地平線西域禁地1.05 patch note - PS

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2022-02-23T17:28

Table of Contents




We are currently looking into several issues reported by the community:

‧ The team is investigating with high priority, several graphical issues report
ed by players regarding shimmering, sharpening and screen saturation when moving
the camera.
‧ Some players are experiencing an issue with infinite loading screens when att
empting to load into Melee Pits.
‧ Some players are experiencing an issue where Aloy’s outfit appears blurry in
Photo Mode.
‧ Some players are experiencing an issue in main quest ‘Reach for the Stars’
where Aloy can’t interact with a machine carcass, blocking progression.


Main Quests

‧ Fixed an issue in main quest ‘Reach for the Stars’ where reloading a certai
n auto-save after completing the first quest could block progression.
‧ Fixed an issue during interlude ‘The Eye of the Earth’ where Aloy could fal
l out of the world after skipping a cinematic.
‧ Fixed an issue in main quest ‘Cradle of Echoes’ where Varl would wander off
on a reload from save.
‧ Fixed an issue in main quest ‘The Sea of Sands’ affecting several grapple p

Side Quests and Errands

‧ Fixed an issue in side quest ‘Blood Choke’ where Atekka would appear to fal
l out of the sky.
‧ Fixed a progression issue in side quest ‘In The Fog’ related to fast travel
during the quest.
‧ Fixed an issue in errand quest ‘Night of Lights’ where a pullable box could
get stuck and block the quest progression.

World activities

‧ Fixed an issue where Relic Ruin: The Daunt could not be started in certain ci
‧ Fixed an issue in salvage contract The Greenswell: Plowhorn and the Plants wh
ere an optional objective could not be completed if the required item was sent t
o the player stash.
‧ A rogue Tallneck near The Sand of the Sentinels that would sometimes change t
he direction of its route has been disciplined.

Gameplay fixes

‧ The Second Chance skill should now work correctly.
‧ Fixed an issue where the camera had an unintended position when using certain
weapon techniques.

General fixes

‧ Image oversharpening in HDR mode has been corrected.
‧ Fixed an issue where some settlements would stream in, then stream out in cer
tain circumstances.
‧ Fixed an issue where the HUD would flicker when the player performs a loot ac
‧ Fixed an issue where rapidly opening and closing the map could cause graphica
l anomalies.
‧ Fixed an issue where Aloy's animation would sometimes jitter rapidly when cli
mbing after picking up a plant has been fixed.
‧ Fixed a global issue where the direction of Aloy's gaze, or that of certain N
PCs, was incorrect.
‧ Fixed several instances where Aloy, NPCs or enemies could get stuck in geomet
‧ Fixed an issue where roads and icons on the map would sometimes appear with a
‧ Fixed several streaming issues and unintended loading screens.
‧ NPCs that seemed to suffer from insomnia and would gather in large groups at
night in settlements should act more naturally now.
‧ Petra will no longer teleport into her seat inside the Chainscrape brewery if
followed immediately after the initial conversation with her.

Crash fixes

‧ Fixed several crashes.


‧ Various performance improvements.
‧ Various other minor fixes and cosmetic improvements.

Tags: PS

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2022-02-22T01:19
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2022-02-24T01:34
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2022-02-22T01:19
我只能繼續玩 因為我不玩法環XD
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2022-02-24T01:34
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2022-02-22T01:19
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2022-02-24T01:34
法環有問題就回來玩地平線啊 (被拖走
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2022-02-22T01:19
知道是不是因為我用ps4 slim的關係。然後剛更新完1.05又
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2022-02-24T01:34
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2022-02-22T01:19
現在遊戲越做越龐大 我看以後訓練AI來除錯找bug好了
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2022-02-24T01:34
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2022-02-22T01:19
法環應該是from第一次做開放世界吧 會出什麼問題還很
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2022-02-24T01:34
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2022-02-22T01:19
怎麼感覺我運氣像是很好= =玩到現在都沒遇到BUG...
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2022-02-24T01:34

請問各位大神 主機卡這畫面是什麼問題

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2022-02-23T16:46
先上圖 https://i.imgur.com/wua7tA7.jpg 小弟PS4平常都是用待機模式 這幾天我去外縣市出差不在家 家父順手幫我直接拔插頭關機 我回家之後開機PS4就變成這個狀態了 沒有死當 還是能操作 但是進入任何遊戲或是程式都沒反應 重開機也是一樣的狀況 然後重開機的速度變得很慢 有沒 ...

地平線2 戰鬥有沒有好打的辦法?

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2022-02-23T16:23
善用所有可以用的要素 我難度選困難 打單一小怪還可以重攻擊續力+致命一擊 或是躲草叢偷襲弱點一箭秒 但是打到中型以上的機械獸 事前準備就要多了 首先掃描一下 看看有那些 弱點部位 拆除部位 弱點屬性 善用 有利地形 武器特性 攻擊順序 只依靠打弱點部位 傷害就算X2還打不太動 要打弱點打到爆+破 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-02-23T16:07
現在遊戲廠商都扣得很死,沒有以前那種發售前一週就在傳哪邊偷跑的大趴體了 以前還真是連沒在玩該遊戲的人都可以一起跳下來參加偷跑祭典,很熱鬧 搞不好還順便刺激銷量多賣個幾百套呢 講一下古,但我也覺得自己是中了曼得拉效應 記得在古早古早的10多年前,MGS4本來要玩全球同步發行 可是因為時差關係根本無法達成,最 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2022-02-23T15:09
如題,現在還會有這種情況嗎? 以前好像比較有偷跑,尤其是強作推出的時候 啊為什麼現在問這個問題呢? 你懂的 --本篇討論可能含有性議題或令人不快之內容,無法接受此類話題者請自行斟酌閱讀-- ----------以上內容需要使用請留下 不需使用的可以ctrl + y 整行刪除------------ ...

地平線2 戰鬥有沒有好打的辦法?(無雷)

Una avatar
By Una
at 2022-02-23T14:29
大家好,我是PS4pro的玩家,現在練到22級,剛去沙漠而已。 因為我一開始玩簡單的時候每隻怪都射弱點一下就死所以改為普通讓體驗稍微好一點。 但是之後遇到那種弱點小不拉基的怪現在又變成打不到了很尷尬。 我幾乎只用射手弓跟神射手弓,以前印象弱點還瞄的到,但現在是戰鬥中開專注 也才到了勉強能瞄的階段,弓箭能 ...