歐卡2 (ETS2) 1.20 open beta released! - Steam

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2015-08-26T16:06

Table of Contents

SCS Software's blog: Set your GPS's!ETS2 Update 1.20 Open Beta


繼上次1.19更新SCS給卡車加上了不少細節後這次更新又要帶給 mod 社群更大的浩劫 (以
上純屬嘲諷, 不過確實會這樣 :P)

1. GPS自訂路線
噹啷! 眾人敲碗敲了老半天的實用功能終於孵出來了, 自訂路線的目前的功能有:
- 可以新增自訂節點, 最多10個
- 可以在既定路線上插入新節點 (感覺對 "再開一下就好zzz..." 的玩家很實用?)
- 可以自由移動既有的節點
- 可以在道路的末端直接插入節點 (adding waypoints at end of a route.)

實際效果可參照連結內原文章截圖, 自此送貨到隔壁城市再也不只只有一種走法...

2. 根據地理位置的日照系統
總覺得從米蘭開到奧斯隆太陽都沒什麼變化嗎? 之後這種 "世界是平的" 的困擾應該會不
復見了, 他們重新寫了日照系統讓高緯度地區特有的永晝現象(好奇會有永夜嗎)及南國太
陽高高掛變得明顯些, 官方還特別強調假如有人想自製地圖的話可以對應到任何你想要的

啊對了, 基於這些重大改變, 有在用自訂光影及天氣模組的人大概又不免要經過一段陣痛

3. 精選截圖
翻成中文可能有點含糊, 不過除了自己發到 Steam 動態牆上外其實歐卡也是有自己的卡
車世界社群的, 這次的更新是希望可以幫一成不變的 loading 圖多些生氣, 原本的圖可
能會不定期換成社群上的精選截圖, 看到喜歡的也能從主畫面的攝影功能表了解詳情.

要注意的是這功能預設並不是開啟的, 想體驗的人要先開選項才看得到喔.



Increased traffic density in city areas
Added 'village area' rule to allow specifying urban area without increased
traffic density
Fixed non-urban speed limit in UK
Support for spawn_trailer_count attribute of traffic_vehicle_type
Lower probability of spawning an AI truck without a trailer
Fixed license plate definitions switched between bus and trailer
Uses correct wheel position when placing AI trailer wheels on ground
Fixed rear wheels of AI vehicles not being placed on ground in steep hils
Fixed vehicles remaining on wrong way lane after avoiding obstacle in some
AI vehicles turn off engine during fueling


Free camera supports inverted mouse (respects the c_minvert input constant
Changed design of road dialog
Fixed "grave" key not working with some keyboard layouts (e.g. Hungarian)
Separate snapping of nodes and control points
Editor shortcut mapped to bezier patch
Added support for rotation undo for bezier patch control points
Increased node joining tolerance to fix problems with joining nodes far aw
ay from center of the map
Grid size shortcut changed from Alt+wheel to Ctrl+wheel


Mercedes Actros 2014: Fixed speedometer in UK variant, Improved interior,
Tweaked normal map, Smoothed some hard edges, Shadowcaster tweaks
Iveco Hiway: Smoother horns
DAF XF Euro6: Cleanup of the models
Scania Streamline: DRL
Fixed UV on bulk cement trailer
Fixed missing wheels on brick trailer
Vertex optimizations of AI trucks for DAF Euro6, Man TGX, Scania R
Volvo: Original sound of blinker on/off, Original sound of wipers, Equaliz
ation of gear_air sounds for interior
Mercedes Actros, Renault Premium: Fixed armrests missing in the exterior v
Fixed size of wheels


Particles are not generated for lifted wheels
Mirror resolution setting is not disabled on high quality
Longer mirror distances on high and ultra settings
Enabled support for download of additional hand-picked loading screen imag
es from WoTr. All images can be seen using the "Image Spotlight" feature in "P
hoto Studio".
Brake lights activate on slightest pedal touch
Correct turbo sound used on reverse
It is possible to use Steam controller-based keyboard for entering search
text in mod manager
Fixed reporting of no-lights offense when driving in rain
Improved compatibility with Windows XP

手機排版可能有誤, 等有時間再回電腦上修改


Happy Trucking!
Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 compact


Sent from my Android

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2015-08-29T14:04
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2015-09-01T11:46
呃 歐卡的北歐地圖都在北極圈以南 應該不會有永晝...
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-09-04T00:01
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-09-08T13:35
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-09-10T20:52
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-09-12T03:17
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2015-09-12T07:51

humblebundle PC & Android 13

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2015-08-26T14:01
本周BTA(目前$2.98)追加 Secret of the Magic Crystals Complete http://store.steampowered.com/app/45100/ 使用者評論: 極度好評 (1,309 篇評論) 休閒 馬匹 獨立 模擬 女主人翁 奇幻 Strata http: ...

Midnight's blessing / Incognito

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2015-08-26T12:08
抽獎皆為等級一以上喔! Midnightand#39;s Blessing http://store.steampowered.com/app/370640/ Sidni Larkhearst lived a simple life, delivering messages for her villag ...

請問 CSGO 現在有需要設定 config 嗎?

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-08-26T03:11
小弟還有在玩 CS 的時候 是 Johnny.R Heaton 跟 Spawn 等選手活躍的時期 算一算大概有快十年沒玩了 前幾天亂晃看了 ESL 比賽 剛好工作又放了長假想說裝來回味一下 記得以前(CS 1.5之前)都要先設定一堆參數 像 interp 之類的 請問現在的 CSGO 還需要設定 ...

Once Bitten, Twice Dead!

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-08-26T01:57
Once Bitten, Twice Dead! http://store.steampowered.com/app/360590/ 大多負評 適合給+1黨的人抽抽XD http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/*zMf*/once-bitten-twice-dead ** ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-08-26T01:38
大家久違的安安呀 我是康康 很久沒有發文回文做影片,前一段時間真的在忙很多事情 那有許多觀眾有要求說,可不可以做一些影片就是介紹地圖的點位 我想了很久,一直不知道到底要怎麼下手做這個主題,直接介紹點位有點無趣,然後沒有 解釋清楚為什麼大家也不知道原因 所以我想來想去,先做了一個and#34;序 ...