呃...6.35PRO要掰掰了嗎= =? - 改機

By Kyle
at 2011-04-02T10:12
at 2011-04-02T10:12
Table of Contents
呃.....這是愚人節的玩笑嗎= =
A offer I couldn’t deny…
Dear Users, I will make this quick cause it’s a rather sad story…
PRO CFW is now officially dead – Sony offered me and Virtuous Flame a deal we couldn’t deny, starting next month we will be assigned to the Sony Computer Entertainment Branch of Japan where we will be working to help Sony secure their firmware against exploiting like we did before.
I hope you guys do understand that this decission was a difficult one to make, but both I and VF aren’t too rich… and we have to secure our future somehow.
Greetings, Coldbird.
大意是說 開發6.35PRO 的 炎大 還有 Coldbird 被$ONY招募了!!!!!!!
6.35PRO系統 正式的結束= =
不過這是 4月1號發布的 希望是愚人節效果@Q@
原文網址: http://blog.coldbird.co.cc/?p=457
→ icq7584:嗯...一樓戳到重點了= ='' 03/12 01:05
推 s86283: 呃...二樓抓到笑點了0 0/* 03/12 01:08
→ greatonizuka:三樓戳到屁眼了 03/12 01:09
推 GabrielSP:...四樓塞到馬眼了 03/12 01:12
推 realestate:..五樓長出雞眼了 03/12 01:13
A offer I couldn’t deny…
Dear Users, I will make this quick cause it’s a rather sad story…
PRO CFW is now officially dead – Sony offered me and Virtuous Flame a deal we couldn’t deny, starting next month we will be assigned to the Sony Computer Entertainment Branch of Japan where we will be working to help Sony secure their firmware against exploiting like we did before.
I hope you guys do understand that this decission was a difficult one to make, but both I and VF aren’t too rich… and we have to secure our future somehow.
Greetings, Coldbird.
大意是說 開發6.35PRO 的 炎大 還有 Coldbird 被$ONY招募了!!!!!!!
6.35PRO系統 正式的結束= =
不過這是 4月1號發布的 希望是愚人節效果@Q@
原文網址: http://blog.coldbird.co.cc/?p=457
→ icq7584:嗯...一樓戳到重點了= ='' 03/12 01:05
推 s86283: 呃...二樓抓到笑點了0 0/* 03/12 01:08
→ greatonizuka:三樓戳到屁眼了 03/12 01:09
推 GabrielSP:...四樓塞到馬眼了 03/12 01:12
推 realestate:..五樓長出雞眼了 03/12 01:13
All Comments

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