新任教宗也是HT的fans ?? - 線上

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2013-04-02T11:23

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Is the Pope playing Hattrick?
新任教宗也是Hattrick的fans ?

We heard from a news agency that it seems that the new Pope,
Pope Francis (Cardinal Jose Bergoglio), is a fan of online games and he was
well known in the local community because he enjoyed playing online matches
with local community. Will this lead to an almost announced new league,
Vatican City?

消息指出新任教宗喜歡玩線上遊戲, 並因此在當地的社群出名,
或許未來HT會出現新的國家--樊蒂岡 !!

More details in our article.

Argentina staff told us that they found that Cardinal Bergoglio
(now known as Pope Francis) was used to enjoy a lot of time with men and women
of his community, and while it's well known that he's a supporter of a
local club (Club Atletico San Lorenzo de Almagro),
it's less popular the news that sometimes he also enjoyed to follow live
matches on a shared computer, playing an unnamed online game.

根據阿根廷方面回報, 新任教宗不但是當地足球隊聖羅倫佐的fans,

但是鮮少為人知的是, 新任教宗也樂衷於玩一款未經證實的線上足球遊戲

This leads to speculation that Hattrick is that game, and we
(Global Editors) heard that HTs are thinking to start, for the next season,
the Vatican City league.

根據推測, 該款足球線上遊戲就是HT.

If the news will be confirmed (it seems that HTs are pretty sure that the
new Pope is still playing Hattrick with an Argentinian team)
it'll mean that Hattrick could have great advertisement,
and while it's well known that there are a lot of professional footballers
(and other VIPs) playing HT, this would be for sure the biggest personality
in this game.

HT官方看似很確定新任教宗有在玩HT, 擁有一隻阿根廷球隊, 並且球隊沒有變電腦.
如果消息屬實, HT就擁有一塊很大的活動廣告招牌.

同時也有不少國際知名足球球星和其他名人也在玩HT, 對推廣HT很有幫助.

Even if the news will be confirmed (you'll have soon a reply about it)
we can't share his team name, of course,
to leave him a good game experience (if he'll continue to play),
but we would like to ask you (Hattrick community):
what would you like to ask him?

HT官方無法公佈新任教宗的球隊隊名, 但是你可以思考你想問新任教宗什麼問題.

It'll be possible to have an indirect link with him,
and we'll forward to HTs the best questions
(that needs to be hattrick related).

HT官方提供一個間接連結是非常有可能的, 同時HT官方也會pass好問題給教宗.

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-04-05T18:02
Can we have a friendly??? >///<
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-04-09T19:00
4/1 日發的~~~是真的嗎~~~ XD
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-04-11T18:20
http://ppt.cc/tOLV 所以是阿根廷還是巴西?
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-04-14T09:29
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2013-04-16T14:58
不過後來想想,HT有大膽到敢開教宗的玩笑嗎 ?
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-04-16T18:53
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-04-18T01:19


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2013-04-01T23:43
原本電腦開遊戲都好好的 但從昨天開始開上去有時候一分鐘之內就會跳回桌面然後遊戲就關了 有時候半小時就關了 請問有人有這問題嗎?? - ...


James avatar
By James
at 2013-04-01T21:10
今天官方釋出裁判功能,去比賽資訊的欄位還能......咳......賄賂之。 官方是這麼說的......A sufficient bribe may make the referee decide in your favour in key situations during the match. Unle ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-04-01T20:57
這個禮拜剛好有加倍,上兩個禮拜存下來的解碼器全部用上了 有四個帳號,每個帳號有普解8個,棒球的A解10幾個到30幾個,今天的B解 總共大約120多個解碼器,使用跟抽法的結果 主帳號:全摃龜 小帳號1:mg3普通版 小帳號2:黃金stg44 小帳號3:叢林幻雷、葛蕾 永久槍總共2金2銀,至於其他的限時武器的 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-04-01T20:26
我的青年隊已經連兩週有人拿兩張黃牌離場了, 成年隊則發生了一次,比賽差點輸掉 Orz, 更重要的是白白浪廢了訓練位。 在 match order 那邊好像只能根據紅牌來換人, 想問一下大家是如何處理/預防這類狀況呢? - ...

4/1 每日閒聊文

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-04-01T20:21
原PO剛剛去玩了一下CSO 期待已久的陣營交換券活動終於開始了 對於還不懂這個活動的鄉民們稍為解說一下唄 此券只限4/1使用(重點!!!) 一旦00:00一到馬上回收 使用限制為一般模式沙漠2倉庫城市 購買區仍為原始出生地 所以一開始就不能買槍喔!!! -------進入正題-------- ...