數牆 061 - 拼圖

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-07-06T14:48

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'You've sort of made up for it tonight,' said Harry. 'Getting the
sword. Finishing the Horcrux. Saving my life.'
'That makes me sound a lot cooler then I was,' Ron mumbled.
'Stuff like that always sounds cooler then it really was,' said
Harry. 'I've been trying to tell you that for years.'
-- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, P.308

Tags: 拼圖

All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-07-11T07:00

數牆 060

James avatar
By James
at 2010-07-06T12:07
███1█████2 █1███ █ █ ██ █ ██ ███ █ █ 4██1█ █ ██ ██ ██ █ █ █ █ █ ███ ██ █ 7█ █11█ █ █3 ██11██5 這樣對吧~~ 數字太大會很空虛 ...

數間 057

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-07-04T11:25
http://www.janko.at/Raetsel/Heyawake/023.a.htm 這題也是小而難的題目。中間的 15 挺有意思的,但解開之後也才剛開始而已。 -- 有桌堪翻直須翻,莫待無桌後空翻 - ...

數牆 060

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-07-04T09:01
http://www.janko.at/Raetsel/Nurikabe/006.a.htm 以這個大小的題目來說這題算是很有深度的。 -- 有桌堪翻直須翻,莫待無桌後空翻 - ...

巨蛋玩具展 下殺3.8折

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-07-04T07:10
巨蛋玩具展 下殺3.8折 http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/32632504/IssueID/20100703 小一生玩搬搬樂 19元抱走11公斤玩具 -2010年07月03日蘋果日報- 【魏斌╱高雄報導】國中、小學生今起放暑假,集結300多 ...

數牆 059

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-07-04T02:23
http://www.janko.at/Raetsel/Nurikabe/229.a.htm 該網站最龐大的一題。 然而我覺得出得比前一題好,難度合理多了,是很讓人滿意的挑戰。 -- 有桌堪翻直須翻,莫待無桌後空翻 - ...