帳號被鎖的通知信內容 - 線上

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-10-15T22:02

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13-09-2016 来自您

05-10-2016 来自您
1.I reported (17008591.36) to local GM,that post is from Taiwan's forum,but
GM-George can't communicate in Chinese.Chinese is the first language in
Taiwan's forum.It's ridiculous to let a GM who can't read Chinese to handle
Taiwan's forum.

2.Mod-Cattington is very familiar with the author of the reported post
OUZO,they are good friends.All Taiwan people know that.To be
fair,Mod-Cattington shouldn't handle this case,but he did and protect
GM-George.He also can't read Chinese.

05-10-2016 来自您
3.Since I reported the post ,GM-George hadn't replied until after two
weeks.Apparently he can't handle it in time and properly.

4.GM-George read my conversation about reporting him,and I don't think it's
fair he can see those conversation.

5.Mod-Cattington protected OUZO's post multi times in Taiwan's forum just
because Cattington and OUZO run Taiwan national team election failed.Because
their involvement,they shouldn't participate handling Taiwan's forum

05-10-2016 来自您
6.I'm not Cattington's friend but OUZO is Cattington's best friend.Every
Taiwan people knows.SO why can Mod-Cattington handle OUZO's reported
posts?Even in real life,that's impossible happen.
05-10-2016 来自您
7.To be fair,I demand a third neutral GM who can read Chinese to handle this

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Road to 巴基斯坦 U20 WCQ

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-10-14T21:33
資格賽 - 第13小組 (以下按照小組種子序排序) U-20 土耳其 (Türkiye) U-20 葡萄牙 (Portugal) U-20 瑞典 (Sverige) U-20 台灣 (Chinese Taipei) U-20 墨西哥 (México) U-20 以色列 (Israel) U-20 波 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-10-13T22:59
※ 引述《snow02262 (SNOW)》之銘言: : 今天上線發現HT帳號被鎖,甚至一次警告都沒,GM的理由是跟Bolam有關,然後說 : 我是Bolam的多重帳號,問題是我比Bolam玩得早,而且還從沒參與過任何選舉, : 我在想可能是Cattington的朋友惡意舉報,目前只能先透過郵件上訴,IP ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2016-10-13T14:12
今天上線發現HT帳號被鎖,甚至一次警告都沒,GM的理由是跟Bolam有關,然後說 我是Bolam的多重帳號,問題是我比Bolam玩得早,而且還從沒參與過任何選舉, 我在想可能是Cattington的朋友惡意舉報,目前只能先透過郵件上訴,IP地址都不一樣 ,不知道GM哪來的證據證明我是Bolam的多重帳號= = ...


John avatar
By John
at 2016-10-10T13:57
最近檢舉了-Ouzo-一篇疑似講髒話違規的文章,結果居然由不懂中文的GM-George處理 ,然後Mod-Cattington還跳出來保護他朋友-Ouzo-。所以我就檢舉了Cattington和George 這兩個GM濫權。後面Hattrick在我要求下讓中文好的GM-wrenwin來處理。 wrenw ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-10-08T19:23
官網連結: http://dn.gameflier.com/news/news.html?ptype=newsandamp;id=1722 http://i.imgur.com/jz0RJbJ.png 領時裝活動又來了(第三款運動風) 1.每日領登入 2.至少參加一場天梯 3.至少完成3場超深淵 ...