楓之谷遊戲內的公式 - 楓之谷

By Edith
at 2009-12-31T18:06
at 2009-12-31T18:06
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Professor (Endless Frontier)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《meteor9 (Splash Star)》之銘言:
: : 以下的網頁有了遊戲內很多數據計算公式~
: : www.southperry.net/forums/showthread.php?855-MapleStory-Formula-Compilation
: : 我覺得滿準的說 ^^
: http://0rz.tw/gphm2 先把原本推文的短連結拿來用
: 這網頁有介紹許多計算公式
: 3.4 忍影瞬殺的計算公式
: Damage per second tick = 2 * [STR + LUK] * Skill Damage Percentage
: 每秒傷害平均約1500~2300左右 不過有人會等這12秒都打完才清怪嗎 沒可能的阿
: 3.5 影網術的計算公式
: Damage per 3-sec tick = Monster HP / (50 - Skill Level)
: 結論 傷害不是重點ˊˋ
: 點1點才扣0.02%*2 點滿才扣0.025%*2
點一每3秒扣怪 總hp/49,點滿扣 總hp/30
: 3.6 Assaulter ignores defense if at or above the monster’s level
: (致命最後一下無視防禦和等級差?)
: 3.9 忍術風影(?)計算式
: MAX = (LUK * 1.0 + STR + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 150
: MIN = (LUK * 0.1 + STR + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 150
: 因為我用英文找Claw 找不到這是哪個技能
Claw (punching),我覺得應該是指標賊近身戳怪
: 3.11 Bare Hands:(這應該是衝擊拳吧@@)
: MAX = (STR * J + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
: MIN = (STR * J * 0.1 * 0.9 + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
: ATT equals floor((2*level+31)/3) and is capped at 31.
: J equals 3.0 for Pirates and 4.2 for all 2nd+ job Pirates.
: 6.1 鬥氣
: 鬥氣乘子(1-5氣) = Combo Attack % + floor((氣數-1) * (Combo level / 6)%)
: 鬥氣乘子(6-10氣) = Combo Attack % + 20% + (氣數-5) * 4%
: 最終結果 = 技能描述 % * 鬥氣乘子 * 氣球數
^^^^^^ orb multipliers
orb multipliers:
: 1 orb = 100%
: 2 orbs = 120%
: 3 orbs = 154%
: 4 orbs = 200%
: 5 - 10 orbs = 250%
: 這我覺得怪怪的 可能有人需要測試一下
十氣鬥氣乘子(Combo Multiplier)= 150% + 20% + 5x4% = 190%
十氣黑暗= 350% x190% x250% = 350% x475%
五氣乘子= 120% + 4x5% = 140%,
五氣黑暗= 350% x 140% x250% = 350% x 350%,
精華區是說五氣黑暗為 1190%= 350% x340%
: 6.4 Inferno/Blizzard element
: Advantage = Base damage * (110% + Skill level * 0.5%)
: Disadvantage = Base damage * (90% - Skill level * 0.5%)
: 這不曉得是啥@@
110% + 30x0.5% = 125%,不像魔導聖騎是150%加乘
: 6.5 爆炸箭
: Impact Hit = 50% damage * Critical Multiplier (直接射擊)
: Splash Hits = Skill damage * Critical Multiplier (爆炸傷害)
: (Arrow Bomb's critical replaces the standard critical bonus, which is
: normally inserted into the skill damage %, as shown in Order of Operations
: above. It still uses the same value for critical, however.)
: 這一段我懶的翻譯了 手好冰@@
: 6.6 Charge/tap damages for Big Bang/Pierce/Screw Punch:
: Needing this. We think it's somewhere between 10-15% with no charge
: 看沒ˊˋ
: 6.7 After Modifier
: 一共有六個技能 可是我覺得計算式很怪有點看不太懂
Slash Blast FA (credit to Devil's Sunrise):
2 * (1/3) ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3 * (1 - (1/3) ^ (total number of hits))
劍氣終極, 2x 1/3 ^(怪數-1) (^指指數)
第一怪是 2x 1/3 ^0 = 2
第二怪是 2x 1/3 ^1 ) = 2x 1/3 = 2/3
第三怪是 2x 1/3 ^2 ) = 2x 1/9 = 2/9
累計傷害= 3 x ( 1- (1/3)^總怪數)
Iron Arrow (credit to AGF): 0.9 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 10 * (1 - 0.9 ^ (total number of hits))
累積傷害= 10 x ( 1- 0.9^總怪數 )
Pierce (credit to AGF, and Truemark for 100% corfirmation):
1.2 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 5 * (-1 + 1.2 ^ (total number of hits))
累計傷害= 5 x ( -1 + 1.2^總怪數 )
Chain Lightning: 0.7 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3.333 * (1 - 0.7 ^ (total number of hits))
累計傷害= 3.333 x ( 1- 0.7^總怪數 )
Energy Orb: 2/3 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3 * (1 - (2/3) ^ (total number of hits))
打手四轉能量球,第一怪100%,第二怪66%,第三怪43.6% (66%x66%)...
累計傷害= 3 x ( 1- (2/3)^總怪數 )
Barrage, last 2 hits only (credit to Fiel): 2 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 4)
Total damage multiplier: 10
總傷害= 100% x4 +200% + 400% = 10
: 蓄能激發
: 充滿能量為10000單位
: 充能速率:技能%*100單位 對每個怪物每一下(點滿每下對每隻怪物可以充40)
: 充能減少:每10秒減少200單位(技能沒啟動的情況下)
: 越打手越冷 可以的話其他或是有錯的請別人補充吧@@
如果... 你看得懂我寫的,
那你也是1-Mole. 如果... 你看不懂我寫的,
說~~~ 你到底是不是1-Mole ???
