拿上次Total War包改的範例信 - Steam

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-12-05T10:48

Table of Contents


Humble Monthly Bundle December: Region Restricted Keys for Taiwan

"Dear Humble Ninja,

I am a customer from Taiwan who bought the Humble Monthly Bundle December.
I was looking forward to Company of Heroes™ 2: The British Forces when I saw the titles included in the bundle.
However, as it turned out, the keys you provided for the titles couldn't be activated in Taiwan.As disappointed as I was,
I thought that there may be mistakes involved in the process and the region restrictions may eventually be lifted -
an assumption that was later confirmed by my fellow countrymen who had contacted you and received your positive response.

Best regards,
[your name]

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-12-08T08:52
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-12-13T07:25
有 我也要有……這心態…
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-12-16T14:31
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-12-21T07:06
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-12-23T01:30
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2015-12-24T23:47
嘿嘿嘿 將來哪天HB把台灣封鎖 我想大概知道是什麼原因了


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-12-05T08:11
大家好,我是kenny (xGunGunx) 我是從COD MW2時代開始玩的玩家 那時候,是在yahoo新聞看到一款遊戲,可以賣到2000萬份 好奇心驅使之下,就在steam買了PC版... 結果要下載5天=.=!! 後來在線上模式,認識了一群好朋友,後來大家組了一個社團,叫做佛心路人團 是我加入過,最棒 ...

HB 12 月包 估價文

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-12-05T08:10
打給賀,我又來估價了。 以下以英文價格來計算。 遊戲名稱 原價 歷史低價 =============================================== Banished 19.99 4.9 ...

HB月包兩款 到中午12點

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2015-12-05T03:16
都到中午12點,都LV1+,都限港台 PAYDAY2: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/f0Fj8/payday-2 Banished: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/1Sx2b/banished - ...

IG生日 | 免費領取 Gun Metal

James avatar
By James
at 2015-12-05T02:13
Indiegala 四周年! 生日快樂,再推出更多優質組包吧 \(^▽^)/ Gun Metal http://store.steampowered.com/app/267920 使用者評論: 大多好評 (230 篇評論) 發售日: 2003 年 09 月 23 日 動作 機甲 第三人稱射擊 射擊 機器 ...

Humble Bundle 12月

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-12-05T02:01
頁面備份 http://i.imgur.com/zjV6ZSL.png 序號頁面 http://i.imgur.com/rogInDU.png BANISHED http://store.steampowered.com/app/242920/ RUST http://store.steampowered. ...