T16:18
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-11-18T01:50
XDDD 這感覺是嘴砲文
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2017-11-21T11:23
這文章太狂了 應該不是真的吧
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2017-11-24T17:22
200頁的說明書 20個小時的遊戲內容
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-11-27T10:34
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2017-11-29T23:20
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-11-30T23:38
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-12-01T13:19
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-12-05T20:55
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-12-06T13:42
兩頁我都快受不了了 XD
William avatar
By William
at 2017-12-09T22:23
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-12-14T08:06
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-12-17T16:29
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-12-21T17:18


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-11-10T22:59
請問《鍛骰物語》因卡片效果或被踢而得到神聖祝福/次級祝福, 骰到「複製骰」或「X3骰」時,骰子有效果嗎? 若有,要如何判斷可以指定的對象呢? 感謝回答 m(_ _)m - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-11-10T21:15
因廠商出包量產,所以決定回饋支持者,免費贈送市價599”作弊升學戰”原創桌遊,每 個參加者FB帳號(限台灣地區)限贈1盒,送完為止,只要完成下列兩點即有領取資格: 1. 到 森創意工作室 點讚追蹤(遊戲說明在專頁就可以看到嘍!) 2. 加入社團(領取相關辦法將公告在社團中) https://www.face ...

遊戲平方 好戲成雙2017周年慶快閃清倉!!

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-11-10T20:05
遊戲平方-- 好戲成雙 2017 周年慶快閃清倉活動 11/11(六)~11/18(六)只有八天! 精選超過三百種商品霹靂無敵快閃清倉大特賣! 價格有多殺!!!!快點手刀登入!!! 如何購買: step 1 登入雲端連結逛街 這裡“https://goo.gl/AaoC92 step 2 敲我們粉絲專頁 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-11-10T18:46
圖片精美版請至http://gamesquare.pixnet.net/blog/post/149222951 遊戲背景 「冒險者們,集結起來!」天崩地裂之後,凱爾蘭的地下城已浮出水面,向勇者許以財富 與榮耀。附近村莊的酒館和公會,擠滿了來自各地的遺跡獵人與尋寶客,他們組成小隊, 以便在尋寶之旅互相幫助。 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-11-10T18:45
買了馬可波羅,然後就瘋狂了XD 把每一個名字拿去咕狗; 把每一個地名拿去咕狗; 知道怎麼唸還不夠, 還要去查查這傢伙做了什麼事情套在腳色能力介紹上; 知道地理位置在哪裡還不夠, 還要去查查當地的交通跟出過哪些國家名人。 愛慘了這種有名字的遊戲。 請問有沒有類似的桌遊可以推薦的? 有興趣的範圍很廣, 英倫 ...