持鉞河圖‧應龍 戰慄級關卡 - 神魔之塔
![Edith avatar](/img/girl2.jpg)
By Edith
at 2021-06-14T19:00
at 2021-06-14T19:00
Table of Contents
應龍明天 6 月 15 日 (二) 為大家帶來戰慄級關卡!
『開闢蒼天 戰慄級』
- 可自由組隊進行戰鬥
- 成功挑戰戰慄級 5 次,將可獲得素材「銀瘋頭」1 隻
65,000 分:「持鉞河圖‧應龍」(技 10)
55,000 分:金果蛾龍 3 隻
45,000 分:潛解素材 (隨機) 1 隻
35,000 分:武裝原料「銀印」1 粒
25,000 分:「傲志不訾‧姬臣」動態造型
15,000 分:舞者羊駝 1 隻
時間:6 月 15 日 (二) 至 6 月 22 日 (二)
關卡資訊: https://bit.ly/3w1bQxH
Snow flakes in January Heart warm like February,
I wouldn't ordinarily March to the drum, play a fool like April
May the best sing in a June recital Power of the will, Julius and Augustus
Aw you know, it's just us In a new semester, back in September
boy, I wonder if you still remember -Nujabes feat. Shing02 - Luv(sic) Part 4
應龍明天 6 月 15 日 (二) 為大家帶來戰慄級關卡!
『開闢蒼天 戰慄級』
- 可自由組隊進行戰鬥
- 成功挑戰戰慄級 5 次,將可獲得素材「銀瘋頭」1 隻
65,000 分:「持鉞河圖‧應龍」(技 10)
55,000 分:金果蛾龍 3 隻
45,000 分:潛解素材 (隨機) 1 隻
35,000 分:武裝原料「銀印」1 粒
25,000 分:「傲志不訾‧姬臣」動態造型
15,000 分:舞者羊駝 1 隻
時間:6 月 15 日 (二) 至 6 月 22 日 (二)
關卡資訊: https://bit.ly/3w1bQxH
Snow flakes in January Heart warm like February,
I wouldn't ordinarily March to the drum, play a fool like April
May the best sing in a June recital Power of the will, Julius and Augustus
Aw you know, it's just us In a new semester, back in September
boy, I wonder if you still remember -Nujabes feat. Shing02 - Luv(sic) Part 4
All Comments
![Joe avatar](/img/cat5.jpg)
By Joe
at 2021-06-18T15:11
at 2021-06-18T15:11
![Joe avatar](/img/dog1.jpg)
By Joe
at 2021-06-18T23:28
at 2021-06-18T23:28
![Elvira avatar](/img/girl3.jpg)
By Elvira
at 2021-06-20T13:21
at 2021-06-20T13:21
![Dorothy avatar](/img/girl4.jpg)
By Dorothy
at 2021-06-22T01:08
at 2021-06-22T01:08
![Noah avatar](/img/girl5.jpg)
By Noah
at 2021-06-22T09:38
at 2021-06-22T09:38
![Joseph avatar](/img/dog2.jpg)
By Joseph
at 2021-06-24T07:07
at 2021-06-24T07:07
![Lydia avatar](/img/woman.jpg)
By Lydia
at 2021-06-24T11:17
at 2021-06-24T11:17
![Erin avatar](/img/woman-biz.jpg)
By Erin
at 2021-06-25T01:11
at 2021-06-25T01:11
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