新功能「訓練家對戰」快速解析. - PokemonGO

By Kyle
at 2018-12-05T12:44
at 2018-12-05T12:44
Table of Contents
補充一下從Go hub看到的資料,直接回覆在原文
※ 引述《hsupohsiang (Faith圖:)》言:
: 出處:
: 1.https://goo.gl/bLA9a6 (gamepress)
: 2.https://goo.gl/T6KLke (IGN)
: https://i.imgur.com/tTE7tl1.jpg
: 1.怎麼出招
: Battles will use the "tapping" system
: 點擊螢幕 進入對戰後 點擊螢幕即可發出小招 同時也將從中獲得能量
: 供蓄能招式(大招)使用
: *對戰系統"沒有閃躲"
"You can also switch Pokemon, but every time you perform a switch, your switch
button will be disabled and you can’t switch for another 50 seconds. Trainer
Battles in Pokemon GO feature a mix of tap and charge time battle based
mechanics which was never done in a Pokemon game before.
In order to win a Trainer battle one of the players needs to defeat all
opponent’s Pokemon. If the match is not decided before the battle limit
ends, a tie breaker mechanism will kick in and determine the winner by taking
a look at the number of remaining Pokemon and percentage of health left."
You can freely switch Pokemon at any moment during the battle, however,
switching a Pokemon will trigger a 50 second cooldown before you can switch
again. When you switch Pokemon, the outgoing Pokemon remember its energy
state and will re-enter the battle arena with the same energy level it had
when it was switched out. Switching out and in is a key mechanic in Trainer
Battles, especially when fighting against Super Effective opponents.
另外補充一點關蓄氣條進度的問題,trainer tips在影片1:50左右有提到
: 2.大招怎麼用?
: 2 Charge moves can be available(2nd charge move unlocked with Candy &
: Stardust)
: 每隻寶可夢將可以使用2招蓄能招式(預設能用1招,第2招需使用糖果或是星塵取得)
: 一旦聚氣完成 遊戲發出提示 玩家決定要出大招後 會有3秒鐘可以"催下去"
: (連續點擊螢幕 增加大招威力)
: *第二招蓄能招式將通用於遊戲其他戰鬥中(道館戰、頭目戰)!!
: **招式訓練器可以適用於未來每隻寶可夢的這2招蓄能招式 不會鎖住!
: (個別寶可夢招式池維持不變)
: ***玩家將可預先見到強化後CP 再確認是否強化該寶可夢
: 3.如何開打
: Challenge using "Battle Codes", similar to Friendship Codes
: 使用你的手機掃描對手訓練師的"對戰碼"
: 選擇3個聯盟中的1個
: Great League: 1,500 CP limit per Pokémon
: Ultra League: 2,500 CP limit per Pokémon
: Master League: No CP limit per Pokémon
: 選擇3隻寶可夢
: (所以,兩方必須面對面)
: (遊戲將在右下角目前放雷達、任務這裡多安插一個介面,對應這個功能)
: 勝負判定
: 先打倒對方3隻寶可夢的訓練師為勝方
: (目前對戰回合時間限制未明)
: *Ditto百變怪 / Shedinja脫殼忍者不能出場
: **天氣系統目前不產生效果
: 4.
: "Protect Shields" are available to block incoming charged attacks,
: but you only get 2 per battle
: 一場對戰將有2組「防禦盾牌」可以使用,一旦使用可以擋下對手使出的蓄能招式
: (一方出大招在"催下去"時 另一方將同步可以決定是否使用防禦盾牌)
: 5.
: Ultra Friends and Best Friends don't have to be near each other to battle
: 友誼等級在「麻吉好朋友」以上,可以進行遠距對戰,無須受距離限制
: 6.
: "When Trainer Battles are completed, both participants will receive great
: rewards, including a chance at rare Evolution items."
: 對戰雙方都能獲得獎勵,有機會獲得進化道具。
: 獎勵目前一天上限3場 3場戰鬥後將只累積對戰次數供「王牌訓練師」獎盃使用
: 不再發出額外獎勵
: *對戰後 陌生玩家可以直接被加為好友
: **好友等級 也可以在對戰中增加
: 7.
: Training with the team leaders will earn rewards once per day, and increase
: your progress towards an Ace Trainer medal!
: 每天可以與隊長進行對戰練習一次,也將從中獲得獎勵。
: *獎勵同真人對戰 沒有縮水!
: 而且還可以累積這項成就,取得"因為系統更新已經很久沒能取得進展"的
: 「王牌訓練師」獎牌
: 8.目前沒有上線日期
: 目前沒有上線日期
: 目前沒有上線日期
: 但幾乎肯定會在2018年12月結束前上線
