施法的兩個問題 - TRPG

By Elizabeth
at 2009-06-13T17:28
at 2009-06-13T17:28
Table of Contents
Q:For a good cleric, what kind of action is it to spontaneously
convert a prepared spell into a cure spell?
A:It’s not an action at all. It’s part of casting the spell (and
thus part of the action you use to cast the spell). Evil clerics
spontaneously casting inflict spells use the same rule.
You can apply a metamagic feat to a spontaneous spell, but
when you do so, the spell takes at least a full-round action to
cast (or an extra full-round action of the spell normally has a
casting time); see Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats in
Chapter 5 of the PH.
施法時間分別為1標準、1整輪、1分鐘, 那麼轉化成治療法術施法時間是下列哪種情況?
1. 都是1標準動作
2. 比照原法術施法時間
如果一名施法者只剩下移動動作, 他能犠牲這輪的移動動作和下一輪的標準動作
另外請問, 有人發現中文PHB法術說明, 除了官方公布的以外, 還有什麼錯誤嗎?
我前陣子才知道變巨術施法時間是一整輪而非一標準 =口="
Q:For a good cleric, what kind of action is it to spontaneously
convert a prepared spell into a cure spell?
A:It’s not an action at all. It’s part of casting the spell (and
thus part of the action you use to cast the spell). Evil clerics
spontaneously casting inflict spells use the same rule.
You can apply a metamagic feat to a spontaneous spell, but
when you do so, the spell takes at least a full-round action to
cast (or an extra full-round action of the spell normally has a
casting time); see Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats in
Chapter 5 of the PH.
施法時間分別為1標準、1整輪、1分鐘, 那麼轉化成治療法術施法時間是下列哪種情況?
1. 都是1標準動作
2. 比照原法術施法時間
如果一名施法者只剩下移動動作, 他能犠牲這輪的移動動作和下一輪的標準動作
另外請問, 有人發現中文PHB法術說明, 除了官方公布的以外, 還有什麼錯誤嗎?
我前陣子才知道變巨術施法時間是一整輪而非一標準 =口="
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