居然這種事發生在我身上。 - 撲克牌

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-12-27T16:17

Table of Contents

PokerStars Game #23292000000: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2008/12/27 2:46:19
Table 'Mekbuda' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: 99sls ($508.45 in chips)
Seat 2: victor-chen ($201 in chips)
victor-chen: posts small blind $1
99sls: posts big blind $2




Hello Chih-Yen,

Congratulations! You were a participant in PokerStars milestone hand

Your account has been credited with $1600. ($1000 for winning the hand and
$600 as bonus for being PlatinumStar). Thank you for your patronage of
PokerStars as we count down the exciting hands on our way to hand

Don't forget that double VPPs and FPPs are in effect until May 20, in
Sit & Go's and cash ring games.

Good luck in your future games and again, congratulations on being
dealt into one of the milestone hands here on PokerStars.

PokerStars Support Team

最好笑的事,那把牌,FOLP我ALL-IN, 全部的人都蓋給我,讓我多賺一些。

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to victor-chen [4s 5d]
HostVielka [observer] said, "Congratulations on being dealt in on a
PokerStars milestone hand! All"
HostVielka [observer] said, "players dealt in on this hand will win cash, and
the winner of the"
HostVielka [observer] said, "hand will receive an extra bonus!"
HostVielka [observer] said, "Congratulations everybody"
HostVielka [observer] said, "the hand will continue in just a few more
HostVielka [observer] said, "and you will be able to play it out,..."
StaffBryanS [observer] said, "Congratulations, all!! Enjoy!!!"
slapshot3000 [observer] said, "good luck, donks"
HostVielka [observer] said, "still... all of you have been dealt in... so you
each will get a prize"
TJL0 [observer] said, "lol"
blaahjelm66 [observer] said, "move allin"
HostVielka [observer] said, "emails with those details will be sent out as
soon as the hand is over"
TJL0 [observer] said, "everyone push! obv"
ForeverMusic [observer] said, "SHIP IT"
punish15 [observer] said, "fully sick"
Cougars4444 [observer] said, "glglglgl"
jaxjay [observer] said, "no folding"
blaahjelm66 [observer] said, "much does the non winner get?"
ForeverMusic [observer] said, "SHIP IT"
FATASS1990 [observer] said, "yeah id be all in for sure"
daniele16: folds
rosseg: folds
rosseg leaves the table
NightFyre [observer] said, "so whats the cash prize"
andres_arg [observer] said, "400 + bonus"
ForeverMusic [observer] said, "SHIP IT"
TJL0 [observer] said, "ROFL"
Harnesspro [observer] said, "haha"
victor-chen: calls $2
jaxjay [observer] said, "wtf"
blaahjelm66 [observer] said, "omg"
TJL0 [observer] said, "he left"
odi385 [observer] said, "wow"
TJL0 [observer] said, "wtf"
Harnesspro [observer] said, "lol"
Alien666 [observer] said, "omfg"
andres_arg [observer] said, "OMFG, why he left!"
Fanofthe24 [observer] said, "what"
odi385 [observer] said, "that guy hates money"
Cougars4444 [observer] said, "what a moron"
xjoong [observer] said, "goooo"
ForeverMusic [observer] said, "SHIP IT"
xjoong [observer] said, "all in"
Canton1668 [observer] said, "why do they tell u what table its at?"
URHERO: calls $2
xjoong [observer] said, "allll innnnnn"
xjoong [observer] said, "so we can celebrate"
jaxjay [observer] said, "he still win???"
2Cards2Come: raises $14 to $16
blaahjelm66 [observer] said, "they couldent hadle the prpessure"
xjoong [observer] said, "AWLNNn"
kocel: calls $14
xjoong [observer] said, "AWLINNN"
victor-chen: calls $14
greatcox20 joins the table at seat #4
xjoong [observer] said, "WHEEEEe"
URHERO: calls $14
*** FLOP *** [As 2h 9c]
2Cards2Come: checks
Harnesspro [observer] said, "ha why not all in u dorks"
kocel: checks
victor-chen: bets $92 and is all-in
xjoong [observer] said, "WOOO"
Stafman [observer] said, "settle down xoong"
andres_arg [observer] said, "CALL"
FATASS1990 [observer] said, "i cant believe that guy left"
TJL0 [observer] said, "DONT FOLD"
TJL0 [observer] said, "lol"
xjoong [observer] said, "there goes the 1st bomb"
victor-chen said, "A2"
xjoong [observer] said,
andres_arg [observer] said, "u cant fold"
xjoong [observer] said, "HAHA"
2Cards2Come said, "i believe him"
xjoong [observer] said, "he says A2"
xjoong [observer] said, "LMAO"
odi385 [observer] said, "BLUFFFF"
ForeverMusic [observer] said, "SHIP IT call"
URHERO: folds
xjoong [observer] said, "just CALL ANYWAYs"
RSDallas [observer] said, "nothing like violating the rules while support is
xjoong [observer] said, "BACKDOOR FLUSH"
xjoong [observer] said, "GOGOGO"
INEVERBLUFF [observer] said, "lol"
andres_arg [observer] said, "nah, impossible fold"
oowmaah [observer] said, "trips 5!!!!"
ShipItBuster [observer] said, "yy"
robertmcd23 [observer] said, "call it"
punish15 [observer] said, "dont be weak"
2Cards2Come: folds
xjoong [observer] said, "omg"
kocel: folds
xjoong [observer] said, "LOL"
TJL0 [observer] said, "WOW"
xjoong [observer] said, "show"
xjoong [observer] said, "show"
victor-chen collected $61 from pot
TJL0 [observer] said, "OPMG"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $64 | Rake $3
Board [As 2h 9c]
Seat 1: 2Cards2Come (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: kocel (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: daniele16 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: rosseg folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: victor-chen collected ($61)
Seat 6: URHERO (button) folded on the Flop