: 官方合作媒體 IGN 影片 在這裡
: https://youtu.be/ND6IepPUlVo
: 以上 快速分享~
※ 引述《hsupohsiang (Faith圖:)》言:
: 出處:
: 1.https://goo.gl/bLA9a6 (gamepress)
: 2.https://goo.gl/T6KLke (IGN)
: https://i.imgur.com/tTE7tl1.jpg
: 1.怎麼出招
: Battles will use the "tapping" system
: 點擊螢幕 進入對戰後 點擊螢幕即可發出小招 同時也將從中獲得能量
: 供蓄能招式(大招)使用
: *對戰系統"沒有閃躲"
"You can also switch Pokemon, but every time you perform a switch, your switch
button will be disabled and you can’t switch for another 50 seconds. Trainer
Battles in Pokemon GO feature a mix of tap and charge time battle based
mechanics which was never done in a Pokemon game before.
In order to win a Trainer battle one of the players needs to defeat all
opponent’s Pokemon. If the match is not decided before the battle limit
ends, a tie breaker mechanism will kick in and determine the winner by taking
a look at the number of remaining Pokemon and percentage of health left."
You can freely switch Pokemon at any moment during the battle, however,
switching a Pokemon will trigger a 50 second cooldown before you can switch
again. When you switch Pokemon, the outgoing Pokemon remember its energy
state and will re-enter the battle arena with the same energy level it had
when it was switched out. Switching out and in is a key mechanic in Trainer
Battles, especially when fighting against Super Effective opponents.
另外補充一點關蓄氣條進度的問題,trainer tips在影片1:50左右有提到
: 2.大招怎麼用?
: 2 Charge moves can be available(2nd charge move unlocked with Candy &
: Stardust)
: 每隻寶可夢將可以使用2招蓄能招式(預設能用1招,第2招需使用糖果或是星塵取得)
: 一旦聚氣完成 遊戲發出提示 玩家決定要出大招後 會有3秒鐘可以"催下去"
: (連續點擊螢幕 增加大招威力)
: *第二招蓄能招式將通用於遊戲其他戰鬥中(道館戰、頭目戰)!!
: **招式訓練器可以適用於未來每隻寶可夢的這2招蓄能招式 不會鎖住!
: (個別寶可夢招式池維持不變)
: ***玩家將可預先見到強化後CP 再確認是否強化該寶可夢
: 3.如何開打
: Challenge using "Battle Codes", similar to Friendship Codes
: 使用你的手機掃描對手訓練師的"對戰碼"
: 選擇3個聯盟中的1個
: Great League: 1,500 CP limit per Pokémon
: Ultra League: 2,500 CP limit per Pokémon
: Master League: No CP limit per Pokémon
: 選擇3隻寶可夢
: (所以,兩方必須面對面)
: (遊戲將在右下角目前放雷達、任務這裡多安插一個介面,對應這個功能)
: 勝負判定
: 先打倒對方3隻寶可夢的訓練師為勝方
: (目前對戰回合時間限制未明)
: *Ditto百變怪 / Shedinja脫殼忍者不能出場
: **天氣系統目前不產生效果
: 4.
: "Protect Shields" are available to block incoming charged attacks,
: but you only get 2 per battle
: 一場對戰將有2組「防禦盾牌」可以使用,一旦使用可以擋下對手使出的蓄能招式
: (一方出大招在"催下去"時 另一方將同步可以決定是否使用防禦盾牌)
: 5.
: Ultra Friends and Best Friends don't have to be near each other to battle
: 友誼等級在「麻吉好朋友」以上,可以進行遠距對戰,無須受距離限制
: 6.
: "When Trainer Battles are completed, both participants will receive great
: rewards, including a chance at rare Evolution items."
: 對戰雙方都能獲得獎勵,有機會獲得進化道具。
: 獎勵目前一天上限3場 3場戰鬥後將只累積對戰次數供「王牌訓練師」獎盃使用
: 不再發出額外獎勵
: *對戰後 陌生玩家可以直接被加為好友
: **好友等級 也可以在對戰中增加
: 7.
: Training with the team leaders will earn rewards once per day, and increase
: your progress towards an Ace Trainer medal!
: 每天可以與隊長進行對戰練習一次,也將從中獲得獎勵。
: *獎勵同真人對戰 沒有縮水!
: 而且還可以累積這項成就,取得"因為系統更新已經很久沒能取得進展"的
: 「王牌訓練師」獎牌
: 8.目前沒有上線日期
: 目前沒有上線日期
: 目前沒有上線日期
: 但幾乎肯定會在2018年12月結束前上線
: 官方合作媒體 IGN 影片 在這裡
: https://youtu.be/ND6IepPUlVo
All Comments

