命中注定得第二 - 撲克牌

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-09-22T02:03

Table of Contents

最近poker版火藥味濃厚 特po此文讓大家舒緩一下
由於小弟不會連結網站 所以用複製/貼上的
相當冗長 , 故事是敘述在pokerroom打10人SNG($10+1)
打到剩下兩家 籌碼 我有14,848 對家只剩下152
blind 300/600 , 我每一把牌都推他all in , 結果最後以第二名收場
傳奇的hand history 如下
Hand T4-76992733-158, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:28 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 600-600 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (152 in chips)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (14,848 in chips) (on the button)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (300)
BJCunningham : Post Blind (152)
Dealt to Tracy0110: 3s
Dealt to Tracy0110: 9c
BJCunningham : All In (152)
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to BJCunningham: 5s
Dealt to BJCunningham: 8h
Dealt to Tracy0110: 3s
Dealt to Tracy0110: 9c
*** Flop *** : Kh 7s 3h
*** Turn *** : [ Kh 7s 3h ] Jh
*** River *** : [ Kh 7s 3h Jh ] 4h
Dealt to BJCunningham: 5s
Dealt to BJCunningham: 8h
Dealt to Tracy0110: 3s
Dealt to Tracy0110: 9c
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
BJCunningham : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 452 | Rake: 0
Board: [ Kh 7s 3h Jh 4h ]
BJCunningham bet 152, collected 304, net 152 Shows [ 5s 8h ] (a flush, King high)
Tracy0110 bet 300, collected 148, net -152 Shows [ 3s 9c ] (a pair of threes)

Hand T4-76992733-159, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:28 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 600-600 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (304 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (14,696 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
BJCunningham : Post Blind (300)
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (600)
Dealt to Tracy0110: 3s
Dealt to Tracy0110: 6c
*** Pre-Flop *** :
BJCunningham : Call (4)
BJCunningham : All In (304)
*** Flop *** : 9h 2c 7c
Dealt to BJCunningham: 4d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Qd
Dealt to Tracy0110: 3s
Dealt to Tracy0110: 6c
*** Turn *** : [ 9h 2c 7c ] 5s
*** River *** : [ 9h 2c 7c 5s ] 10d
Dealt to BJCunningham: 4d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Qd
Dealt to Tracy0110: 3s
Dealt to Tracy0110: 6c
BJCunningham : Show Cards
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 904 | Rake: 0
Board: [ 9h 2c 7c 5s 10d ]
BJCunningham bet 304, collected 608, net 304 Shows [ 4d Qd ] (Queen high)
Tracy0110 bet 600, collected 296, net -304 Shows [ 3s 6c ] (ten high)

Hand T4-76992733-160, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:28 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 600-600 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (608 in chips)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (14,392 in chips) (on the button)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (300)
BJCunningham : Post Blind (600)
Dealt to Tracy0110: 6h
Dealt to Tracy0110: Qd
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to BJCunningham: 5c
Dealt to BJCunningham: 5d
Dealt to Tracy0110: 6h
Dealt to Tracy0110: Qd
Tracy0110 : Bet (4,800)
BJCunningham : Call (8)
BJCunningham : All In (608)
*** Flop *** : 3s 10h 9s
*** Turn *** : [ 3s 10h 9s ] 5s
*** River *** : [ 3s 10h 9s 5s ] 8c
Dealt to BJCunningham: 5c
Dealt to BJCunningham: 5d
Dealt to Tracy0110: 6h
Dealt to Tracy0110: Qd
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
BJCunningham : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 5,708 | Rake: 0
Board: [ 3s 10h 9s 5s 8c ]
BJCunningham bet 608, collected 1,216, net 608 Shows [ 5c 5d ] (three fives)
Tracy0110 bet 5,100, collected 4,492, net -608 Shows [ 6h Qd ] (Queen high)

Hand T4-76992733-161, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:29 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 600-600 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (1,216 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (13,784 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
BJCunningham : Post Blind (300)
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (600)
Dealt to Tracy0110: 2c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Ac
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to BJCunningham: 3d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Kh
Dealt to Tracy0110: 2c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Ac
BJCunningham : Bet (916)
BJCunningham : All In (1,216)
Tracy0110 : Call (616)
*** Flop *** : 8s 3c Jc
*** Turn *** : [ 8s 3c Jc ] 5s
*** River *** : [ 8s 3c Jc 5s ] 5h
Dealt to BJCunningham: 3d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Kh
Dealt to BJCunningham: 3d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Kh
Dealt to Tracy0110: 2c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Ac
BJCunningham : Show Cards
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 2,432 | Rake: 0
Board: [ 8s 3c Jc 5s 5h ]
BJCunningham bet 1,216, collected 2,432, net 1,216 Shows [ 3d Kh ] (two pairs, fives and threes)
Tracy0110 lost 1,216 Shows [ 2c Ac ] (a pair of fives)

