最近發生的墨西哥選手4.41秒事件 - 魔術方塊

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-06-08T00:10

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隨後WCA也對此展開調查 以確定是否有作弊行為





Dear WCA Community,


This notice is in regards to the Perry Open 2013 competition held in Distrito
Federal in Mexico on May 25, 2013 with Uriel Gayosso Ruiz acting as WCA
delegate. During the first round of the 3x3x3 speed solve competition,
competitor Julio Martín Gómez Telésforo (2011TELA01) recorded the
following average of five solves: (4.41), (18.90), 14.71, 18.68, 16.53.

這個公告是有關於5/25在墨西哥聯邦區舉辦的2013 Perry公開賽的事情,這場比賽的WCA
觀察員是Uriel Gayosso Ruiz。在3x3雙手項目中的第一輪,有位名為Julio Martin
Gomez Telesforo的選手(WCAID : 2011TELA01),他的五轉平均成績是 :

The IAC completed its own independent investigation of this incident and the
competitor (2011TELA01) confirmed to the IAC that his solution for the 4.41
second solve was:


x2 U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B' + J-permutation

x2 U’ R D F2 R L B’ D2 L U’ B2 U F’ L’ U2 D’ B’ U’ U B’ + J-perm(PLL

where a J-permutation is a case that can be solved with R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U
R' U' L.

而這個J-perm是可以用R U2 R’ U’ R U2 L’ U R’ U’ L來完成的case

As reported to the WCA by the IAC on May 31, 2013, the competitor insisted
that he solved the cube in this manner. The scramble of the solve in question
as reported by the WCA delegate is:
F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L' D2 B U B2 R' F2 U' F' D' L D2

F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L’ D2 B U B2 R’ F2 U’ F’ D’ L D2

The competitor reports his solution to the above scramble to be:
x2 + [moves improvised by competitor] + J-permutation

x2 + [Julio自己的解法] + J-perm

By applying a J-permutation before the scrambling sequence, we have the
following sequence:


(R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R' U' L) x2 (F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L' D2 B U B2 R' F2 U' F'
D' L D2) x2

(R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R' U' L) x2 (F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L' D2 B U B2 R' F2 U' F'
D' L D2) x2

The solution to this state produces a sequence of moves that solves the
original scramble into a J-permutation.


The optimal solution found by Cube Explorer for this sequence is:

然而用Cube Explorer分析出最佳化的解法是:

U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B2 (17f*)

U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B2 (17f*)

and the improvised moves reported by the competitor are:


U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B'

U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B' (根本就只是多了U’ U這兩

which is identical to the optimal solution found with some minor adjustments
made at the end.


The solution presented here is suspicious in several regards. First, the
solve does not match previous descriptions of the solution made by the
competitor after the competition. Second, the solve matches output from an
optimal solving software, does not resemble any known solving method, and
does not have any logical flow. Finally, the solve proposed does not seem
amenable to executing in under 4.41 seconds, as claimed by the competitor,
due to multiple turns on each face of the cube. Given this information, we
find that the competitor did not solve the WCA generated scramble for the
round in question in 4.41 seconds by either the solution presented here or by
any other solution.


The WCA finds that competitor Julio Martín Gómez Telésforo (2011TELA01)
has maliciously exploited the WCA and the organizers of Perry Open 2013 and
declares that the 3x3x3 speed solve in 4.41 seconds is invalid and will be
recorded as a DNF. Due to the dishonesty of the competitor, and the attempted
exploitation of Perry Open 2013 and the WCA by the competitor, the WCA
prohibits the competitor Julio Martín Gómez Telésforo (2011TELA01) from
participating in any WCA events through December 31, 2015.

WCA發現Julio惡意利用了他們和2013 Perry公開賽的籌辦者。在此WCA宣布4.41秒這轉屬
於無效,並且將紀錄修改為DNF。針對Julio的不誠實,以及企圖利用2013 Perry公開賽和

The WCA urges all WCA delegates and organizers to remain vigilant in their
tournament operations.


The WCA thanks the IAC for its diligent work, and to the community members
who supported the IAC's investigation.




All Comments

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-06-12T18:26
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-06-17T04:17
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-06-21T17:40
推 翻譯!!
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-06-23T15:13
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-06-27T21:48
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-07-01T11:01
看到這個想到以前的Matyas Kuti 不知道現在在做什麼
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-07-03T10:55
無限期禁賽 囧
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2013-07-07T03:41
Kuti沒有無限期禁禁賽吧? 不過他沒有回來比賽就是了
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-07-10T23:27
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2013-07-12T16:47
喔對 我忘記獎金的事了
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-07-14T07:50
對阿 他不歸還獎金, 等於變項的無限期禁賽
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-07-18T16:13


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-06-07T01:09
※ 引述《ishtarmms (點點)》之銘言: : 突然發現家裡多了一罐潤滑劑 : 可是不知道可不可用在方塊上耶 : 想買賽克可是斗六不曉得哪邊有= =and#34;and#34; : 不知道這款可不可以... : http://tinyurl.com/k52ex9e 要打一些字所以懶得推 潤滑油最簡單 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-06-07T00:11
突然發現家裡多了一罐潤滑劑 可是不知道可不可用在方塊上耶 想買賽克可是斗六不曉得哪邊有= =and#34;and#34; 不知道這款可不可以... http://tinyurl.com/k52ex9e - ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-06-04T22:47
WCA ID(若未曾參賽則不用填): (你的 WCA 紀錄, 網址列最後面的那串字就是 WCA ID, 應為 年份姓氏數字) 如何稱呼:阿易(上一支好久以前被刪掉了 重辦) 性別:男 方塊年齡:六 主要方法:F2L 3x3 最佳紀錄(non-lucky):18 3x3 最佳平均時間 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2013-06-03T21:57
WCA ID(若未曾參賽則不用填): (你的 WCA 紀錄, 網址列最後面的那串字就是 WCA ID, 應為 年份姓氏數字) 如何稱呼:隨便稱呼 性別:女 方塊年齡:好像四、五個月吧 主要方法:CF2OP 3x3 最佳紀錄(non-lucky):10.29 ya!!! ‧★,:*: ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-06-03T00:45
如何稱呼:小瑞 性別:女 方塊年齡:國小接觸過,但是一竅不通 國中自己存錢買了一個,只解出一面...卡很久,束手無策 囧 放棄 前幾天突然很想玩,就開始積極找解法!! 主要方法:LBL 3x3 最佳紀錄(non-lucky):沒測過.. 3x3 最佳平均時間: ...