: ※ 引述《meteor9 (Splash Star)》之銘言:
: : 以下的網頁有了遊戲內很多數據計算公式~
: : www.southperry.net/forums/showthread.php?855-MapleStory-Formula-Compilation
: : 我覺得滿準的說 ^^
: http://0rz.tw/gphm2 先把原本推文的短連結拿來用
: 這網頁有介紹許多計算公式
: 3.4 忍影瞬殺的計算公式
: Damage per second tick = 2 * [STR + LUK] * Skill Damage Percentage
: 每秒傷害平均約1500~2300左右 不過有人會等這12秒都打完才清怪嗎 沒可能的阿
: 3.5 影網術的計算公式
: Damage per 3-sec tick = Monster HP / (50 - Skill Level)
: 結論 傷害不是重點ˊˋ
: 點1點才扣0.02%*2 點滿才扣0.025%*2
點一每3秒扣怪 總hp/49,點滿扣 總hp/30
: 3.6 Assaulter ignores defense if at or above the monster’s level
: (致命最後一下無視防禦和等級差?)
: 3.9 忍術風影(?)計算式
: MAX = (LUK * 1.0 + STR + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 150
: MIN = (LUK * 0.1 + STR + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 150
: 因為我用英文找Claw 找不到這是哪個技能
Claw (punching),我覺得應該是指標賊近身戳怪
: 3.11 Bare Hands:(這應該是衝擊拳吧@@)
: MAX = (STR * J + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
: MIN = (STR * J * 0.1 * 0.9 + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
: ATT equals floor((2*level+31)/3) and is capped at 31.
: J equals 3.0 for Pirates and 4.2 for all 2nd+ job Pirates.
: 6.1 鬥氣
: 鬥氣乘子(1-5氣) = Combo Attack % + floor((氣數-1) * (Combo level / 6)%)
: 鬥氣乘子(6-10氣) = Combo Attack % + 20% + (氣數-5) * 4%
: 最終結果 = 技能描述 % * 鬥氣乘子 * 氣球數
^^^^^^ orb multipliers
orb multipliers:
: 1 orb = 100%
: 2 orbs = 120%
: 3 orbs = 154%
: 4 orbs = 200%
: 5 - 10 orbs = 250%
: 這我覺得怪怪的 可能有人需要測試一下
十氣鬥氣乘子(Combo Multiplier)= 150% + 20% + 5x4% = 190%
十氣黑暗= 350% x190% x250% = 350% x475%
五氣乘子= 120% + 4x5% = 140%,
五氣黑暗= 350% x 140% x250% = 350% x 350%,
精華區是說五氣黑暗為 1190%= 350% x340%
: 6.4 Inferno/Blizzard element
: Advantage = Base damage * (110% + Skill level * 0.5%)
: Disadvantage = Base damage * (90% - Skill level * 0.5%)
: 這不曉得是啥@@
110% + 30x0.5% = 125%,不像魔導聖騎是150%加乘
: 6.5 爆炸箭
: Impact Hit = 50% damage * Critical Multiplier (直接射擊)
: Splash Hits = Skill damage * Critical Multiplier (爆炸傷害)
: (Arrow Bomb's critical replaces the standard critical bonus, which is
: normally inserted into the skill damage %, as shown in Order of Operations
: above. It still uses the same value for critical, however.)
: 這一段我懶的翻譯了 手好冰@@
: 6.6 Charge/tap damages for Big Bang/Pierce/Screw Punch:
: Needing this. We think it's somewhere between 10-15% with no charge
: 看沒ˊˋ
: 6.7 After Modifier
: 一共有六個技能 可是我覺得計算式很怪有點看不太懂
Slash Blast FA (credit to Devil's Sunrise):
2 * (1/3) ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3 * (1 - (1/3) ^ (total number of hits))
劍氣終極, 2x 1/3 ^(怪數-1) (^指指數)
第一怪是 2x 1/3 ^0 = 2
第二怪是 2x 1/3 ^1 ) = 2x 1/3 = 2/3
第三怪是 2x 1/3 ^2 ) = 2x 1/9 = 2/9
累計傷害= 3 x ( 1- (1/3)^總怪數)
Iron Arrow (credit to AGF): 0.9 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 10 * (1 - 0.9 ^ (total number of hits))
累積傷害= 10 x ( 1- 0.9^總怪數 )
Pierce (credit to AGF, and Truemark for 100% corfirmation):
1.2 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 5 * (-1 + 1.2 ^ (total number of hits))
累計傷害= 5 x ( -1 + 1.2^總怪數 )
Chain Lightning: 0.7 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3.333 * (1 - 0.7 ^ (total number of hits))
累計傷害= 3.333 x ( 1- 0.7^總怪數 )
Energy Orb: 2/3 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3 * (1 - (2/3) ^ (total number of hits))
打手四轉能量球,第一怪100%,第二怪66%,第三怪43.6% (66%x66%)...
累計傷害= 3 x ( 1- (2/3)^總怪數 )
Barrage, last 2 hits only (credit to Fiel): 2 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 4)
Total damage multiplier: 10
總傷害= 100% x4 +200% + 400% = 10
: 蓄能激發
: 充滿能量為10000單位
: 充能速率:技能%*100單位 對每個怪物每一下(點滿每下對每隻怪物可以充40)
: 充能減少:每10秒減少200單位(技能沒啟動的情況下)
: 越打手越冷 可以的話其他或是有錯的請別人補充吧@@
如果... 你看得懂我寫的,
那你也是1-Mole. 如果... 你看不懂我寫的,
說~~~ 你到底是不是1-Mole ???
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