星露谷將更新內容 - Switch

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-11-04T23:52

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Hello everyone,

We're still closely monitoring for bugs and issues which Nintendo Switch players may be seeing. We're going to try updating things inside this thread to make it easier on everyone to get an overview of where things are at.

Here's a list of issues which we've identified since launching on the Nintendo Switch. If you're having a problem in this list marked 'need more details' it would be helpful to provide more info - we're still working on reproducing/determining a cause for these issues. If your issue isn't listed here then please be as detailed as possible reporting it so we can review. Always check you have the newest game/system updates before reporting an issue to make sure it hasn't already been fixed!

Color Key:
Fixed -This issue should be resolved in the recent bugfix patch
In Develop- Fixed or have a solution in development for a future update.
Investigating -We have reproduced or confirmed this is an issue, but are still developing a solution
Need More Details- We're aware of the issue, but don't yet have enough information to reproduce/fix

(In Develop)Left Speaker Audio crackling

(In Develop)Community Center bundle windows can display incorrect hover details

(In Develop)Wizard slay monster quest displaying 0 for all values

(In Develop)Crash when opening quest journal with no quests available

(In Develop)Unable to select certain items in crafting menu

(In Develop)Screen alignment issues during heart events

(In Develop)Can't drop items with controller-style menu enabled

(In Develop)Crash when saving/sleeping (with or without kitchen)

(In Develop)Temp softlock when pressing A+B together while eating

(In Develop)Tools placed on the organize button of a chest go missing

(In Develop)Crash when pressing the '-' button at saloon arcade

(In Develop)Button inputs for 'Prairie King' are flipped

(In Develop)Looping music

(Reproduced)Steam shader alignment issue in spa

(Reproduced)Formatting issue on Adventure Guild progress sheet

(Reproduced)No rumble when joycons are attached

(Reproduced)Joycon controllers become unresponsive

(Reproduced)Can't place donations on bottom rows at museum

(Reproduced)Footstep sounds not synced correctly

(Need more Details)Crash when loading save

(Need more Details)Crash with SD card error

(Need more Details)Softlock during museum donation

(Need more Details)Softlock while fishing

The plan right now is to release a patch ASAP to address as many of these issues as we can, but we'll need player reports to be as detailed as possible in order to properly identify/fix these bugs. Our priority obviously are bugs which impact gameplay like crashes.

There are still some issues which have been reported, but are not listed above. This is usually because we haven't seen enough reports/gotten enough details to identify it for escalation. If you've having an issue not listed hereplease report it with as much detail as possibleso we can evaluate it.

Many of these issues have threads dedicated to them - posting details either here or in the corresponding thread would be helpful - we'll do our best to make sure any new info/workarounds are communicated in both places to make sure players can find that info easily.

If you're reporting a bug which was originally reported outside the forums (I'm looking at you@Typhoonhaha) please make sure to add a link to the original post - we may need to contact that player directly for more details.

We're going to continue monitoring these and any newly reported problems, so please provide as much information as possible for any issues you may run into! Thanks everyone!!

Workarounds:There are a few bugs listed here which can be worked around by disabling the option 'Use Controller-style menus' under game options. These include 'Unable to open certain items in the crafting menu' and 'Can't drop items'. Disabling that option should provide a temp-workaround for players running into these issues.

For the crash when sleeping bug- many players have reported that moving all inventory from their fridge into a new chest before sleeping has resolved this. Either adding or removing an item from your fridge or adding/removing an item from your chests should resolve the cause of this until there's a fix in place.

@tccoxonhasprovided a quick explanationof what the cause of this bug was if you're interested in some technical details.



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Tags: Switch

All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2017-11-09T02:25
https://goo.gl/wjyAf9 存檔速度加快
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-11-12T04:46
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-11-13T15:08
Joycon 震動問題還在研究中,看來還要一陣子
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-11-15T02:06
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-11-16T21:59
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-11-17T07:18
我倒是比較受不了破音R 終於要修了
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-11-21T04:46
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-11-21T17:13
從來沒用過TV MODE嗎?
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2017-11-25T15:07
第二年秋天要過完了 75小時 完全掌機 只有破音 重開ok
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2017-11-28T02:30
把手把取下用桌上模式 騎馬有震動 一個驚訝
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-11-30T09:51
結果昨天做料理 存檔就崩潰了 晚點試試整理冰箱的方法

SPLATOON 的打工有辦法檢舉嗎?

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-11-04T16:04
如題 今天遇到一個,完全寄生的混帳(不可能是新手,在210%的區間遇到) 第一波退潮的時候就發現他開始沒多久死在地圖最遠側,然後最後一波又是退潮,他完全都沒參與戰鬥繼續龜另外一頭,我們三個被全死的時候他也沒有要救的意思,直接跳海自殺 結束後他的分數,0救援6死0運蛋,然後橘色魚子連100都沒有,真的是有 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2017-11-04T11:51
https://youtu.be/6Da3otMXWxI 中國廠商皓勤電子有限公司 將發售新的WIN10系統遊戲平板 這外型...那可分離式手把... 還有硬是要比大的8吋FHD IPS螢幕 這山寨真的是有板有眼 看到的瞬間就笑崩了XD - ...

Splatoon 2 祭典 唐揚加vs.不加檸檬

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-11-04T10:09
剛公布的 https://twitter.com/SplatoonJP/status/926632156218122241 - ...

異度神劍2Direct 有沒有可能有中文

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2017-11-04T08:40
https://twitter.com/sorayasaga/status/926446662951641095 https://i.imgur.com/HQdt9Kl.jpg 嵯峨(高橋的妻子)用中文預告Direct 雖然是轉推日文 但 港任你做得到R 畢竟嵯峨是Xenoblade 主要對外管道 而且任 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-11-04T07:10
大家好我又來打擾大家了 想請問對於大家對於可以裝進主機、手把、底座等等...SWICTH之商品的大型收納包 有推薦的嗎???我目前是看中以下這款 https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/91mlUF3BQRL._AC_.jpg https://imag ...