Hand T4-76992733-161, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:29 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 600-600 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (1,216 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (13,784 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
BJCunningham : Post Blind (300)
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (600)
Dealt to Tracy0110: 2c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Ac
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to BJCunningham: 3d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Kh
Dealt to Tracy0110: 2c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Ac
BJCunningham : Bet (916)
BJCunningham : All In (1,216)
Tracy0110 : Call (616)
*** Flop *** : 8s 3c Jc
*** Turn *** : [ 8s 3c Jc ] 5s
*** River *** : [ 8s 3c Jc 5s ] 5h
Dealt to BJCunningham: 3d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Kh
Dealt to BJCunningham: 3d
Dealt to BJCunningham: Kh
Dealt to Tracy0110: 2c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Ac
BJCunningham : Show Cards
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 2,432 | Rake: 0
Board: [ 8s 3c Jc 5s 5h ]
BJCunningham bet 1,216, collected 2,432, net 1,216 Shows [ 3d Kh ] (two pairs, fives and threes)
Tracy0110 lost 1,216 Shows [ 2c Ac ] (a pair of fives)

Hand T4-76992733-163, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:29 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 800-800 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (4,864 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (10,136 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
BJCunningham : Post Blind (400)
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (800)
Dealt to Tracy0110: 5h
Dealt to Tracy0110: Qs
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to BJCunningham: 6h
Dealt to BJCunningham: 9c
Dealt to Tracy0110: 5h
Dealt to Tracy0110: Qs
BJCunningham : Bet (1,200)
Tracy0110 : Raise (9,336)
Tracy0110 : All In (10,136)
BJCunningham : Call (3,264)
BJCunningham : All In (4,864)
*** Flop *** : 9s 8d 10s
*** Turn *** : [ 9s 8d 10s ] 2c
*** River *** : [ 9s 8d 10s 2c ] Ad
Dealt to BJCunningham: 6h
Dealt to BJCunningham: 9c
Dealt to Tracy0110: 5h
Dealt to Tracy0110: Qs
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
BJCunningham : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 15,000 | Rake: 0
Board: [ 9s 8d 10s 2c Ad ]
BJCunningham bet 4,864, collected 9,728, net 4,864 Shows [ 6h 9c ] (a pair of nines)
Tracy0110 bet 10,136, collected 5,272, net -4,864 Shows [ 5h Qs ] (Ace high)

Hand T4-76992733-164, Started at 2008/9/22 上午 01:30 (GMT+8)
Table 'London': 800-800 No Limit HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: BJCunningham (9,728 in chips)
Seat 8: Tracy0110 (5,272 in chips) (on the button)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
Tracy0110 : Post Blind (400)
BJCunningham : Post Blind (800)
Dealt to Tracy0110: Jd
Dealt to Tracy0110: 8c
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to BJCunningham: Ks
Dealt to BJCunningham: 10c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Jd
Dealt to Tracy0110: 8c
Tracy0110 : Bet (4,872)
Tracy0110 : All In (5,272)
BJCunningham : Call (4,472)
*** Flop *** : Ah 7h 6d
*** Turn *** : [ Ah 7h 6d ] 2d
*** River *** : [ Ah 7h 6d 2d ] 6s
Dealt to BJCunningham: Ks
Dealt to BJCunningham: 10c
Dealt to BJCunningham: Ks
Dealt to BJCunningham: 10c
Dealt to Tracy0110: Jd
Dealt to Tracy0110: 8c
Tracy0110 : Show Cards
BJCunningham : Show Cards
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 10,544 | Rake: 0
Board: [ Ah 7h 6d 2d 6s ]
BJCunningham bet 5,272, collected 10,544, net 5,272 Shows [ Ks 10c ] (a pair of sixes)
Tracy0110 lost 5,272 Shows [ Jd 8c ] (a pair of sixes)


All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-09-23T10:27
附註以上手牌 為連續事件
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-09-24T08:28
附註二 我是用我女朋友的資料註冊 所以是tracy
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-09-26T18:13
直接end 請愛用pokerhand.org
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-09-30T01:15
我有次45人sng 64500對3000左右......也是打成第二......
每把all in時都是領先......結果怎麼推怎麼輸、真是見鬼了

9/20(六)台中會開一桌25/50的200BB,有 …

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-09-21T00:45
※ 引述《VictorChen77 (Victor)》之銘言: : 剛好台北、高雄的板友要來台中,為了讓你們可以贏多一點,台中星期六會開一桌 : 25/50的盲注 : MIN BUY-IN 50BB : MAX BUY-IN 200BB : 時間大約下午一點後 : 想參加的請推一下 : P.S.平常在打的10 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-09-20T16:58
我難得假日放假也~ 有人要幫約一下嗎? 我不想當主揪~ 那個好心人幫忙連絡一下拉~~~ -- 直到看見了妳 我才知道天使原來是沒有翅膀的... - ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-09-19T10:14
下面兩把 應該是運氣不錯 但是總覺得river的raise有點太少? 希望來問問大家意見 新手上路 鞭小力一點 感恩 http://www.pokerhand.org/?3206774 http://www.pokerhand.org/?3209950 - ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-09-19T00:26
星期五下午三點西門丁開戰 要週末了是該放鬆心情的時候了... GG小劉太晚到 罰你星期五早點到... 能三點到的請推文 多謝.... - ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-09-18T23:29
※ 引述《Dorla99 (!~波西亞的奴隸~!)》之銘言: : 或許你們都很難相信我打了三個多月的Poker stars就已經升級到super nova : 因此我的第一個回文是PS寄給我的信件 : 格式改過了不要說我亂寫亂改 : 我英文程度沒有那麼好不然我托易也不會考四五次都沒有過中級 : 升級的文件有收 ...