All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-12-27T20:00
怎麼感覺每個ptt鄉民好像都很lucky..我的X'mas gift
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-12-31T12:28
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-01-05T04:45
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-01-07T09:00
勝利大師 他用J high跟你river的下注耶 真猛~~
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-01-07T11:43
victor-chen said, "A2" (show card 讓他們幹爆阿)
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-01-08T12:01
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-01-10T02:16
似乎在台灣下午的 PS冷門時段拼命grinding 較容易中
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-01-12T15:26
0.01/0.02 的可以嗎? 好像不行耶
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-01-17T07:03
victor-chen said, "A2"<==這句話真...bluff!!!!!!!!
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-01-21T22:58
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-01-23T05:36
George avatar
By George
at 2009-01-24T13:15
請客啊 我一月一號可能會回去 快請客啊啊啊啊
怎麼這年頭台中的版友都在生女兒 但是還是恭喜啦XD
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-01-27T05:12
我可能J也可能會call耶 有花又有疊牌 還bet 會讓人覺得
George avatar
By George
at 2009-01-29T08:39
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-01-31T13:53
to eople:感謝你的恭喜!!!!!^_______^"
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-02-04T12:04
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-02-09T10:14
我有點不懂耶 第一百萬手是你打一對一那桌還是多人?
還是兩桌都有賺到? 有點奇怪 ...
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-02-09T20:33

魔力 ESP

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-12-27T14:37
我總覺得 Tom Dwan 常常有神奇 ESP 的表現 Doyle Brunson 說 ESP 是:and#34; sometimes you donand#39;t even know how you knowand#34; 剛剛無聊觀看 $500/$1000 現金桌桌,老出現的那幾個人又在那大戰 湯姆小弟 ...

(牌局分享) 大家來打6max

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-12-26T18:57
版上好像很少人打6max 其實6max跟fr相比 國外論壇 2p2 是說更profitable 這點我不曉得是不是真的 因為我打fr沒幾把kk就遇到aa nl100 一怒之下再也沒試過 lol 不過6m是滿兇殘的 swing也大的多 廢話不多說 先po來給大家笑一笑 QQ http://www.poker ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-12-26T18:03
正在煩惱怎麼老是hit不到milestone hand bonus的時候 ray 叫我趕快上nl5k有隻大魚.. 嘿嘿...poker star 對我真不錯.. 知道我沒有milestone bonus..乾脆把魚準備好給我吃吃 http://www.pokerhand.org/?3633216 這個月的 ...

居然有這種事 !

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-12-26T13:41
正當我為了剩下的3萬5千點fpp沒日沒夜的狂打的時候 彷彿風見准人進入了0的領域 準確的感受到桌上氣的流動 就在此時 令我料想不到的事發生了!!!! http://tinyurl.com/98mxg9 我到現在都還在笑 -- There is no point for second ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-12-26T13:23
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3632706 首當其衝....0.0 不得不下去了 乾 http://www.pokerhand.org/?3632703 這會不會試作弊啊= = 因為他後來贏了最後一把就走人 乾 超基八......太天眼通了 POKERSTAR有機器人?? -- ...