擲斧兵(誤)天賦相關問題請教 - 流亡黯道

By Delia
at 2013-11-03T18:20
at 2013-11-03T18:20
Table of Contents
※ 引述《donaldgo (小均)》之銘言:
: 亂逛發現這個人的影片
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTXO2TDIU3U
: illestmuzik
: 也是一個名人
: 他用的是單手劍盾elemental spectral throw (no physical)
: ST with GMP dps 19k(非常噁心!)
: 但是一直不貼他的build和裝備(想必是神裝)
: 實在是很好奇
: 我發現一些重點
: 1. 7 power charge
: 2. EB
: 3. 開AA
: 4. 沒點aura mana reserved的node
: 有沒有人可以猜出他用什麼角色和天賦?
都說是用Templar了 來試捏看看 XDD
http://tinyurl.com/m7ouxa7 101點
+223 to Strength
+34 to Dexterity <--- 這樣子dex應該不夠ST的升級需求吧 用裝備補 @@?
+283 to Intelligence
+201.5 to maximum Mana
+221.5 to maximum Life
+30% to all Elemental Resistances
104% increased maximum Life
87% increased Armour
Converts all Energy Shield to Mana
34% increased maximum Energy Shield
+56.6% Energy Shield
+6 Maximum Power Charge
50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge
100% increased Critical Strike Multiplier
200% increased Critical Strike Chance
41% increased Elemental Damage
40% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
30% increased Fire Damage with Weapons
30% increased Lightning Damage with Weapons
24% increased Effect of Buffs on You
54% increased effect of Auras you Cast
13% reduced Mana Reserved
: 亂逛發現這個人的影片
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTXO2TDIU3U
: 也是一個名人
: 他用的是單手劍盾elemental spectral throw (no physical)
: ST with GMP dps 19k(非常噁心!)
: 但是一直不貼他的build和裝備(想必是神裝)
: 實在是很好奇
: 我發現一些重點
: 1. 7 power charge
: 2. EB
: 3. 開AA
: 4. 沒點aura mana reserved的node
: 有沒有人可以猜出他用什麼角色和天賦?
都說是用Templar了 來試捏看看 XDD
http://tinyurl.com/m7ouxa7 101點
+223 to Strength
+34 to Dexterity <--- 這樣子dex應該不夠ST的升級需求吧 用裝備補 @@?
+283 to Intelligence
+201.5 to maximum Mana
+221.5 to maximum Life
+30% to all Elemental Resistances
104% increased maximum Life
87% increased Armour
Converts all Energy Shield to Mana
34% increased maximum Energy Shield
+56.6% Energy Shield
+6 Maximum Power Charge
50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge
100% increased Critical Strike Multiplier
200% increased Critical Strike Chance
41% increased Elemental Damage
40% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
30% increased Fire Damage with Weapons
30% increased Lightning Damage with Weapons
24% increased Effect of Buffs on You
54% increased effect of Auras you Cast
13% reduced Mana Reserved
All Comments

By Erin
at 2013-11-06T03:13
at 2013-11-06T03:13

By Todd Johnson
at 2013-11-10T19:49
at 2013-11-10T19:49

By Rachel
at 2013-11-13T16:49
at 2013-11-13T16:49

By Daph Bay
at 2013-11-16T18:06
at 2013-11-16T18:06

By Emily
at 2013-11-18T01:08
at 2013-11-18T01:08

By Emily
at 2013-11-22T06:18
at 2013-11-22T06:18

By Andrew
at 2013-11-24T11:22
at 2013-11-24T11:22

By Faithe
at 2013-11-24T13:02
at 2013-11-24T13:02

By Daph Bay
at 2013-11-28T16:53
at 2013-11-28T16:53

By Poppy
at 2013-11-30T07:21
at 2013-11-30T07:21

By Rosalind
at 2013-12-03T16:59
at 2013-12-03T16:59

By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-12-05T10:32
at 2013-12-05T10:32

By Poppy
at 2013-12-07T23:05
at 2013-12-07T23:05

By Candice
at 2013-12-11T15:29
at 2013-12-11T15:29

By Regina
at 2013-12-15T04:44
at 2013-12-15T04:44

By Quintina
at 2013-12-17T09:31
at 2013-12-17T09:31

By Annie
at 2013-12-20T21:10
at 2013-12-20T21:10

By Bethany
at 2013-12-21T17:04
at 2013-12-21T17:04

By Callum
at 2013-12-22T22:27
at 2013-12-22T22:27
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