同人 惡魔城3-德古拉的詛咒 - 模擬器

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2021-04-09T02:35

Table of Contents

Dracula's Curse 2020 - Tough Trevor, Ancient Alucard

A new release 0.4.5b is ready for download. (影片敘述有下載連結)

What's new:
- 2 extra skins
- 1 extra player
- 1 extra boss (taken from Las's version)
- Handshake cutscenes for Grant, Sypha and Alucard (also from Las's version).
Other players still use plain old text dialogues, which I implemented using
FriendlyCosmonaut's dialogue system.
- 2 extra regular enemies (hidden in extra stages)
- Another boss and another regular enemy added by me (both are merely reskins
existing ones)
- Multiple save slots (also implemented via FC dialogue system)
- Visual changes to a couple of stages authored by Las
- Switching paths on a minimap at crossroads
- When you finish the game, you start over at Warakia with whatever ally you
So you may now do some funny things like fighting Alucard with Alucard.

and also some fixes:

- Added one room transition (to help you mind the gap)
- Thrown subitems now disappear when switching characters to prevent bugs
- Trevor's powered-up whip hitbox is reduced
- Candle hitboxes are increased
- Jigsaws at Deadly Tower are slowed down
- No more crashing when merman fires a super fireball at you
- No more crashing when you defeat the hyppogriff while he is firebreathing
- No more crashing when resizing a game window in a room with water
and some more fixes here and there



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同人 Metroid Prime 2D Demo

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2021-04-06T00:17
另一款 銀河戰士同人 在四月1日愚人節推出 Demo https://forum.prime2d.com/t/prime-2d-demo-v0-1-21-4-1/6582/4 Metroid Prime 2D Demo Walkthrough No Commentary (HIVE Boss ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2021-04-04T15:03
雷電模擬器多開且使用兩個腳本同時運行,但是設置重開模擬器運行腳本卻只運行一個腳 本這是為什麼呢?一直測試卻都只跑一個腳本,求解謝謝 - ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2021-04-04T14:27
我試了許多方法都不行 我是用原廠wiimote透過藍芽連接到電腦 玩海豚或鴨鴨都沒問題 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8IMtTjUjDo 照這個教學 打開Mouse Patcher就出現patch error 進遊戲後wiimote完全沒反應 https://www. ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2021-04-03T21:17
我國小的時候 大約三十年前了 印象有玩到一款遊戲 是格鬥遊戲 主角是各種恐龍 遊戲場地是在競技場裡 恐龍的腳邊都會有一個馴獸師? 不知道有人知道這款遊戲叫什麼名稱嗎 謝謝 - ...

OpenBor 街頭快打+恐龍快打 2

John avatar
By John
at 2021-03-31T23:30
Final fight andamp; cadillacs 2 https://youtu.be/dAPECalRryI 之前 FFandamp;C的延續 加入更多可玩角色 AI改進 加入更多的敵人 更多場景 難度更大 下載 https://mega.nz/file/FRQDx ...