By Jack
at 2018-12-07T19:55
at 2018-12-07T19:55

By Jacky
at 2018-12-09T21:08
at 2018-12-09T21:08

By Delia
at 2018-12-14T20:04
at 2018-12-14T20:04

By Andrew
at 2018-12-16T23:34
at 2018-12-16T23:34

By Linda
at 2018-12-17T04:34
at 2018-12-17T04:34

By Poppy
at 2018-12-17T08:43
at 2018-12-17T08:43

By Hamiltion
at 2018-12-21T14:39
at 2018-12-21T14:39

By Aaliyah
at 2018-12-25T09:30
at 2018-12-25T09:30

By Donna
at 2018-12-28T02:24
at 2018-12-28T02:24

By Jack
at 2018-12-29T09:13
at 2018-12-29T09:13

By Una
at 2018-12-31T10:19
at 2018-12-31T10:19

By Emily
at 2019-01-05T07:26
at 2019-01-05T07:26

By Sandy
at 2019-01-06T08:36
at 2019-01-06T08:36

By Lauren
at 2019-01-08T09:53
at 2019-01-08T09:53

By Olga
at 2019-01-13T04:34
at 2019-01-13T04:34

By Catherine
at 2019-01-16T22:20
at 2019-01-16T22:20

By Audriana
at 2019-01-21T02:26
at 2019-01-21T02:26

By Lily
at 2019-01-25T22:24
at 2019-01-25T22:24

By Franklin
at 2019-01-26T20:02
at 2019-01-26T20:02

By Freda
at 2019-01-28T08:22
at 2019-01-28T08:22

By Liam
at 2019-01-29T11:07
at 2019-01-29T11:07

By Mia
at 2019-01-29T13:08
at 2019-01-29T13:08

By Genevieve
at 2019-01-29T21:59
at 2019-01-29T21:59

By Kristin
at 2019-02-03T05:58
at 2019-02-03T05:58

By Enid
at 2019-02-05T17:38
at 2019-02-05T17:38

By Jacob
at 2019-02-10T09:02
at 2019-02-10T09:02

By Jake
at 2019-02-13T15:33
at 2019-02-13T15:33

By Margaret
at 2019-02-17T16:39
at 2019-02-17T16:39

By Ivy
at 2019-02-18T06:42
at 2019-02-18T06:42

By Ethan
at 2019-02-21T01:52
at 2019-02-21T01:52

By Doris
at 2019-02-21T23:49
at 2019-02-21T23:49

By Isla
at 2019-02-24T17:32
at 2019-02-24T17:32
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